DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SUVICE 1-') November 1959 lisdamak Ingicitits of.Meatil Health A4dL-tion Resewch Center 2 IU.3. Public NcL" servici Hospital 14xiagton, Kentucky Sub_tect: 1. Progress Report Abstract, Task .No. \TR 101-14'7, Contract NAonr-14-60, 2 /o 2.. Request for Renewal of Projec'k., July 10,o thrbugh June 1961, 3. Memorandum to Mr. Leonard M. Libber, Head, Physiology Branch, C@-!R Enclosed are copies of materials and forwarding memo- randuir. noted above, for your inforiration. Sincerely, Abraham Wikler, M.D. Acting Director 3 A@,1: rn Enclosures