13 December 1956 Dr. Harris Isbell, M.D., Director Addiction iiesearch Center National Institutes of Nlental Health U.S. Public Health Service Hospital Box 2000 Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. Isbell: I am forwa-ding under 2sefarate cove- a 20 gm. sample of material that would appear to be of great interest to you. This compound is- reputed to be a very potent antago,-.ist of barbitur- ates. The p'.harmacologist who has been studying its action cl"ims that it is "Infinitely su,,,)eriorl@io megimine". lie.also sta46es tlizlt 2"it is not a convu-Isant material, it has very loiv to---icity and tnat it acts by displacing t,ie barbiturate from the site of action ratlier ti.,L,-in by gancral sttmulation'@'. I bav- more oO ths material on iiaad and it is quite readily ob- tainab"Le., "I -,v,&.Il be able to furnisli more precase infor 'mat4.on later but at present the above info-rna,6-'jon and the fact that the LD50 in the rat is orreater than 300 m /kg. is all tl-.-at 'L can tell you. 9 ,.t occurred to ,-ne that if thi's rnateriil turns out to be as aJ 2 vertised for the barbiturates, it mi--=@,:it be '%.-o 1'ry iy'. versus a.Icol-tol fcr hope that you are en -i a- I joyin- the Christmas '@7easo. id I stall& be in touch .vith you soon.' 2 Sincerely yours