-1 L 4ATIONAL INSTITU OF HEALTH, to lkgpLX9*6. AODX]TS* INS 28 June 1955 ADDI=OM RESEARCH CENTER MINTAL KTALTR RATIO-$AL 114 VITU?93 Of 2 IL PU SUC 99ALYN SIltViCt MOS14TAL The sample of LSD rect ived from--. a be I ed LSD-25-6111 has now been tested.. e s e pa r a 'r-i'tn-e 'n s h a v a been done. In experiment I four white subjects received In rando.2-itzed orcter .9 Oacebo 25 mcgm of LSD-25-61; 60 mcgm LSD-25-61; and'60 mcgm LSD from our old;,stocks. As noted In the table average effect In these subjects appeared to be jt:st as great,,Plth the new matertat at th.-. 620-mcgn level.as it was at the old. In the second e)-,periment 5 experienced negro subjects.received 60 mcgm of LSD-25-610@ ln.table 2, the results obtained are cot-npared with those obtalked In a previous run with 60 mcgm of our standard material.. It Is again 2obvious that the new material is as active as the old. In experiment 3 four- of the su-bjects received In rarydo.'nized order 60 mcgm LSD-25-61 and 60 mcgm old LSD. In this experiment only -it is; obvious question.nalre And-cilnical,gra2des -acre used. Again that the new-LSD is at least as active as the old. In each exp@-.riment there was of lea-z-f cne@ lrtd-tvi-dual w-,ho s temecr to obtain more effect from the new LSD than from the otd, sugge:rftng .:,that the new material Is perhaps somewhat more potent2 than the old. The nu.-.iber of subjectt 1-.i a.-ty of ',%c three exper,inents is f a r +-Oo sr..a.! !- f c.- '@t I s po I n i i o bt s c t t i ed v a n .1 t o t es t I t ad equa t c I v. wou I d require preparing fresh- 3olut ions of old- and n'2cw LSD of a: range of dose leve-is, using a group of af least 12 subjects. @l do'nof b' e I 1'ev-e th I s wou I'd be wortliwh I I e fin let s. t here .1-s 3@on'e reason -to br. I levt LS.D.25 '61 d I f f ers chem, Ica I I-v,2 f rc,'-.n t he -,ia ft.r la I we h.ave been -us tng I hope It wlil'not-be, t-oo long before we'can have -a conference about the direction of the progran here. I should be able to under. take a new ser.i.es oT' experimc.nts in At,,aust or Sepfembei-. .1 will@ 2 b,,,-. awt-,,l fro;n Lexington from J!uly 7th thc.luty 13th and will be, 6%.ay f'rom Lexington on Septeniber 9s-h--a.-teJ- I-Oth and again on t\16yerithcr [8th and- 19th. I expe.c.t to be In Chica-,,,) In bot-1, Scpflcriber dn(I f@,,b v c,-,i b c rand could contact our friends fhere on el@her or bollh d.-i t c,,- Sincerci-i /ovrs. hl:rn COWA I SCN OF NEW At-,D OLD LSD Expertment@ t4o. I 25 Mc gm 60 mcgm 60 mcgm MEASURE@ PLACEBO New LSD New LSD Old LSD Kn4e Jerk 0.08 0.16 1.68 1,87 Pupils. 0. 36 0 45 2.48 2.77 Blood Pressure 0.03 1.24 1*94 1.86 Questions 1.0 2.o 76 48 Clinical Grade 0 0 10-12 1.25 ects Averages of 4 white subi COMPARISCN OF Nr-_W AtD OLD LSD Exper tme f- tqo.2 MEASURE 60 mcgm 60 mcgm Old LSD New LSD Knee Jerk 3.68 2.83 Pupils' 4.630@ S..76 St*-od Pressuee. 2.72 2.43 Questions 93 83 Clinical Grade 192 1.7 Averages of 5 negro subjects. CCMPARTSCN OF NEW AtO OL D LSD Experimcn@ No. 3 &EASURE 60 Mcgm 60 mcgm New LSD Old LSD Questions 152 7 lit Clinical Grade-' 1.75 1.5 40,