PROJECT MKULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION JOINT HEARING BEFORE THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE 2 AND THE SUBCOMM17rEE ON HEALTH AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THY C03I.AfITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES 2 'UNITED STATES SENATE NI.NFTl'-FIFTII CO.NGRESS FIR.@;T AUGI'ST 3, 294-7 2 'Ek Printed for the u-4- of ttie Conitnitte(- on Intelligence aiid C%iuimillet, on liiinion Re--4)uref-.- U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 96-40F 'WASHINGTON 3977 1'.1, G@,%i@rtinieiki llriiitttij: OfFiep k N,, 4 17 1.% S, Ile, 4(1(i, 1.141]i ('.@ng . 2ft sfss, lliwiti@ Clinit-trint, 2 ITITICII In,ii:tyi.-i N4.N% Jrr,py %Nf I- NI,C. Ni.kT]11.ks 3R.. '.Nlaryland 2 1,, ltli,i N. Jii,. 11. 1.1 (;Ali. lr ffltil, 2 io.N %"(fi@ K N,-w Y,,ri, lt@\1 A K Cnl4f,,ri,i;i J7 1) i, cc I rr '41 It, Nil I II I III \1@l It ANil S( It NTit'it 2 \1@ll s "CA\, Yt,rk (ex ll,IP,"Xi ITZ@ 3 Stnt -%fCtf?ti(r CONTENTS Page Adi)iir,,il 1-tnns2f)eld Turner. Dirpetor, Central lt)t(,Iligence Agpney ae- mnil)axiit-d liy : Frai3k I.auliitig(-r, Off!(-q- of Tt-chnical Ceri- 2 tr,il Ititellilzirim Age?t<-@- : Al Otlit-P (if Cei@tral Intel)jget)(-t- Agency , Erne@t NIi)-erheld, OM(-e iif General 2 ('oiji)spl. Cf-nirii Intelligence Ageni-y. at)il (,(-orgt, Cary, legislati%-e Agi-ii,.y -------------- ------ ------2 Pliililo f(irmf@r Ceiitr;il Intellig(,Ij(,e A@-ell(-@ ------ Iif I Jo)lii t;ittiti;rt-r. ftiriiier 2 (etitritl A;:(-iii-y -------- 51 ,AlilK@ii(lix Tegtiiig ,ktiti T'ge of aii(I AC(@nts I)y ttif. Intelligence ('(tii)iuuiiii@ ------------------------------------ 67, Alwiv(-ii(lis Referritig t(i Di,.-c(ivt,ry of Additionii AIKI'I.THA 2 103 ----------------------------------------------------- 2 Referriug tA) Subl)rojt-ct ------------------------ log .%I.iterial 1.4iiiiiiiitted for the Record Pq%cliolncienl Ag@essiiients ---------------------------------------- 17 "7@riitli" lortia, iii Ititerripg:itit,ii ----------------------------------- 2:, Cotistrii(-ti(iii of (,(iriii@iii 2----------------------------------- Sf# ---------------------------------------------------- 41 ii) Fi@rpjs:ji (4,i)iilrips --------------------------------2 43 ------------------------------- 369 Teriiiiiiite(i Bek-,iiie (@f Their I'arti(-ilbition iii '.%IKI'L2TR.A, Szil,i@rf#je(-t 3 --------------------------------------------------- I-,o QKIIII,LTOP I)efiilitioil ------------------------------------4------ 171 PROJECT MKI'LTRA. THE CIA'@G PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL AIOI)IFICATIO'.N WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1977 2 A\-It 'Washington, D.C. iiiet. I)iii--iiaiit to notice. it ():()7 a.iii.2 in rooili 120-). S(@ii-it4@ Iiiiilkliit,,, S(,ii;itoi- K. iiioiive ((,Iiairtijaii of t))(. se](@(.t 2 oil Present: Senitor., Inouye (presi(ling), Kennedy, Gold%vattr, Bavh. Hatliawav. Hiiddle,-toii. flart. S:cliweiker, Case, Garn, Chafee, Lu'g2ar and Wallop. Also pre.-ent: Williini G. Ililier, staff director. Select Committee on itil li("Iltll S,.I(.Ilt lfi,- -iii(I stitt nienilwrs of Senatoi- The Senate St,le(-t ('oliiiiiitt(@e on Intelligence is meeting todiv a2nd is join(,d by the Siibco))imittep on Health and S(.ielltlfi(' rx(,, liv'Stiiit4)r E(]iN-.,irti Kennedy of saciiii2,@zetts and Senitor Richard Seli,.-.-eik(-r of Peiin.,;vli-ani,,I. ',enator li.itli.iw,,iv an(I Seiiitoi- ii-e iii(@iiilKr, of lsotli coiiiniittees. We 2 fli-C to ])Cii, 1(,,@tiji)oi)v fi@oi)i iii4- of Iiit(,Iiigence. A(lill. St,illsfit,](l ii)(2I fl-01)) otl)(@l- Oil is.-lles concern- in-- neia- documents qiipplie(i to the conitil-ittee in the last week on drug testing conducte(i 1),v t2he Central Intelligence A,-encv. It should be made cleir from tli(, otitqpt tliit in general. we are fociisiiig on (,vp))t,; tliit 2f)i-t@r 12 oi- II-; loi)t- a@ 2;-) venr.,. ago. P. It, .;bntild be enip)i.,iF;ized tikat the progrim.,; 2 t)t.,it are of -reatest con- cern have stopl)cd and titit ire re%-icwitilr tliect- past events in order to I)etter iiiider5tind what -ti2tiiiesin(i otlier giiid(,Iine-@ might IV neces!znri- to prevent t)ie rertirr(,n(,e of stiel) abt)!zes in the futiirt'. We also neea to knoiv and2 tindi@rstan(i wliit is now being done bv the CIA in the field of belini-ior.,il research to be certain that no curr'ent abti,-,e.Q are occurring. 2 I wnnt to coi)in)piiii A(li)iir,,il Tiirjitr for IiiF, fijll cooperation with thiq mmmittee and with the giil)eoyiiiiiittee on Health in recognizing 2 that this iqsue needed oiir ,itt(@ntinn. T)ie CIA his n!z;isted otir colli- mittee,.; and qtaff,- in their investi-ative efforts and in arri%-itig at 0 remedies whicii will vrve the b(@.