HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND lvvELF/ PuaLIC HEALTH SERVICE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY t6 September 1953' PusLic HeAt.Tm SERvict HosriikL NIMH A2ddictio@, Res ea re.h Ceii te Ycu.may be interes-fed In the pr,,)cress of our exoerimen@s with- LSD f'o date. Originallywe had'planned to determine the @hreshcld ddse for each2 oati.ent individually, and this was atteinoted e-3cly in Augus't, usin ty of LSD which 9 a s u-.,)p was more thcin.,@two years old. 2 3W Negative sub;ective reports were obtained with doses of 20 to 70 micrc-crams. Finally, patients were given 100 micro- grams in divlded doses, with marked subjective2 effects (as well as oblei@tivel appearin-C, in all 5 patients'. We then a t fzmo fed t,-@ t i t ra t e, t h e e-l@-Tec f s 1 n each, gi,ting doses of 80 to. 90 micro!Crams2 V z r:y_ little effect was. observzd. Thesz doses werz adr-.lnlst-@red on the day following the IC'-,@ micro- cram,dose. These doses were r'aised:.progressively until 120-tc 130 microcrars were beinc civen to 4 of'the sub ects and 2 90 to the other, wlfhoull any sicnificant effects of any kind. It was found that the time of day did not alter the lack-of effects a@ndl also,, that a fresh supply of LSD produccd no c2han--,e tn the effects, or lack of therri. Since the lack of effects nic?ht be due to tolerance, adminis- tr ation of the drug was @4is@ontinued and after five lays was acain 2 wtih m,@rkp,4- subie-cf tv,--' MbTv.,cf-lvo., chances ai:Deeri--, with doses of 90 to micr.:)c-,rams. a n - 'Wh I I e tests of the drur- in indi,viduals 2 'W,@o had not been tt h,4d s-ho win i t r receicinc n a 0 c s i v e r i u I t s The findincs --w@e r.! %se ry @st.#-ces iy T r .;a !'c@4 dz v 2 m elc@z, e,-4@ of folerarce. It -'was$ therefore necessary fc obta in neasuremen@s af'ler .1 single doses at widely scattered intervals. As Iona as t@@z 0 intervai'vias as much as 3 days, flizrc wa-s no notice@ble D-eci.a@3i4lied bY 4-7e@,l 87475 date decrease In effect, but there may be some decrease -in effect -f the -dru@ig Is' admtnlstered everyl third day.. -Whe-n §Ive; at proper in terva Is LSD I ndtices,. ver@' def in I te blood pressure rise, poolildry dilatation, Increase in deep tendon reflexes, and diminution in superficial skin reflexe2s. T@e puoillary.effects and blood pressure'effects appear to be suitable for measurements of tolerance. LSD aopears to' fac,ifitate synchro'm-'tzation of the efectro- encepha.locram by photic- stimulation. Photic stimulation also seems to' ienhance, the percept !on o f e I emet,2 ta ry ha I I uc Ina f ions . Apparently the supply@of,LSD is quite limited and we may be unable to obtain sufficien-t amounts of the drug to carry out the study as art'ginally planned. However, we believe we lish the fol tcwing: have sufficient material to accomp 11 Effects of l2arger doses in non-tolerant patients.; 21 Determination of whether tolerance occurs after one single dose of LS;O; 31 Controllecf@studies -of toterance.develoorent in 5 patients- 4 1 Comparison of I f h L,2(E -Sincerely yours, Harris Isbell m2.D. Director of Research t)eclassified by 18747Z- date