DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE @'ebrilarf 1 2L I#Stisall latdftte of2 Mental Health Addktion Renatch Center U.S. Public Health Service Hospital For i,o-,ir I am enclostno ccn-@.- ree-s",-. rra-le @ndd 2 c ti c-n d '@.arcs. -s. tlee on D r u,:; c n th e A d d 1 c t,.-L v e n e s s o f .'.nalceslcs.11 ?lease no+@e th-,t :--,-2 (NIl-' - '1' A-C)7') characteristics, accordi@-.o to the our pal,-ien'-s. L hear frequentli! 'ro.,i Doctor s'- England (a'-"'dress: -c@l 2 London, :,:rt-21end). @.1.1rith best re@ards, Sincerel@t yours, H. Fraser, M.D. Associate Direct9or H.7F :rn Enclosure