@f interests of our coiintrv. 2 of III(. 91)llqes of tit(. (ii-lir, to-,tin,- pro- 2 i(IlIZI" I.ocYT"IM5,. and Of Otlli',' i(.(.I- fol. 2 foi. ill ill(, Con- IK.(,ji wot-kiT)- 2 wit,, foi. Of ill(, 2 of t)l(. l'iiiti-ii St;iti-@. it @0011 of ill(' i%'tll tilt, ili,l .%tliilii-;Il ill plicill(r this new tli:lt 2 if fill, 11(ilillititt"k. :Iilll tilt- i@ in lw (.011fl,](,Ilt tli:lt qll \N-it05l 3 ll'(Il'(, ofr(-tisix-e. Foi- extinple, heroin 2 W(.I.(@ eitti(.I@il ifitt) ill 1,Sl) exl)ei-iiii(@iits in order to ,Pt :1 ),lost distiii-l,iii,, (,f all tlii@ fa(-l tliit tli(@ extent of ex- ,@r iilleiiii I 1(1(1 oil )iiiril:lii Tli(- i-t-cor(Is of all 2 t -;(, @s wei-(@ in at t)ie instruction of tIleTi CIA I)il.(.@-tol. II(,Irlis. III oite of joei-sist(,nt iii(Iiiiries bv Si both tl)(, Siilx-,)jjiiiiittt.(. 111(1 tll(, Coiiiniittee. 2 no a(i(litiol),Il i-evol-ti@ ol. ilifol-1)),itioji w(@)-e Ai)(] DO ODe-- )lo sin"](, 1)(@ ft)iii)(I wlio t)i(- detiiis. not tli(, ]-)ii-(@ctor of the CIA. x%-Iio ot-41ei-e(I tli(@ (lestroved, not 2 tli(, oflik-ial i-esl)oii@iiil(, foi- tlii- not- anN. of his .is:soeiaies. We I)PlipN.P(l tlllt ti)(@ ill( -,is i2t xv:kg. was as COMPI('tt- it to 1)(,. T)it-yi ojip in(livi(iii 1. through Freedom of In- formation r@@tiest, nc2eoriipilslif-(] wl)-,it tvvo 1'.S. Senate committees could not. ]I(, siviit-t-(,i] tli4, ifit() ;I(ltlitiollil Joel-- 2 t.,IiTlill" to tli(@ Cl@k', of witli Iiiiiii,.tri -,tibjects. Tlie,(@ new I)v tli(, in Their NV.) )lot lo Ill(. .111]V. Ie(.Ol.os .1 f.12- lliol.t. 2 of ( .Nii(,rii))Pnts thin )W('Il tlioll,,Iit. iiiiii-(@i-Fiti(-s r)r institutions were iiii-oix-PtI, (if iill(.tlii("il were rei,ealed. Tile iiitell.'F- iit2'v of '.\-,it ioti. wliit-ii reiiiiire-, a shroud of )11 01,414@l- it) lii@ i vi-i-v :@.i(-i,ed trust fron) the 2 Tile Cl.k's of exi)ei,inientitioii of t)i(@ fiftj(,@ qrt,l ixtit-- tli,@it ti-ii-t, It i\-,i, i-iolitt@d ft','aill 2on tile biilk- (sf tlit@ (1(-,;ti-oi-ed in 1()73. It is vlol.,Itt@(i ea(.II tilll(' ;I offi2(-i:tl to i,ecollect tile details of tllf' 'Flit@ lm@-t in the future is a I tliirik tlii, i@. 2 -t, ('Ii:iii-iii;izi Iiiniii@(, 1)ointed out. These ai-P is@;ii(-@. at-(. qti(,@;tioii, tli:it ill tlii- fiftle-A and si--,ties. and 2 go I)aek @@ont(@ -)(I v(,-,ii,- I)tit tiit,%. fi-OTIt 1),I,re news todav. as we see in the (ill tii(, 2 nlid in the media of tllis: colll)tl,.N- @ II)(] tlii@ til4l.N, I t)),]))Ii. is it just con- tinll(.)Ilsll. Ix,(,iii@ to otit. s(oi-t of. n)oiitli qft4,i- moiit)i. and the best w.,k %- to I)tit tlji@ its, is to lilve the full 2 inforniatioti. aitti I tliiiik tilzit is tile of A(iiiiirii Turner and of tile illenilx,)-s of tlli@, i-nili))Iiti i,i@. TI)p Centi-,,i] Ai))ei-iran citizens witb- out their oi- It iis(-41 facilities and 2Per- g(ritiel witlintit their It It@aditig refcireliers, often ivitboiit tlieil, 2 These itigtitiiiew.. tlit@@t, n ri@.,Iit to 1-nnw who tbev tire -ind ]low ni)ii w(@y-t@ As of t4)tiiv. tile A,--Piiev itsp2].f refllspq to (leelll-!Zifl- tiii@ of iii-.tittiti@iis an(] iii(iii:idiials, qtiite I iiii,,Iit ii-itli ?,e!-,at-il to the iii(livi(ltinlt under the Act. It s(-(-tii@. to iii(- to lw a fiiiiii.,iiii(,iit,,i] re!Zpolicil)ilitA- to 2 notif tlios(, oi- iiistitiitit)ti!@. I think m-,iiiv of tlielii wel.(@ C.1114_'Ilt 1))) it) 1)1 2lillwittilit-T to do i-eseii-eii foi- tile qol))(, of our inoqt oiitst.-i?i(Iiiig of out- colillillillitv. involved in 4 NN-ei-P in-,-olvtd or 2 )tniie in t(@rmF. of to III(.,tll:lt till, wil(Ill, lie:iltll '11111 4'1' 2 t !4(,( I .1 ilt, (11tille(I to ' ..111(i 0117' 2 to. qt tll(l VET"V ill" . olv(,(l. 2 to :ill(l St 2 Tlint lefrjsi:ttl(ll (,X of ti,4. 01111)li@@ioll oil 2 ' 1) f to (,oN,(,r all 111:11IN 'II -!k@(i 171 -t 4111 (.I 2 I )01 q!4 W(.Il :kK tile k. '\:it i(ii 11:1@ -.1 I)i(illi(-ilit':Il 2 It li:i.4 11:1(1 fill. of ]]El\' fiiil(lk.,l tit(, 1):I-t :1 :1 S:N.si4.lll f<)I- till- of of liio- .ol.:Il S(.I.oll(l lloli(.. qll(l ill(. I'll(' ('I.k Sili)l,ol-tt.,l lli2:il Ili it tll(@ 1:1-1 1 104-lit-i't. it i@ ill ni-d(,z- to (ill- 2 ilizil liki@i- \@ill till, of ill I.i.,Ilt to 2 %@-ill witli l'Bl@l-ATZI@ll "I'Alt,\II:NT 4@t All,\IIRAI. STA-IF-FIF'1,1) 10IRF('TOR oF CENTRAL 2 .\Ir. ('Iisiiriti;tij : Ili iii@- leiti-r to @(@ll of 311]v 17-. I TPloorte(I (iiir rf-ceiit (iis- el,%-Pr or 2ioo\e, tf (I(wtiiiif-iii, ro-hile(i to 1'r;,jet-i n ('IA lor..jt.. t fr(iiii A, @,-ii i.,ky 2 "iiiiil,r(,Il:i .. iititi-@r N\IiiA-li i-i-ri:iiii s(-iisiiivi- Vol% iil@., :Iiii,@lig @iii4-r iiiiii,-,s oil (ir2ilL:- :iiitl lieli:iiit@ril ijitxliti(-ati(in. I iiir- ing tit*, iii(i Ciiiir(-Ij C,-iiiiiiitit-P ill 2 I!i.