October ORT ON c>1p-5 >1p(TETRAHY>1pDROCA>2pi>2p4NABINO>2pL>1p$ NITROGEN ANALOGUE) R>2pEP Experiments were designed to determine the dosage range required to obtain effects with C>1p-5>2p. to assess type and quality of subjective effects, time course, and to compare with effects of >2pC>2p-9>1p. METHODS. Subjec2ts. >2pI>2p->2plere 15>2p-Negro male for>2pm>2per addicts in good physical and mental health. All were experienced marihuana users. -None knew type of drug being given or effects to be expected. >2pI>2p->2pleasure>2p.>2p->2pnents>1p. Following observations were made at hourly intervals once before and eight times after a>2pd>2pministration of drug: >1p1>1p. Pu lse rate >2p">2p.fter >1p1>1p20 minutes in bed and after >2p2>2p. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure >1p1 minute standing 3>1p. Rectal temperature >2p4>1p. Pupillary diameter >1p5>1p. Threshold for elicitation of >2pI>2p<>2pneejerk 6>1p. Questionnaire containing items reported after marihuana and LSD 7>1p. Notes on behavior. 6 General Conditions. Patients entered the ward on day befo>1prz and remained overnight. They were awakened at 6 a.m., and dru>2pc was given with patient fasting. Patient re>2pmained in ward throug>2ph>1p- out observa>2pt>2pion period; free to mingle with others between obse>2pr>1pvations>1p. Page 2 >1pRe>2pz>2port on Dr>2pu>2pa>2ps>2p* >1pC>1p-5 was dissolved in al cohol In appropriate concen>1p- tration so that patient did not receive more than 30 cc>1p. with distilled H >1p0 and was drunk. Placebo consisted of s>2pl>2p,>2p.arch 2 suspension in water to si>2p=late appearance. Initial dose of C>1p-5 was >1p0>1p.>1p12 >1pmg>2p.>1p/70 kg. This was increased In stepwise fashion in subsequent trials until last patient received >1p1>1p0>1p0 >1pmg>2p.>1p/70 kg. For>2p4>2pty>1p-two trials were carri>2ped out on the >1p1>1p5 patients. In >1p1>1p8 trials dose was >1p1>1p0 mg. or more (to >1p1>1p0>1p0 mg.) per 70 kg. Results. No distinct effects were>1p.observed or reported with any of the doses used. Changes in measurements were indisting- 3 uishable from those of placebos. Because of the negative results, no co>2ppparison with C>1p-9 was made. Conclusion C>1p-5 appears to be a relatively inert drug in man* Future Plan>2pg>1p, None. H>1pl>1p:tkh