EFFECTS OF ACUTE AD&IINISTRATION OF BAS IN &AN BAS tl-Benzyf-2-methyl-5-methoxy tryptamine') was synthesized by D. W. tlooley of the Rockef e I ler' Institute. He found that lt@ was an effective an.ti-serotonin when tested against carotid artery rings In vitro. He also found that BAS 2 blocked the blood pressure elevation resul-fing from Intravenous administration of LSD in dogs. Wilk.Ins,, In Boston, studied the effects of BAS as an antlhypertensive agent. He found that It did cause $19wificanf reduction In blood,pressure of hypertensives, and that, when admin-istered. chronically In doses ranging 2 between 40-160 mg. daily (total dose), It Induced effects. resembling those caused by reserptne ('intolerable' sedation, snuffy no se, gastrointestinal symptomso etce)o Our experiments were carried out In order to study the effects of an acute or subacute administration of BAS In human subjects, and were preliminary to experime2nts tn which the substance would be used In an effort to block the LSD reaction (see other report). Subjec-fs used were all former-morphlne addi-cfs who h,,ad been withdrawn fr,--,m opiates and had been abstinent from that drug for a period of at least three months. All were Negroes ranging In age from 21-40 years. All were In 1 an excellent state of physical health, and none had any c vidence of a ma jor osychos Is @70 ge SAS was administered orally. Single dosese.ranging between 5-400 mg. which were Increased gradually in step-wise fashion between experiments, caused no significant effects, during the first 8 hours after administration,. However., after the higher doses patients bega port 2 n to re the development of effects occurring 12-16 hours after taking the drug. These effects Included dizziness, feelings of fatigue,. nausea$ and diarrhea. The observation sch edule was accordingly changed and patients were studied from the 12th fo the 20th hour after oral admin2istration of 400 mg. of the drug. llb significant effects on temperatures pulse, respiratory rate, restinq blood pressure, puptilary size., or kneelerks were observed atthough many of the pat.ients did report fatigue., mental depression, and nausea. Effects of repeated administration of doses of ISO- 200 m u2qs wer,e !given at eight-hour were then studied. Dr' Intervals. No objective effects and no subjective reports occurred afl.-er the first two doses. After the fhird dose, however, began to report weakness,. fatigue., @dizziness., mental dullness, nausea,.and diarrhea. These effects persisted for two to'fhree days 'after fhe d5rug was discontinued. No objective changes were observed on pupillary size reflexes, resting blood pressure, temperature, pulse, or respiratory rate. Discussion. In large dO3CS-, SAS lndu-ces marked subjective effects without any great objective change* tt Is not clear how these effects are produced; they could e'lther be central or peripheral. It should be noted, however, that althougs BAS is a powerful anfi-serotonin (as Ts LSD) no symptoms resembling those seen after LSD were.6bserved.