-P:i I ir. I)Istiii. -I cii-ilinii t@illl.l(IL-tw of tile Ariiiy ii I-'4-ri Ili it2is (14-:itit fi-4-iii a liott-I r,-4-iii wiiid,,%v Ili Y(ork ('it%. tit,,-iit -i ift4@r liin-iitg iiii%N-iltiiiL]v .9411itillizt2ert-(] ill -I iiiepi ill,, (if ].SI I ri-s(-,irclit-r@ (-2i)ieti fly ('IA. hiiii it, -kii 4-Nip2,@riiiieiii .it , - of \@)1.,It ilie %%it), twliii-i(vril dril--,@ (ittrii2ig tlit- ill lll-.7. NNats 4-otitniiit-41 lit it rei.(trt (ill 1'r,.jf4-t lirt-ii:tri-41 I)y Ili(. lii@im-i-inr Gt-iierql'2s ill As -.I re,tilt of tli,,it UTINN.ittili,- leslilig iif (iriig, oil ritizeiis N',,.ks 2 Tlit- reix)rt %\-i!4 iiiidp to tlit- ('(iiiii 11 iii4q. nii(i it, tile Rtaff tif Seii:i2t(ir Stil@- c(olikillitt,.(. oil I'litil tII4. re4-t-iit dis(-fovt,rN it tij.-ii till of Ill(' 2 II)es (lellitic kt.itil )lit) l@et@ll (14@siroye(i ill t@r(li@rs iof tit#- tli(-ii r..iiriii-, ('2Iii(,f (if Tq-clkiii4-:il St-rvi(@e. willi till, :iiiiii,iriz;ili4wil of till, tilt'll I)(,]. :is li:is lirt@vi,,tir-li rt,l)-,2rtt4l Aliiin@t Fill Of 1114- IH-411114@ IN-114, liii(i liii(i -Ili%- \\jilt tile n-liet-ts of till- lir(iii-t-t 2 iliNt"til.-@tli,rs is, witli flit@ Atzi-ii(,y at tli@it tiiiit,. tlit-rt- w;i, liti)., 41(.tiilt.f2l tile proje4-t, ,i\.iiliiii1t. I.. ('I,% (Itiriii,, t)tt, ln(-k of itN-iiil;il)le (letiils, 0 itro)t,@ilwil- lit)t %N'UtlllY ntiritiiii@ilele to ttif, 5 '.%Il@l-I.TRA file!4 in tho- IIW.:, rept,rt on .%IKI'I.TRA by tho- oil 14 lprn(-tit-(e i.,@- to illuiiitaiii fit) records of Ill.- and al2kl)ri)val qif t(-st )orogrilils." NN'lit II I ri@1),irto-d to yoii Inst on ti,is iiizilter. iiiy st@iff h-,i(I ii(I yet had an 2 opl.t,i-iiii,ity to revieNN- tile 11PA-ly iiiijit-i-ial lit (it-liLli. Tiii!@ fiats IK4@ii I i, I I(-(]. :in d I .21111 i II a I), Is it io II to -,iv4, @' I' I) it t I t-s4 ri I, t i(,ii of II it@ (-4iii I (-nl.,4 of ill.. iiiilt4-.f.i;ll. I lit-lien.e Y41U will 1-4-2 111(ist iiit*,reste(i lit the f(tllo%%-ijiL asl.e,-t@ (if fit*- re(-ezit dic;c(-very : tilt- iliateriil %vis (iiseovere(I niitl N%Iiy it wa.,z not previously f4o%ind; 'I'Ite fit t fire (I f this rt,(*iitly locat(,(l iiiliteri:il : 2 llc)%v new inft)rjii,,itioit tlii-re iq Ili Ili*- iiint(-rhil is)@iv not liave kii(INN2-11 all(I relt(irted I., St-ii:ilt- aii;l %%-e I)eliel-e tile iilost si@llili(.;Int nsitt.(.Is (if tlii, Iiii(i ill 104-. To j@ to II,,w %N.t. flil..@oNereit titi-st, iii:ttt,riiil,. 'J'Ijf, iiialeriil li:itl tweak 2 split I(. -iii, lietire(i ](4@e(irds CeiIi(@r --f Ill(] tljs(-4.%*,rt-d i't,@iilt o2f file s,,:ir(-Ij *-ff,,ris of iii (-Ij:irge(I -.A-itli rt-- for iiiniiitaiiiiiig 4itir liqil(liiig, (lit tiru@,s iii(i f(ir reslm)ii(litig of Iiif(iriii-iti(iii A(-t r(,iiiiest, oil this l@tiriiig flip ('Iiiir(-Ii 2 itliiiiitt(@e iili-t,stigitioii ill seiiri-li(-, for tianteriil %i-er(, ilt;iiit- I-v I2-x:iiiiiiliiig ID4itli tile a(-tivt- iiii(i rt-tir4-tl r44-qlr(is (if till firiiii-lies (if ('Ik :it !ill fit ll;kVP 11;1(1 2 Tile of tile Bud@,Pt xii(i S4-(-ti,oij (if tiii. liriiiii-ii re,.Im,ii@ilile for 2 sti(-Ii "4trk %%*@re not li(i%N-t-ver l'Itis %%-its lip(-:itist, tiii:iik4-iil lisilwrs a@- @-vii2@itiNe lir(,jt-(-I, ii(-Ii is iiiiiiitaiiied St. - I lit 't 2 liv fit(, lir:iti(-Ii it If iiii(ler the I r(,j(-(-l fill-. ii(ot I-.% - Iiiiti@.,t-t aii(I l'is(-ul 2lim-:ttt@il iii;ileri lit till' ('.ISk@ :It tll(- .% ;II ",tis %eiit fit the Rt-- 2 tir,-il ('*-iiter in Iiiii, 1,@.flip Itiidgt-l aii(I as li:trt of its (@%\ii retir4-(] Till, rt,.i,nii f,,r iii2i, (It-l.:iritirt, frf-iii ii--riii;il lirfm-4-tliirt- I, ii(it kii.,%\ II. A@, n r(-,iili of it. II,." er, ill(- iiiiieri;il es4-:il.*-ii rf-trio-\.tl iii(i deiructioll ill I)y 4'IA iifli,-i.,ils ri-,Ilo,liflil,L: I,, ',t. ii2ite The t-iiii,li@yei, wil,- I(le;kti-tl Iiiis iiint(@ri:il 41iiI ti 1-y 1(-a\iiig iiqi @toike iijiturnpd 2 ill Iiis t@fl..Tt, 141 t(i I-'I)IA ]I.- revit-"i-41 kll listiiigs of ii)aterial If tlii, 1-tr;tijo,li st-ir4-ii it tilt- R(-tire(i ]tt-i-(.r4l, 4'etiler. ilielii tlit-se of life :1,141 Fist.:II tilt- dopell- 2 ili..Ikl, @NIii(.Ii 11:1(1 iiii,,O-il ill tilt- liri-\it@iis lit sxizii. the Aveii(-y failed 2 14, ii:irti(-til:ir (ii,tiiiiii-iii@ in Ili tilt. of litt ell)iltillg to ilit-iii : it siiiiil:iil\ f;iilt-(l 1(, ill lit t(i itieCIiiireli (,;iiiiiiiiitt4. I iiiit ilit,rt@ %\:i@ it,, nttt-uil)2t fit c4v]it.