C>2p-102 C>1p-102>1p, suspended in a 20 perce>2pn>2p@ solution of polyvinyl- pyrrolidone>1p, was orally administered to albino rats at levels of 10>1p.0>1p, 31>1p.6>1p, >1p1>1p0>1p0>1p.>1p0>1p, 316>1p.0 and 563>1p.0 mg/kg. Due to the limited amount of material, two animals were used at the>1p'lowest level and one animal, each, at all higher dosage levels. Two ani>2pm2als served as controls. The initial weight of the anima>1pls ranzed>1p' between >1p8>1p8 and 104 grams. Animals were weighed (Appendix) and examined for symptoms as required (Table II). No objective symptoms were. observed at the lowest level. Hypoactivity was apparent at all levels above >1p1>1p0>1p. >1p0 mg/kg within >1p0>1p. 25 to >1p1>1p. >1p0 hour and lasted from about 3 to les2s than 24 hours. The animals, although hypoactive>1p, were not let>2ptiargic and were easily aroused by such external stimuli as sudden move- >2pments or noises. During the state of hypoactivity>1p, the animals were observed to wash their faces more than normal. The male at the 316>1p. >1p0 mg/kg level and the female at the 563>1p. >1p0 mg/kg level, chewed excessively during this period. 7 The female at the 563>1p. >1p0 mg/kg level was hypersensitive to touch after 1>1p.25 hours and remained hypersensitive for about