Septa.--'-%er I-T, i Dear P,,-- t' to Y an-I E-i re-oartael JLo fully 0:-@ t""L rcce,.L"; 2 c;.,.id I am J04%,.ti-rz you to imT.7. I feel as 'Yao-LSh yoj-- iS v,.r, tci taa imdic@l.i 2:,.s o' -a ra,,)id3.y i;3 o-L' e.--er-.t =ce @o Lts. au su:@-e t'i,-' L J4- 1 you t.:) Z to CC.. 2 u are). his to =.a yo-,.Ir 1-ia loo@% to da@Va I-Inec; :@y f-a2: irS 2 indicr@.tea lie C Vo, @Ir Z 0 1, month@. 3 ha3 kzijt -will b-- do,. @m to yoi-, --nd -.0-4-r in 3 n--:zt -.,onth ih c o n -a',; 4 -on s-:7 a.,.i c--, c e Ile a i.- t o.@,. t hi!3 dea azezl to you