-eul this iii:%14,ri;tl iiiiriiig tl%4@ Nt,xf+ ,i- I-, tilt- iiitiiri- (if 2 iii:itt-ri:il. it I, iiiilm)rt.,iiit t(i rt,:ilizi- tli:kt tilt- fiiltlt-i-@ ;art- iiii:iij(-t- 1-iilk .If flip iiin2terial ill 4if foir of ftittii,, and tile %\Itii-ii ir(- 2 ii:ttllr4- of tilt. %Nert- iijitiert;tkq,ii. ci)liiliit-111- 2 ill;., (Ill S(iiiii- :isli*4-1 of i siii-l-rii :ii-4- iiiis iiiaterial. g4,iii-r@il. tii4, re(-ci%-24,ro-41 iii:ilf,ri:il sl:itiis rt-it4@rts (ir rt@l;iliiig I-- (ir tile -,-ari(iiis 2 si@iiit- ,f tliq. TI it rt.t,(iveri,(] tlii(-ii lilt'lit, f;ilI iitlf@ tlir4,t,2 First. ttit-ri, irt- 141.i \\Ili(-]) 141'have S(lille (-Iilllit-i li,,i2i NN,ilii tilt-, drii:: a(-41iiiition :iiiil 14@stitig @.r (Iriiv- 2 St4-i-ii(l. iii4-re iri, tN\(i i.f iiii,, iiieliidiiig :iii4lii relm-rt@ :iiiil tiii:iii(-i :, I t;ltt2-liit-lil, fl."Iil ititt-riiie(li;ir@ lised ill 4'IA virit-iis ree, 2 ir(-Ii titere .ir4- ;iiltliti--ii;il 4-4-rtztiii ii)ltlligeiiei@ lirei-i,-iisi@- ftiti(If@,l iiii-ii-r '.\IKI n@itliiii,- t(i do 2 eilit4-r \iitti tirti- :1 iiql t.,xiii- or %\itli iii% 4)t)ier re- N\'t- li:ivt, iitteiiii,ie(I 14- 2gr,iii 1114, :14-li\itit.s I-A flat- 141) into le:t-l. tlii@ lire,(,iits the 2 (if fit(,-+, files. The ieliN-itit-s qr(@ I,Iztt-eti ill tilt, f4,ll,-\Niiig 1., 4-ategorit-s 6 1, Reve.,irf-li ititf) tile effpet,@, of l@(,h-tvior.,i) driig.,; and./or alcohol 2 1-i siifi I r(,ject.@ lir( -I i:i I -I y it, -tit) i- (,Ivinz I)iitiiin tP.Rting ; 14 @ii I -I irf-je(-tq (Ipfijiiti,l@ ijiv(2ll% iiig tests oil hiiiiiaii volunteer@; 19 qiitittrc)jecfz I)r(pi,.,il-ly iii,-IiifliijL: te.,t,.z ion liuniiii .-ijluijleerq. While not 2 kri,,wii. of tili-s(, ijtoiir(tie,-ts iiiiiy linve ijj(-Iuded testg on iinwittjiig sub- 2. ;in liyliii(@si,: 2 iiii-Iti(Iiijg'-Iinv(lvjnv))y]piirsiqatiddrugs 3. A(-4jui@iti(iii of oir firtil, sulolirt-j(-cls. 24 of trl tisi@fii] ill o@im-riiti.@lis: e.g.. stirrP]ititi4,iis de- -,f firii,-,-ri-Iileil iii:iiprj:tl, : 4 2 of hiiiiiiiii lieli:ivior. sl(-Pli rt-setreli . ajid I)eliai-ioral (-hnt)g4-s diiring it -II it - r; I I I) I ir, -j+-4 -t s. 2 :iii(I siii,ii4-,. tii(lit-s of (ii-fe,,t4ors. as,4-s.,,Iili-jit. all(] tr.,iiniiig tech- 2 lo. Fiitifijijz f4-r NIKI'I.TRA externil research activities: 3 oil (Irii-,. nii(I in Iiiii)i:in tiQ@-iie: pri)riqi,til of all(t tit(- theiii in efft-(-ti%-e delivery The (it-ter3iiiiii,(] froiii ivallatile documen- t:iti,.ii : 'I 1:-' iti%,,Ivjiii: ftiii(Iiii;., f,or 2netiviti+,s connpcled %%itli ilif- Ariti@'s at Ft. I)Ptri(-k. NI(I. Tlii- -ictinily is ill I .f Itit- ii]@, ( St-4. Al-lit-ii4lix A. pip. (;@-4)!#, '%IKNAO'.%Il. the Arwy Azqi.@ted CIA in develor@- 2 ill--. it'Stilig. all(] iti;iillt:iiiiii]V all(] deli%-ery sy.-41euis for iise ag;iiil@l 1111111:kll@ n., is iig:tiiisi iji(i Tlip of tlip,;e I'@- i4i.-iitifi(--l froiii tit(- iii;iteriil )-(@y,.iiii tile fact 2 tli:ii ill.. %%,;I, I., I.#- iiiiriti;tl fiiii(l:iii: (-Iiillfiel@z rt--Iiiire %%ritt4@it2 ,r- .)i-;tl iii,titi,-@iiiiiii tliiii for sli,,rt It-a(] tiiii---f4ir litir(-Iizisi,s.Al,olit 2 I:t. Siii.-ii- ill sii--li art,:i, :is tech- for :iij:il'\--is of e-,trii,t-ii,t@ry in-r(-Pl,tioii. &r3is si-riys :iii-I iti:iteri.,il 14 -ir ill, : 2 tile of anininls. energy 1:',. I'lir4,i- iiltltri-j.m.1, )-*,f,-re iti \%tir2k w-is (lone oii tli4-ni hfivitig to (I,. \\jtli tiriil: (oil I,r:iii) niid reseir(-h (it 2 tlir(tii,-Il the ski7i on v(@Iiinteers. )I,.\\ lillif-ii Iit-AN- the ii).@iteri;tl to, ]ii, 1)rerinii.,Iy 2 lif@f-ii reli,,rti.41 it- the 4'liiir@-ii (',iiiiiiiittef, ,Ilitl 1,) Keniit-ilr'@ ,.II 114.:I!Ill i,ii tll,- is :iii(liti-,ji;il ilpt:lil. fc-r t)i(- iii(krt liart ! e.g.. the @f iiiiifie*fitle(I ,infl iii,titiiti(,ii2, 9,,(.(.i,,it4@d oil 4-iflif,r :I ,r ilTi\\ittivi,- lo;i-i, \%-itli '.\IKI'I.TRA n(,Iiviti4@,. ,iii(i the nqriio, of 2 i-r Tii-@iiitfkreil ill*- v:iri-iii@ .iiiiiiri-je(-ts. new %ill)- Rt,iTitix-- niit(-ri:il 1, :il-(i lire,pnt -+ 2P.gz.. detqil, (-(iiit-priiiiig fi)r exiwri- rii(qlt:itil,i] .17111 i-s4o(-iitt-fl %%ifli viri,iii@ 1)r.)J2t.,-tc. aiid & T)n,z@ilil3 iiiiltritlw@r 1) v Ci.% too 9 itrivqtp in@titiiti,)n. 11(@wever. the Ti2riii,-il-:il tylit-, -f rii-ti%-itif" ill(.Ill(le4l f-ir ill*, iii,)ct itirt. (-itl)4,r lipeii niitliii(-(] t(. -i,liie t@xif,tit or geiif,r.9113- ill was lirei-i,@iil v nvnil:ible too CIA In iii4, itf iltit-iiiiipnt.,)ti4@ii niiil %A-3t@ siijililit-2tl liv 4'IA to '@eiigtt- iiii-e-ti,-.iinra. Frwr 4,N:iiiilwl4, : Fiyi.itit,i;il r(wfiril, f--r tlip ii4@ri,"l 1('WAI-1(W-4 for -4r of tile 149 niiit,lpt-rf@il '.%IKI'I.TR.\ li.,ttl fr,)rii tile OM(-p tif Fiiiqii(,e 2 b3, ('I.% :iii(I %x-ert, l(i tlii- ('Iiiirt-ii ('t-yiiijiitt+41 ilix-estiwator, in Aiigii,;t or 2 Tlii- Ttiiw-el4ir reltirt (in '.\fKT'T.TR.k made a;.qilnl)le to I)otb the Chiir(-Ii (t)iiiiiiittee and qeii-it( ,r Keyin1t-(I@ #-Ip(-trt@shock 7 ilolp. 