24, JulT 1953 C: An Acco-=t 04," t. al Divi!sioals COM@,@,mcts 2 :Lu -.be :raticzal of F--nl th Tb=ml;:h the e-ffic.-_-_:it t,-e T,4ais= L it -.-as =c-lo 7co5ible -3, vVgSdlok V,-3it %,-ar-,,cua c--P F--alth U:@;r-ES Rospital a' Le:cin#qn --n 4,7 19,r@3. -Lbe 2 7a=-Zoze of this 74-sit 0,4 @n a secu:re of o@%= lnte---est in ana su;@oorl. 04, 4te rese:L--C!l 2. 'Dr. 'Willi= Seb=el"..., '.miree.= of vas inf2o of the 4--I-e=e st in D= Isbell- a a ilsfan3ive azzects of "".,he and A. I- tai- crf -la3. 2 PrO= -m o@, crix fin,--nc p;,rt o. !I@o d- -5 -zea- vere divalzed., but SAbrell r--m-zroved of our ui=s an& inaica-,,e4 t.%at he vould affo=-2. us full auppo--t 'protectio.--. Be@ ad-e-sel us tn,--e-Dr. Ja-,es shoa2.a b.-ft b-.t the P.;ency In oe.Ler to nW,.-a secu--e th@-2 ad-4n-ts+,rati-ie sid-- of the progr.,=. 3- !IL-,. riorse, of th-- L o el fc:7.- th-- P'.Z@ose o-6- to 2 to <.-ar r-, bin o-Z our h--!c- -44-all --t o.-i - sh:tn "Wo Dr. e.. the F@e us tl"-.%,2& be ba..,6 tal:@:ed to Dr,, anA- ha@i aseer@.a4-.=.ed 14-lbat Ch--,@,=-= ".,Oula be =o--e '.,a dro-i cz;r I.-..-erest cr c--nnec"%,Oi= -t:?,.:@t he had@ 2 ever ha-4. in a= pro-4cat..-- Y-o,-Se said -@w'h-at h-- voul& ea" Dr. Cha@;r.=n an the l@elep!:o=e -'@-o a= a,-rival at bi= of our v,-'slt 2 and confi.-m t.-is ion. that d;:@y., Dr. TT,--ris vas visitc-I e@. the uo SW Zej--,-j'.ce Zoz-ptal a-- 1 nt D=,* S' S- 1 ',D r . - C VMS @.)la -,ga e lay alorz e:,if--'eran:t li:,-es. c@.-A d7ae -uo t-@-- o-.LO +.-L%,e vork, he ara -.a,-i. 5 St I;:,.-11. ir-,-s @:r 3 f of t!:e Oro---Osed 2 w-orl-- v;@-,ic2i ta 'eb cf th,3 cL;on!!= gimn to hin b7 D--. G-o-W A.-- on '-"is fi=3t visi*Vf Che=Lcal D i,; 2 i c;-,. T S A -1 1=,* ee 0- CD 2 [)-classi.'ied @YFEB-I'STT data