lb a r Nat Iona I I ast Itutc of M.,Cnt@ I t h Director NIJVH Addiction Research Center PHSH, Lexinicton Kentuckv Proposed Tr@,ans fer- of Dr*, Hi, F. Fraser to a Defense ?roject ..,Pursuant to your tglc,ohone I ns truct tons., 2 the fo I loving t n fcrrra f ir,,,i ,@l,hich lids a bearinc on the pronosgd tr4tisfizr of Dr, H, Ir'o Fraser to a V'efeiist Proie'ct li subgittfed. Dr., Fraser current2ly i3 dee ly invot p ved In another Defcnse ?rojcct which Is being carried cn u.-der a contraciuat arranremen@ rii'th Office of Naval Research, T2he coittr@!cf number is 131-53.' I t comes under Capt. C' . H. ,-.,.u lr.-.bys, H@z-.,.d, Phys To loe;y Zlra.-ich j f f i ce of Naval 2e*e.arch. Th,4 project has bccn2 carried on,,.since 52. T-he contract iras rinewed an August 9, 1955 -and prowl.@des su4ff-i.c7icr,,,f -fua4* to operate-,@t2he project to July lip l9-;p6. The object of.-he proltcf ts to dzvetop a synthetic substitute for codeine, Such a subs t I fute I s bad'i@-/ s 1,-C-- th.c cu2rren f s our ce of code I 'ft@' i's oo I u.,.n o r MO ro@. tn.e c!ettv',Id' fr--m SC VC"M f Y. ftvz per cent :;f th.- nation's r.@,411!ary and cli@vilia.-2i nee@is' for r.arcotic -ulrurs .are for 6odelme rdt:nzr for SI ncz. adzquate synihetic subs'4ifuic t-ould be at saic f r o-.i t .ooin2t cf view of toxicity' and this mcan3 That we riusf.'contlnu,-;. to Stockoi,e OPIL-M. In tbz cv--nt ry "I o-f war 2 the opl@u-i pro-."ucinc arc,,,3 -could be los't withir a v@. s' @@r t pcr-lod of t lr@z , I zav I nc 'he clun t ry ent i rc ly de-end-nt on s tock;)@l I -@--s of 2opi'u;-.i :3 a tot.-r@,c cf codei,-ic. If a ;;ynf'.-efic sul@ '.stiivte could be foun'@ wsi-ch Is o's safe as cod4lnc,, a,4eqUa@e M4,-IL-faCtUrl,-Ig 2 factiltigs for synth-ati-: could 4-11@ r,,zeds. To date the projccf hzs 'uncovered, --nc f.@z ether cf Drorroran, which -dy be gfrtctive In th-, 2 co v,7@h This drii-I Is in C is. L, @ti ii i Q !I t. C@t v-, 1, I a Li 7. %1. rc tcf oT' rni 1,4-,.r fyocs f pa i.-: 2 ,7.- s r e s 't- i of dextro-oropnxyp@@ene, a s .7, r.- h e t 1 a C rr, o o u.-i h -3 n Z o r i f ud I, c'A C;- the a 1-3ha-orc-,4 iic- I.-C' I 2n f Z -C r., C f 'r@ -Z 'I @:r C p e r sr e s u,,@ i Z Oi t; n c@@ z r n h 'C, h h Z o n y U:D 3 2 !,S L"-,' l@7 @) - I -. .. p o n r o c@- -z n o -&' i.-,S -e.-O cc cn z: -i v -,i s a v c L:,, n s vbn I t e d t o 2 i.4z L"ruq i%ddiciion Co -171 i t f C C 0 C a I s 4-. a r C C,-, - n c I a n all aru- thoucht to have ; oil e -.;;io t n, i i a 1 1, r I 5 3 I C u s t i'@ V T@S for 4C(3ricin-:. T,%c testir,.g of nizv s y n I&- h e t I C 1 ic dru,-!-, grainin- of- fhe Cffi.,cr o-,i f@ job 31 0 "ft tr 2 C a Is 0 'O 0 (I2 - a CL -4 CL!% n 2 0 04 C) n op A 2 C4 cL x 0 c 0.n - .% :3 'o C -S , 2 0 o n r4 - -1 0 -S :3 a = li CL 0 ap 2 Z 0 4ko -41 :x0 A 4c (16 !L at 0, up 7 - *,, to @-0 -u n vi4i f 2 CL 4% < 04 IC = n 0 ra co0 ft 0'0 It C A- Is 2 ickv3 Q - 4n t* 0. @ iL -4- -< -$- M -1 LO :0 4b C 2 (4 cr 44 C 2 cr #A WC -r n opn to -tip 4 0 n :r -V cb n xx ~o 2 CL r v- a 'o 0# & 2 0 a 01 - -% %0 ti C C it 0 co - A-I 0 CL. 'k) n -I 3 .0 2 I C in co f4 i% - C - or Go Pic 2 D"L) 0 et 0. n4% @ -0 C #4 44 .1 0 2 n .4-:3 0 n On CL 2 n n C :7 cu CL -n 2 -S CL to .1 0 0 0 Cb CL C 2 M loft3 0 -Co 3 a0 44 21