4. 1('-i te@tjiig (iii unv%-Itlitig 1'.9. citizens 2 (lip. i-. 14@-12) : tlif- geqr(-Ij f(ir ij(,iN, iij:itt-riil, tlir(iiigli itrrajigeri)eitts %%-itb special- 2 ist, iii uriiversities. joliaruia(-Ptitit-al h(il@iiit-ils. state tin(] fp(](-ral institu- tioi),. in(] 1)rii-ate ree;irf-li 7. !1) : Rn(I tlje f;i(,t that the Teeb- nig-:il Ser%-j(-e I)iviqi(iii of CIA h.,i(I iiiiti;tted 144 @ul)lwr(ije(,ts related to the control 2 of ljuiiiari toet%%-een ( I,. :.II ). Tile relevitit @;(-cti(iii of a II).-o7 Iiisjii-4-t4ir r(-Iitirt tin tilt, Tt-(-Iinical Serv- ice I)ii-isioi) was also iiiii(le ni-ailal,le tip tile ('Ijtirt-li ('401]iljjittee staff. Tilat report 2 dist-us,.-es t+-cliiiiqu(-@ for buuihn a@.-4essitieijt air(] uii(irtlj(pd(;x niettiod., of com- uiiiiii(@ati(iii (lo. 2411 1 : di.42(-rt,diliyig iiii(I (Ii.-aloliijg iiiaterizil, t,,-bi(-I) (-an I)(. covertly adiiiiiii@tered (joli 201-2(t-') ; t,ii art, as to covert oper- atiolis (p. -90@'i : "-ifi(- fuij(liiig t(ir resetirt-li lwrft)rxljed (outside of CIA I I)i2j. 20-l-'-"I:i. 205 1 ; re@t-.irt-ii ljeiii@, (iiiiie oij "K" f kii(o(-kotit ) mltlerial, al(-olj4)] ti)lerai)ce, ilii(i )iYj)zi-)Iisn2' (I). "(.'I) : oil (Ii. '-")41 ; ant]-lwrqonnel h;ir.isqtiieiit tii(l its.,;is.@iiiatiiiii y.,Ieiii, iii(-Iiifliiig at-r.,sip) getif-riitt)r, iiii(I otlier 20('@--'OSo : tlii, ri)lt. iif I'qprt in sulillort of CIA's 2 (lo -Itt%@o : aii(i iii@itt-riiii @atiotHge research (p. 20'j). Iklu(-h i@f tlii.,; niateriil is ro-ilt-(-tt4i in the Chur(-Ii Cowmittee Report, ii..ik 1. Iiii. 3,,.--4 1"1. ( See Alil"@iioix A. I)li. ). Tb(. niipst si--2iiiti(,,,int ne%% (iita art-, fir-t. tilt. liatiles of reqeareberr, arid in.@iiiiiti@,lj4 wti4i iiirti4-ilp:ite(i in ilie NIKI'I2,TRA liritie(-t arid. gecol)dly, a pos,il-ly juil-rii]ier cozitriiiiiii4iii li@ ('I.% i(p n lori%-ate iii.,tiliitiftn. We are now In 2 possession (if tht- naiiii@s of IK7) 11(ii-g,-N4@rjijjieiit researelier., and assistants wlio art- identifietl iii tlip re(-ovp2re(l iiiileri4il (lealijig %vitli the 141# sulipr(ijects. The naiiies of t4) iiistittitioiis work %%as dtizie or witli wljicij these lpei@lile were 2 affili.ited are also iiieiitioi)ed. Tile inrtituti(ilis iiit-Iiide 44 (-olleges tir iiiii%-Preiti(-k. It) resparf,ft found2ations or cheii@i(-.,il (ir lili:iriii-.i(-eiitit-al (.(iuil*iiiiez iiii4i the like. 12 liii.,zliitjil,- iir clini(-s (in ad- 2 diti4pit to th#-t, assqw(-i-ite(i witli uniAer,@itits). aii(I 3 lwiial institutions. While tire idetititie, of R(ille of tile@e IIPI-lll, aii(i iiistittitii)ii., were kiii)wik previously, the di*(-oN-ery of tile lle%N' i4letitities tit oiir kii(." le(lg+, (of '.%IKI'I.TRA. 2 Tlit- f;i(,I.@ tlie3' joertaii) to tlj(, Imissil)ly inil)rolwr (.otjtributi(on are as follows OTie I)r(ij(,ct in2volves a contril@iiii(oti of Vi7,--,(NK) to a liijildilig fund of a private niedi(-@kl iii.,;Iittitioii, Tile ftet tliit a (,(jntriliiititin was madt- was previously k-no%A-ii . indeed it ,%-as nientit@zied in a 3957 Iiislw(-t(ir General report on the Terlini(-fil I;eri-i2(-e I)i%'isiOll of ('IA. Imrtitient lo(rtioiiq of whi(-h had lipen re- vie".e(i tiy tli(, ('ht)r(-Ii ('.oniiiiittee %,Inff. T)ie 2iiewly dise4iver,-d material. however. tiliti,es it clear thit tliiq coiitrjtiiitiiiii wa.@- niiidq- tlir4)iigli an iiiterniediary, which 2 njitdt, it alilw,,lr to I)e a iorivnt(, di)nntitiii. A% a 1)rivate d4)iiatioll. the contribution was tbeii inat(.Iit-(l loy fo-d(-ral ftiiiti@z, The iiiqtitiitioii wfk@ 11(t iunde an-are of the trtit- siiiir(-e of the gift. This lir(tjtwt wa@ alilir(lved Ily tire then rWI. and concurred 2 iii by ('IA'.1; toli mnnag(,tiieiil the titiie, iliclii4liijg the theii General Counsel who wr(itt- ali %ul)litirtiiig the leg2-ilit3- of tire contril,uti(kil. Tit(- rt@ceiitly di,@(-qi%-er*-d d(octinietits greater insiglit into tilt- seolw of the 2 ilitm-ittiijg driig te4tiiig litit ciiiitrilititp little iiitire than tli;it. We now have col- -ilw)rating itif(irnintiori tlint r-oiiip 2of tile 1311AN-ittiiig drug teting was carried on in Sjiii Fr:iii(-is(-o and ',%ew York ('it@-, and we lin,%,e idetititied that 2 (hret. iii(]iA-idtizils were itivolved in tliif. iiiidertakiiix as olimoe(i to the I)reviouqly toe 2 relm-rte(i one lwrsnii. We alst, kijfiw now that si)lil#- llli%%'ittill@ .tiilg took place oil eriniintil 2qe,,tial pqycbopttli.@ (-onfiiipd at a I-t,,ite hnql)ital anti that, additional- (ifoiip ttii i kno(-k-oiit itr -K" drtlg iii Imirallel %,.