4. September 19 5.3 V,emrandi= For the iecord Subj;ac 7isit to "ti-,e Tjs-p.,-Ts@ 2ns KY.- 1.--.,Me writ 0- and Dr@, Felikan visited D Isbell at Le.@d@-ton on tb. e 2.nd and 3 i-d of September to observe and discuss project '(b)(4) @-,ood deal of the sin-le dose work '4-k2ai no-.; been done c-Lr-d several L-iterestiA-ig developm--nts have occurred. 2. The ex,@erilnen-@ was sta3@ted by esta7olisl&@,4inZ-tl.-.e slib-4ects in the test iiard and-allm.-Ir.g them 121-10 become used to the pe.-sonrel, envi.-onr-pn-i6,, tta. for a fpw 'o L .ieeks Me nor.----,l v--O ues r4ese sub-4sc-ts 'or a large batter,,r o' tes-a were tl-Len deter--Li-ned. The tests irclud- cal -.ieuro psyc!7,oloZical., and 'such Ihiri;_7d as clinical obser!2,rat4-on a.-id :Zgf etc. The were then z-iver. daily doses of LSD and -.,nlacebo and the tes-@'.inr conti.-r-,ed. ',he doses -iven were loo -,2=@z -ort o -,e first of the order of All of theusual s. to=s were re., ed n tl dcse-,ho,,:ev-P..-,. -.,t,.en tl-. at same dose wq3 repea; ed c,.i the next day.., no s@r,.Ptoms., develooed.. I2n t,ie courz'e of fur@,her testlna it beca--e more evident that a toler---ice ,;-.,as rap-j@.dl7- develo;:sd b-,r the.=bjects. At the present ti=e. t.-,e:data after-a dose o., ICO -a.=.a on.a gi-,ren day., at leas' 4 2 days have to elaps- be,o-re he w-LU a--aL-i s7.,-Vtoms of the drue'. iVe observed one sicoi-.ct -;,.,@o das showing no Q 0 w symptoms on 135 gar@-.a 2P-fter haring had 80 -ar,--a the previous d@r,- and t.-.en ,,re sa!Ar 0 b-Im +the ne-.ct day after he had beer. Eiv,-,n 18.ni ga:--.-,a. T'ne OnlyL S-j-r,@-to -e;as r-is h e shm.,inz a%'O this level ,crere sli@ilit 1--atellar hy:--errefle,-da and -,.rer,,- 2 .1 He :LrdT-cal;-.ed i--i all @l-,ese trini s t7,oa@.. h-e f elt-;fo drug action on ;rig inal reaction in PIT dep artr4.nts. it. seen 80 dose2 he had repor,,6.ea intense at firs'. -Zlarce '.,,-,at this I-,ropeA--4,-y vicu2.d i=pose a --iost 3eri -Gus usefu2-,iess o' tl,,,,- Dr. I%,j'ikier ',,ia@5 go.-ten very intereatina results from photic ati,,=I-at4-on %b--Ie r=uttnz t"--te =--@;s on reacti;ig His aeneral conclusion is that LSD -ater,@.- r tiates '-.he -.@4su@l -'.Ilusion"s6b--2olg-@t on by this 4-,-re of st-t-i.'Ulat--on. C., eL a-aaiect had clo-.,,as ar.,-4 approached an e-il tic s6-:6zure under t,,,,.is treat,-ie.,it. !ie' sa-tr 2 e-e himself becor.-@e f irst 1-"rc-er and, -then ,ro res3ivel:@ sr:al I er =-,Vi I he had to co@4- clude that' he -vas observ:Ln3 hi.L-self in the e.-br-,,oi-,ic state. po:Li2t cL n-a-,i witli a shotE,.Ln e,.,.tered the picture L-i a threaterang ..za-T a,-id the patient -@ras so close. -%Io cc.-,rjl-s-@Lon +,.-:-a a.--,er:Lment had to be--@.-erTlirat,-,d. iTne 2 s,-,b-ect i-nt-er- d u@, -4 r et e "e e 4, .6-sode as ar.. a-li,.tez@p@- on !,,.is mc'-.'.