2 November 1961 tir. Leonard 't4. Libber Head, PI)ysi@logy Branch. Dept. of t',ie @lavy off ica of tla,ial Rese;;.rch V.IashinC-tort 25, DOCR Dear t-Ir. Li boer: . RiaT'erence: 0,',I'P,:441 :C-,@K:,-,inh Subject., 1. Progress Repor-t Abstract, Task No. NR 101-149, Con-'bract NAoir 21-61, 2. Request for Renewal of Project, Fiscal Year 1963 Outy lgr.-Z throL!,Zh J,.,.ie 11363) 2 In accordance with your Instructions ot' 2'.4 Septem:)er 1961 1 mi enclosing herewith the abstract refarred"'i-o above in th-- 44omi prescribed. ;I am also enclosing a copy of the Project Dascription, with request for reno"l of the ccntract fcr '&,ha next fiscal ycar (I July 1962 fhrough 30 June the original of which'has been foryarded to the of 1.1-on-ial ifealtl-i, Ba-ihosd@;3, for pro--assing throunh channels. Stncerely, Harris Isbell, M.D. Diroctor 2 Hl:rn Enclosures 2