-ilb 2 re-warch to 1),iiii killer,, for caiieer lt,,itienis. Tti4-st-, ttieti ire tli(- prineileil tiii4lisigs idpl2itifle(i tip date in (@ur review of the re(-4,N-#@reti iii@iteriil. A,4 noteil eirlier. %N,4- 114@lieN.e iii(- detiiil oil the ideiitities of 2 arid inqtitiitioti@ ini-olx-p(l ill ('IA'.@ xlmiii@orliilt of driig,; arid I)e- in(I one w2hich juise- n e4)n-ideralile prob- b-ii,i(@r;il niol(litleqtion I.% a new eleiiieiit wrre of Agency 2 tile lwl,Tllp 811(i ill@ ..Iillltioilis ill%-(olve(I re not slio2ii,oir.-zliili, We sli4iiil(l ceriiiiiily as-i'llit- ti,@it ilit, rv@e:ir,-her lalii(-Ii cooper'lle(I .N-itli CIA oii at witti";: ll;"is2 II(-tf4i ill g4m)(I fitith and in the lopli4,f that llip:r were iii(linc tbpir coveriiiiieiit it, a If.;:itiiiiiite .kiid lorolwr purl)Olge. I wt- .111 nifiril olwli,-;Iti(ill tt, t)ie@4. and iii-.titiitionq to lor(ptf-(,l 2theiii fr(ini illijll-ztifl(.41 or 41,iiii:igt, to tliejr reputation-,- ivhi(,Ii re%-el:tli,tii of tlii,ir ioli,iitili(,s nligilt 2 Ill jid(litioli. I bfive a legal obli.:ttif)ji iiliflt-r the 1'rivney Act ii fit to lillbli,-IV tht, nallip.% of the In. 8 divi(iii.,il %vitliout their (Ioli@elit. I'his'is e-iwcinlly true, of cours@:,, for 8 thn-e re:,t@.irt@)jer, an(] intitiitjtpij., "IINA-itiiii@- isirtj(-iliants In CIA. re(, flip ri@-,Iii nii4l ill(, lif4.(l t,f 2 life (,(ltlll)iftc4. oil tIl., to t I ie i-ir,- IIii)@iiil2j(-e, (of tlie@i. iir-ti I i I ie, ill j I Ili e@ I aiii lirf-vi(iiiig y(-iir 4'ojtijj)ittt@l- N%illi Fill I)f Ill(- oil .1 2 )il-lk. tlj:it tili.-@ will f;icilitiiti- y4)iir AA)iilf@ flip jri(li%-i(]Uals nii(i itistitiiti(olis l,t@t fill- lli;it tIJ4. Iirf@ ]-' to 2.-, y(-iii-., ill fit*, j tli:it tit*. ('IA i, ill no eiig;igt-%l ill eittit-r wittiiig i-r tiii%%ittiijg te@tilia of (irlIL:, ltl(];Ix 2 Fili:iII3-. I All] v%-orlilig ill'- All4ir)ie@ x%-jtli tljq, q(-Prt- t.,i r'i of 114-;iltli. E(Itj(-:iti(eit aii(I ll't-1f;irt- iiii tiji, Wp lr4. lil;ikill@., ti, tli4, Att,-rije3 iii:iferi:il, Ili. iii:i.% (it-4-ii, 2 to, II(- lii:13 ele#-t t., N%'(- r,- xN-(iri@ijig -.i-itli l.titi, tljf- Att,,rjii-y 2 niiii ill(- (if Ili-:jltlj. t-:iti,tvi qntl to detf,riiiiiie whvtlii.r it i.@ practle,.ii-le froiii i2iii, iieix tt) qtt4,11111, it. i(f-litif@%- 1113- tit' Ilit- lo(-rA-jj@ to (Irij,-s iii.,iv :Itltijiiii,ter,,il titi%@itfiiizli- siieli li4irt )f tit (Jelpriiiiiie ii tli4-re itre 2 if. It,:I(] to 1114-ir :iii(I if @(i. ]Inv%- to go) qli4-iit fulfilling ill(- iii,,iti( 2 TESTIMONY OF ADM. STANSFIELD TURNER, DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. ACCOMPANIED BY FRANK LAIJBINGER. OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES: AL BRODY. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR 2 GENERAL: ERNEST MAYERFIELD. OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL: AND GEORGE L. CARY, LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL I'Iiiijik ' i-oii. Cli@,iii-iiiqii. 2 T woii](I like to b(@giii ,ki),] ftil- t joilit ififol-ill'it 'oil fliit I)otli of %-olli- iii-e(i into the (iiii(-k]N 11 I wolill, Ilk(- il-@o to tli:;iik A-oti I)otli foi- tli(@ to(ily l) N- I-eil)iTidiii,,, its ill tli,,it tli@, -,ilioiit wiii(-Ii @W(I "IT'(, liei-e to 2 tilk- are 12- to 24-.1-ell'- (1(1. I eiii-i-ent -,irtiN-ities we ni-(, to do i2@ to itte iiifoi-niqtioii t]),,it Ni-c V7 -v.-, no%%- ni)41 ivlii2(-Ii %%-e di(I iiot I)Y-eN-ioii@zlNl oil -,i s-iil)je@,l kiioix-ii n@, l'i-ojtwt -I I)t-oject wlii(-)i took- 2 fi-niii to ]()C,4. It wi,; in I)i-oji@,-f iiiid(-i- wliiq-li tlj(-i-c iiiiiiiei-oii ijl)- 2 1)i-ojerl, for aiiioii,, otli(,i- oil di-tlzs iii(i illo(lifi,.afif)li. II'liit 2 is Pl('Ill('I)t to fl)(@ tlllt NA-,.Isz lill(le ill diii-iii,-, t2he Clilii---li e(oiiiiijilit-P ijifl ,ilso to tlii@ S(@iiat(, Sill)- coiiiltlitte(- oil II(-.iltli qiii] S,-iciit2ifi(- At fliit iiiiii,, fli(@ ('I.k ofri,i-t,(] iii).,ill of t)ie iiif(ii-ii).qfioii @-iii(i ni(,nt, it 2 it li.9,1 Tit(- oil(, 'It tliit till)(@ tlllkt ",)I(' the ',11)10111)t Of illfol-lilqtinil (11 tlii- 2 I led to tile tel,iiiiii,,itioll of tlli@ .1(.til-iti- ill 1.3 k-(.al.s Ian. 2 Tit(, i?ifq)i-iii,-itioyi in 197.', in fit(, N'.1l'ioll@z iiii-e-til,-,ati7l" fril(Ill)-2 AN-q,, fit-,t Of tlit@ (ter-ti-ii(@tiol) of tli:tl took l@lire ill 11)7:1. -i@ 1) N- a niiiiiite a z2o. ii-itli the (@nii4-iirreii(-e of the tlii,ii of Ceiiti-ql Tiiielli!!Pn(-p nii(I ii2T),Ipi- tit(, ()f fli:@ of iii(@ Ofl', --- of Tt@elilli(@.11 9 most oft])(, CIA people 2 I!li;4 N- I I :it I 7-(@t fr(oiii tilt, Nvolllti2 fiii-til(.I. i,](] tlilt I tliiiik tlip wa,; sl)ar-,(@ ill ll:il-t it tll(@ .11 111;it iiiii(, iii)t to ke(@1) detailed F,)I. Ill-til)ll.e. tilt. If)(":, 1.