-Lert s part to aoor-@- she ;.r-'@s :arr@,irL.-Z =e also felt. t,iat Dr'2. @ii:-.Ier i,;as S'zLocl,.irZ him- with t,-:e elect.-odes ar.- ti- a:- @D'r. -;.i!der) subconar-:.---as- --@.A-:totht-r -'--ub ii@d.t E7ot. a -s t@@-or@ - d' L 'th regard -La LSD is cr:Lticr-1. D.-. Isbell is in cort--t 4 e su-- ion -ren- P17 at Spn-"'oZL and has been -rcrdsed ua,-.eria. ecw,.e7a-v able r but the outlooT.-. is not c-cod. -A sup,-,l-r of LAE --as 2 also 'cee,.i orde.-eti and e 4--,=-e y is ver,- Ln ti-is ccun@@r at L@"4-tp or-:?sent ou'..Icck iln. -r more is vs-r- good. Dr. Isbell- r-la2nd to go to hizh doses of LSD to "lest-reversal of the tolerance, ---.-.so. the e.-.c,-e-ri--ent is usl-io- :-,uch o.--.' ira'@'- Ln:-!4ca-l-led. I.? 2 tz .1 if Sar@di:@z can sup- y all of LSD tha-L, 'r!,az been crr-@@-,red,, it -robably i-rill not '--e .!.,I -ossible to co@-.pi;@te the present ex,-eri@ien.* as or4-,,-inpli- -la!@-ned. LAZ -;ias 'il 1 6his aap. ordered- as a f4-sl- a-.e.-m" to L 5. u,- results so far, it ',-a2s been Iourd tnal@ to'L.,----ance de,,-elo,?.Vs on tl-.e first dos#- of L-@D a.-id. four or 6'-L,@-e days are re,:!ui-red to o,@ercor,-e i+. 3ve-n a increase-in dose, LSD nlas -,2?hoti%- car--4---s ',he- i--, t,--I.e ana b.!F -o Pntlc'es @-e been ---hose 2 4-- -;-,he si-ze @@nd colo-r c-I h=-nds ar.@4- A'o---t3 ard L@3@W in !id,---@on -o toxic r C- as e-db- ef4'ec'-.s --f . I 2 , ne blood c',-anzes 'n-ave 'cl=,r;,. T'-.ere s -,ic @-.-css n:-,::. 4 n er, - I 1-@ - - 2 d sor.-- ti= t as IC. -a! cl-lar-Zps --4 2 'c. e e,@ n CaL .rs a.L -e is 115 rre---zL, -about 100 ze.-,=a @-nd -;W-he pulse rate in;:reases alone: the res-.'Lra-l-wory -ata. The e- ,-,upil sar-- dil;*".ed by about Fy-@,r e L.,.,ays to occ-I 2 fl .,-la seer,.-s a D-. 7zi'--,-ll -.:ill f-'--l h; ray d -:@ -t- -,@ si 'oreE@14 do-,i-i !le aiso@-'Ians @-c carry o,:i-L2 t,-,p ctrori-r-- testin,-,, -@ore or @-vhe L@,D Fe T n e 1 S,747a- 1 'd .--4-EB "977 2 7-, Dr. Is'--ell has talked to Cbarley-,iint,-.rs c f '@,.e r 14 s accut the new Yialline .r4 Fe fo tlnd -tliat'all of ..de -vat:Lves +,Iat were discassed at tlie last.=-et4-n., t.he Ecod r,-zt--rials h--,d already been tt,.rned ov--r to hi-=. He felt tillat there ,,.,o,r-:ld be profit to us Io try r,-.o re -, fi erLate.-i;zl s,, sirce none em 41,11 Uni' r:,-.'Ly, tl,.ey '.,zave such serious side and o f tl-, show an-y'rpal pro 'se. A.0 -to uee. "e poin, @--c's th,.,, the- a,,e c@L.,:te darc.,erous o after ef' ut that --"NM 0 2 .6 -46estin, one of the ace-@@,jlr--thado"s in a -eal-.4@ent, alirost lost. ""tI.ie -rarL and '-lad t,,) nal,-e awild teleyl-one cnll to Le:cLrivton to tl-id out wha4v to do to br-ir..o, eman cat of it. S. 'ihe8 writer r;akes '@.umble apology for the iritverminable leng+,h of this rcport. 7@- ifej by -1 8747-li dalci --FEB 1977