TH,. EDUCATION, AND 'A 7, i,- PUBLIC HEALTH SE7,-RVICE t 'Addiction Researcti Center IN RE3-LY:@NG. ADDREW THE Lex ingf on, Ken.tucky 18 June 1954 This will acknowledge'recelpt of your recent let2ter. I will aftempf-fo test the combinations menfloncd as r,5pidly as the press of othe-c projects permits. I will be somewfiat hampered in reproducing the exact conditions of the experi- ments, since I have so few subjects -*,@o respond sfron_qly to doses as low as those mentioned. As you know, I already 2 had adrenergic block! ng agent s In mi,-id. ancl. been cons ie-cr- Ing try I ng Rtg It lne htve found Tolerance expertmenf:$. are p@rocceeing well. that dovbiinq -the dose restores the mental effects only partially, and next 'week I int-end fo triple it. This will mean that one of th,e'pafienfs'wlll @,e recel,-ii;,,g from 3 to 6 micrograms per kilogr6m., an..d In o'ne Instance the fofal dose will be 390 microgr,@ms. I will look forviard to seeing you In July. 4 Very sincerely yours 14arr !s I sk