(.I)o7.t of ill(, 111,1)e(.Inr notes: 2 is 11) ill@lillf:iiii ii4@ rei-ijr(Is of Ili*, iil:itiiiiii@, all(] aliliro%-al of 2 171 tlk(,].(@ f4,N% ].(.(.ol.(Is to IK..,ili Ni-ill) Ill(] ifti-l- tile (it-ii-I)I2.tioll of IN'lj:it I i% oil)(] liki@ to (lo iioN%-. tlioti,-,Ii. is to I)i-oree(I an(] let voil k now 2 :II t II(, Ill.%%- III @ It(.1,1;11 ,)(I(ls in (olit. of tlils ttil)i(-. ind I 'II @till 2 Ni- I .1 ])N. ( ])()N%- flit- w:is (I's,-oN-vi-(,d :Ili(] wliv it 2 :I - I I ( )I 1'( N' 14 )I i@.1 N- I I i ,A- I -t I . I') I I- I I I k t t - I-).II ill lille@-til)li. Sollit- I)o.x(@-. ]it(] S(,Ilt to 0117. oiii,i(le of the ll':i,@iiiii,,toji ii-(,a. It Ai-,iFz i))et-(- a-, tli(e rpqiilt Of2 ill extensive .,(,;I )N. I I I e I I I o %- ilt, ('] I ;k I ',I' i t I I t I I'l '@j It I I Si I ) I I I t N' f(i I I I I i I I I -1 I I I 2 ill(, ()Ill. flo](11114"s .iii(I fill- to Fre(,doni Of I I I f(ii-ii III t ol 1 1.(2.(l 114--t s oil t I I IS ,I II 1, ('0111111ittfh- of qpirelip-@ for 2 ])N. exiiiiiiiiii@, lotli tile active of 111 of ill(. 2 of ('I.k likelv to li;i(i in witli do(-iiineiits. Tile retire(] 2 ajiti Fis,-;tl S('('tiOll Of t]ICIII';Ill('Iitllkt Wi.,-,T'(@s])On- fill' Slit'li xi-oi-l@ iiot This wis the fill@ili@-1:11 N%-ill) 2 114)1'1 I l:i N- it la i it -I iii(-,] I )i- t II(, I ii-,i ii,-Il it,(@lf iiii(ier tli(@ project title. ]lot ill(- 2 St@ctioii iiii(lei- i special tilt,. 111 tll(. rise ,it 2 tliis@ ii(,wlN- located iiiittri,,il li-i(I I)e(,ii 1.@lt,iit it, fit(, in 1!),-ii ])N- ill(- llil4l,,,t Ilit] 2Fiscal '4)i I of I I I i - I ii-a ii I :I 1):i i-i o f it z olt-I I 1.4 -t i 1-f .(I )lo] - I' 11 I II q] loi-t. WI )At 2 @l I i:i %.(@ I til"(l I )N. t I i(@ I lts4.lf filt.(l ]),t . tll(@ Iiii(i- I 2 NN li:lt sliolil(I ll:IN (@ 1)4@cil Ill(.(I tli(@ I-)rojp(,t 2 Tll(, re.,i- S(ill f(ii-tliisdel)ni-tiii-P fi-(iiii tli(@ tll:kt tillie iqsillipiv 2 11(pi l@ itoNN-11. all(i its I 1-i-stilt o if it. lt()x% I lit@ iii;if i-eti-iev:il 2 :Ili(] (14-@-ti-tictioii in 1!)73. is i- IN]IO iiiis (ti(i S(i I)V 2 iiiiiiii-lit@(i 'Ill itis; lo of Illf4)1.111"lfioli ket 2 4)1- (if till'ill. ill f:i,-t, lit@ :ill of II),- of 11 i:it 1,1:1 I of I I I IS I )1..) II, -)I. St 2 :I t I I it- I 4@t I i-,,(l I 'i,ii t iii(-Iiidiii?,@ tli(,". of tll(@ Fl?.(-:i I '14)11. ill(2l tlkll@ f:li]4.41 to doeiiiiieiits in 2 Ill tilt, Of 1(11@Illilt ill.r 1( (ii--t 1-(% tlli@Ill. It fliled 14) tli(,Ill ill 11).-:1. ill 2 fit flit- eolillliitte(, licii-ilig;. iii:tt is it() ei-l(ieticc of iii,%2- -ittenipt to this fil@it i-i:il I)it, 1()i,t-over. IS we Will 1 (ii.@t,iiss nz xit, I (lo not the iiiiteriil itself is siieh that 10 I)j(@r(,woiilfil)i-n niotiN-t-o,) t I oft I)(, CIA to witlilioI(Itliis, baring 2 it (11(i it) )t,t 11)(, to t))I, of tl)is ]((-,ited material. It I- ilill)n?-I.,int t4) iii:it these fold(,rq tll@ll 11.(. litiiiii-t@ I'll(- of tlt(- ni.-it(,rial in 2 tll(,Ill of f(,t, tiii, of fiiii(i vnii,-Iipt-s. rind 'III( I i@.(. R5 2to :14-rollillifil,@. . I illo@t (,f fit.(, liot itlfclt-filit, II)(, ll:ltlll,ll (if flit, 2 proj- flil-oll,@lloill this Ili tl)(, rp- or2 to tlif- pi-ogrf@sq on II-if II Si IIII) I.f )'(.I III( ki I,,I I s, )I I if (,I it I) lo II of t I lo -,irt i v It i P-@ eniit pili- I- fl'40111 t 1111(@ Io t I II) -ii-(, i-oilt'lil%- f)f PT-oj(-et@z. First. tii(,r(@ are 141) @111)1)1.o.i(-Cts. of Rpiw,,ii- to li,,ii-e coniiec- ti(ill %Nilli ilitt, illo(lifl(.,Itloll. (11-11- ll(2.(Illi@itioil all(I tli(,T-e are two 1)4)\Il- of iiirliidiii,,, nildit reportc@ fill(] ii-Ad to CIA si-)onsoi-sliijo of projc-(-t."-. ni.(@ :),.i iil,litioiial eotic(-t,jilti,- eert-.iin iii- 1)1.evioijzlN-2 fijj)d(,d iiii(if@i- I)ijt wliieli iiotliliig iii ti(@ \N-itli modifl(@,itiol).-,. driig.,@ and 2 ll'(@ liiv4, to gi-oii]i the covere(i bv the 1414 Silb- I)roit,,-Is i7)li) iin(](,Y- dos(@ril)tii-t- II) ))roi(i oiitline. .It tills tilt- eoiit(,iitr. of tlieso filez. The following 15 olit-@ ll-(@ 2 into. iiittl tilt- efri-i-ts of aiid 'or alenbol. Ili-". ai@t, 14 l'iivolvi2iig teqtiiig on Iiiiiiian iii(-Itidiii-- t(@sts oil Iiiiiii.,in I 2C-t @. oil lill \x- i t t ill iiit-i-t- i@ oil IIVI)llnsi@. F@iil)l)rojeetz;. iiirlii(iiii- Ti)lj-,I. flit@i-i- ii-(- s(@\-t-ii oil ilie ti,-@iiii-iiioIl of (-Ilclili(-als oi- fol)?. of) I]),, ,@;I)i.t-ts of tl)f@ 2 ,krt. iisefiil of Iiiiiiinii I)Pliii-ior. sl(,ep Sixiii. 2 -,it semi- oil 2!1 ,ii iii(iti\-,ktioiit] slii(lit@s. r-tiidies of 2 fill)(I'll,r iii(-cliqniqms foi@ Tentli, tli(,r(, are six sill)Pl'(je(,ts on on drtip.. toxins, and 1)1-(N@isioll of exotic- patliog(,@)ls. and the 2 biologicals ill liutiiaii capability to iiicorp rate tile,,, ill (@ff(-(,tiv(, delivery systems. 