25 January 1957 Dr. Harris Isbell, ?vl. D.. Director Addiction Research Center viental Health National Institutes of I U.S. Public Health Service..qospital Box 2000 Lexington, Kentuc.',Y. 2 Dear Dr. Isbell.- I have finally been able to get a copy of a ,:-"-,per. reportinc, .t3 the first work 0,-l the barbiturate in,iibitor which I se,.it sor,-,e weeks ago. I 1,,ope that this will provide sufiici,.nt in2forrnation so that you can proceed ,vith sor&)e experim,,%rtal vtork. As I get more inforn-,ation, I will pass it O.1. The Particular cor-npou..,,-i that you h,-ve is the pla,-,,.i 1, I'* el,.do;@y-hexahydrop'litA@Ialmide ar,.c! is 2 of the same batch that v,,as u-s,@,,d in tLe rei)orted experirnents. I hope that I will get a chance to visit YOu in the rear future. Sincerely yours, Co,?:O,v of pacer on barbit,,-,.rat-- i.rhibito- 0 DecTa!;sifiea Uy -187475-, TSS/ (2 J a,-i 5 7) Date 4 FEB 1977