DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PU13LIC FFEALTH 'SERVICE & 24 December 191-:,-'9 lisidegal lostitute of Mentil Health Addktioo R"Clrcb center U.3. PubUg Health Service Hospital L42inston, Xgnr"ky ------------- For your informa@ion, am enclosing the 'ollowing: 1. A copy of a paper entitled "Use bf a Benzimidszole Deriva- ,V 'Like Properties tive with Potent ,.orphine Orally as a Presumptive Reinforcer in Condit2ionirig of Drug-Seekirg Behavio"r in Rats" by Abraham Wikler., Phillip C. Csreen., Herbert D. Smith and Frank T. Pescort which will be presented at the meeting of the Corir,.ittee on Drug Addiction and NarcoLics, liational Research Council, National Acaderry of Science, in Philadelohia 11-12 January IG60, and incl2uded in the tl',.Ilot for Publica@ion" section of the'minutes of the proceedings; and 2. A copy of 'an abstract of the paper, for publication in Federation Proceedings (,Varch., 1960) and presentation at the ,meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experi- -Mental Biology in Chicago, 11-15 April 1960. 5 With best personal regards and all good wishes for the New v.ear, Sincerely, Abraham Wikler, M.D. Acting Director- All t k h Enclosures C