CCUPA21S-." s.,f AL#@%,-52 A@D L '4,)-2S ALD-52' I I-Acttyl lystrl;lc acid digthyl4miflao Cb4e.,.pa r t a Ca of this drug with Lr&t) was underta2ken In arjcr t S ob.ut structure-4cttvlty relatiaships In this series of Psychotacnlm*tlc'$* Subjoctsi were t4ei;r4 farmer morphine addtctso if( ,of uh-0 'had been abstingbt FFCM 4,@Pl&tC3 for 6t lttast SIX months prl"r t-o 4,hi:st All In gqod phystcal health dai acge had eV I clencq of 44Y All wsre ex;)trl4?2nced LSDP Subjqcts zero cbstrvi4 in a s?ccidt a xp r I *oil,--h they entgrc,@i on tht nlmht bit. re t @,R f -.1 f. All were fj.-tlllsr tith the *ftvlr-r.".Ient an,4. Pr...-Cedures. a t I0 t 3 Wert r.4*t aware wh*t 4ro2s #ere btlng givcnj, 4)th,@duZh t;%ey ex,-iectei the drugs t,@, have LSID.Ilk* cff4etso ':@f thC 5 any @>4r ;-u t sr F,.:ur a II -?!ts I. 5 L Dru@.s wire a4-inistired i@,rally at 3a.fl wh,-" p,iftents -;ere f.@is", 16 44 C .7 40 ri 40 2 tf 40 244 46. 16 46 ri 2 .0. fi. 44. 16 #0 2 cr a t,t :10 C't AP 4A 4q- 46 2 %P 40 to 4$. 0 At 4ok VI 2 tj O" 4 40 tt 40 4@ 2 0 16 fa 16 0 16 to 16 -. C 2 4Lf 30, VI 16 or. 4r# 2 I ,&. sn OD C3t so is a ax 4w b* W 10 OL O- in Ment4i phcnqiena .bserved 4(ter AL. fhzsc seen affcr L'JD and ccusisted of dnxlgtv h4.1ic $4?nsiatl:rso, Confusion,, clear sens-rium, ballueloattans chiefly vtsual to chardater- at9c.0 efc. rnclusicn, ALI,)-il,7 Is -an active psych@t..@,tlL;ef;c Iru:; wsich tg 4it lffi&t OS POICOT OS L SO-TS ilk StJ,4 kdf AL"'.52 6t-.'Z' 2 L A L 100 ri C f@!tl #/k P IOU -IC 1 4 21 14 '),75 0.34 2,39 -4 O.S "A@.60 t 4 6 0.5 ..44 k). 7 4. fi.( ;.83 4. 0.3 4.35 0647 4,30 0.55 1;;. 95 4. 0.5 26 4 Olt 04 0,'@4 4@ 0.3S 32 4 0.36 2.01@l t 11.03 4. 0.57 017 -C 7 1.4 3 0 S 4 5 5( 17 0 4 S4 11 9 4 0 2 o. 7 4. C), 7 u Nt-mt, a r s I a parentheses. indicate tvv-.,@,@iber sublo,,cts. lc;ures offt means 411 stat'.@lisrci trrcrs.