Depoll.0 of HEALTH, EDUCATION, A@4D -:LFAFI PuL Heatil@ S'ervic.e,. .NAT IO NAL I NSTI T U TES 0 F HEALTH 31 January 1957 lt4 PtgPt.Ytf4,X ADDITISS THC MAlftONAL INSRITUT2Z OF MENTAL HEALTH Acoicnbm Rt$gA)tCH CIMT11t U.S. PIJSUC HEALTH SgltVICt MOSP47AL p'0. Sol zooo LaximsTo;q. Kgnrucxy The information"oh F-230 which you sent on January 25th Is most helpful. Do you have2 any information about supplies of this compound7 Since our dogs run between 7 and 20 ki-lo-grams and since the dose in dogs seems to be izt the order of 100 mg./kg. we would be using approximately an average of 1 gra.-,. per trial, we could, therefore, test about 10 dogs. This number might2 be insufficient. I would like to obtain more of the conpound. %Ieanivhile we will begin some .very simple preliminary work with the amount on hand.. I am getting into about the same s-ituation with BOL. Prel'iminary work with this compound indicated that mild LSD-like effects began to appear in hum,;En subjects with total d2oses of about 4 mg. I have written the Sandoz Co asking if they could supply more of 'this compound, and am withholding attempts at blocking the LSD-reaction with BOL until I hear from them. Results wl-"th 'LI'le second batch oj' Olioliqti seeds were identical with the results obtained v;ith the first lot. With doses up to 5 grams total there was no evidence-of any psychosomimetic activity. Doctor Wlkler will be in lilashlngton from Februarv Lith to the-8th. He is on a pror,.,otion '.-oard and could probably be located at the PHS headquarters, If you desire to see him for an reason. y 2 Very sincerely yours, Harris Isbell, Director Hl:rn