09 'APTED BLOCKING Of LSD REACTICN ATTE BY RETREA17A[NT VITH SOL Purooset To datermlnc if three days pretreatment wifh SOL would attenuate the LSD reaction* Background: Ginzet and 2&layer-Gross have reporfed that fwa days prefrtatme nt-with 3 mg. of 80Lplus an addlt.tonal i m an the day of the test, atfenuated or completely blocked the reaction lftduced by sma.11 doses 140 to 50 mcgm.) of LSD. We atte@pted to reproduce their experiment*, using doses of 1-1.5 MCGI.10 of LSD, but could show no significant blocking. Four of the 8 pat-tenfs used, however, had very minor rca:cflons to LSD. The experiment, therefore, was repeated using larger doses of LSD In order to Insure a fairly marked degree of reaction. METI@-MS Ten Negro male postaddlctss i had been all of whor, ab'stinent from opiates for.at least six months., voluntecred as --b f 0,- "$Lc a!; were in good menial and phys teal condition,, alid'all had expericneed LSD-affec+s prevlousfy. 1 T -L f. i 7 Prucs were all given lr, solution. Ciia mg. c' 'OU was administered at 8 a.m. a.-id 6 p.m. for three days prior to -.the LSD. C)n the morning of the test I mg. of BOL was given at 6 otclock, and LSD was given 9 0 clock. T,ic doze of LSD was 1.5 to 3 mct- to Induce .,M. ./k 9, LSD doses were chosen so as I t a S t S. "Gra