0 . 'iie ' whose nature 2 re siil)l@i-o'(,(-ts oil activi s Eleve@tli. ili(,rt, iL Silill IN- cililiot I)C deterniiii(@d. invol%-ing fiiii(ling s,Lll)l)(-)rt for uii- col)(111(.t(.(] iN itli tile Ai-iiiv Spe(,ial OI)erations Divi- sioii ,it Foi-t Tliiq a(-tivitv is2'outlined in BO(k I of the Ciiiireli coniiiiittee report. pages 38S to 384. (See Appendix A, pp. @k O.N I Ithe Army assist 1-n(ler CIA'..@ PI.0 i2(Tt '.%I) e(I the CIA in dei-elol)ln(,,. test@iiig. aii(I ni-iintaiiiiiig lliologi(@'ll ,igeiits and delivery SV-.telli@ foi- list-2 ng:lillst illill),Iiiq -,I, agiiiist animals and crops. Tliii-teeiitli. tliei,(, are siil)l)i-oj(-(,ts ill siieli areas as the effects 2 P. of electro@I)o(-k. teciiiiiqii(@s for offensive use. analysis of exti,asei)soi-v perception. gas prol)(-Ile(l spray, and aerosols. and four 2 slil)l)z-ojects invo]N-iiig ei-ol) aii(I iiiiterial al,otage. Foiirte(,iitli. c)ii(@ ol. two siili)l-)i,oik-ets oil earli of the following: blood 2 grotil)ing conti-olliii(, the activities of animals-, energy stor- fkiv(- nii(i,.;fei- ill organic svst(@iiis-, aii(I stiiiiulus and response in biological !@vs2teiiis. Fliia]IN-. ibtli, tliei-c tire three siil)l)rojects ca7icele(I before anv work was 4loiie on them haN-in,, to do lai@orator,%- driig screening. re- 2 -Cle,ql.cll on brain concussion. ail(] res(@areli on biologically active niatei-i:tls. '-N'ow. let iii(@ bow iiiiieli this: newly discovered materia2l addq to what ]IRS I)rex-ioiisIN- I)Peii reported to ibe Cliiireli committee and to S(-iiatoi- oil He:iltii. The an@wer is basi- 2 callv a(lditioiiil (leiiil. Tii(@ I)riiicipal of fkctin-ities included in tll(,s(, (loriiniciit,., for tile most ]I-)art beeii otitlined or to some extei)t geiiei-allv in wliat was i)rex-ioii--Iv available in the wa'v of (lociiiii(',iitfitioii and -.x-iiieli was supplied by the CIA to the Sell,ito in,,-(@stigatol's. 2 For PxFkyiil)le. fiiia7icial di-I-)ilrsenieiit records for the period of 1960 to 19f@4 for -if) of these 14() siil)projects had been recovered by the Office of Finan2ce at CIA and were made available to the Church comniittee iiive-,ti,-,-ntors. For example. the 1963 Inspector General report on niq(lp available to both the Chiireli committee 2 and the Siil)coiiiiiiittee on Heqltli meiitions Plertrosbock and harass- melit sii])Ftallccs. covert testing on iiiiwilitinl, 1-.S. citizenf., the seikreb 2 - new ninteri. irrangenient!, -pitnlq foi tls tliroiig]) Wit]) '.;I)eeiRliqtS in bo@. fln(i tiniversitier-, and the fact t2hat the Teeliiiieal Service Division of CIA had initiated 144 stibprojects relate(i to the control of human behavior. For in-@tniiep also. the relevan2t -A'rtiOll Of R lcl57 Inspector General rel)oi-t was ftl.@zo Rvailal)le to tile Chiireli committee staff. and tli,,it report tile te@eiiiiiqtie-@ fo2r liiiiiifkn assessment and iiii- ortlio(lox Tnetlio(l@. of comniiiiiie-ition. discrediting and disablinl, mR- wbieli can 1)(@ covertly a(Iiiiiiiiste?.P,I. sti)(iies oil magicians' arts to coi-ei-t aiiti otl)er qiiiiil.,ir topic,-;. Tlit@ nio-,t si,-Yviifl,-,iiit tiew dat:t ilikt ]iHF, been dis3(-overed are. first, the iiaiiies of re,,(-aiTliey-s and institutions who participated in 12 1 t4o .1 iti-il'.11t. I 71.'I It III it'll. t, :if.(, lifolk )?I tit(- poc,.-;es- C14)1@ (if (II(, (if zkl,i. iti,@iitltit-ii ill tilt, witli 14() 2 of, lit@iiiiiil4)ii- %,-ot-k wnF- (]on(, or 44 oi. 2iiiiii-t- 1.5: it ot- tit4@ lik(@. 12 lio@l)lt:il- (I ill to tilt- 2 ill@tittiti(lil-. of, ol, 1)(@ol)lt- 111'1 W(')'(' III(- 2 of tilt, 114'%\ ill(-Iitlt'lk@s to oill@ (if .11 1\' I to I])(- I)o!Z@i),Ii 2 11,(, ()Iii@ i-o (".t I (.olltl.ii)lltioll of to .1 flilil(]- (it' .1 2 f:it't tlilt IN@l@ 1))@itit, NNl@ it II-,Is ill tilk. 1.(@liol-I (11' tit(- 2 Oil tlil@ I)li-lsloll of 'l.k tli;it -111(l lit'l-tilif'llt I)OI-tioli@ of 1)),), li@ill Ill'\\ it AN-Iif(,Ii iiit(lc, it ali- 2 NN-ii, iii(,Il lii;lll'lit,(l IIN' 1'(Itlt,i-:Il 1,11(, iiii@lltiiiioii Nv:l@ ]lot III(. ti-iii, 2 (If tli(@ _,ift. TliiF pi-o.i(,i-t appi-ol-e,l fif Cl.k's 2 tilt, tll(,Ii \\-Ilo wrote all also (,i%-e illsigl)t into tit(, (,I' ti2it, ii:ttlii-i@ of the t(-stilli-r. I)Iit ooliti-ibilit@ itiol't, lli:lll t)i;il. IA,(@ 1)(011- (](, iiifol,lii,,ttioii t]),It 4)ftjji, 1)1)N\ittilit-r 411@ll,r w,.tsci7,rji,t] oiit ill wliit iski)oNN-j) 2 :i@. @-zif(, lioii-,e, in S:iii -itid in '.N-ew ('it iiit] Al-t@ i(it@lilifit-tl II).it tlii-ev ix-pre in- 2 1)) tllls Wt- I)]'CX'iOIIF-IV 1'e))Ol'lt-(] W'.15Z oil]\- (illi@ 2 II,(, 11,@o K-itnxi- itoll. lli:it sol)le iii)ll-ittiiiL! testiii- too@- pli,-e on crinii- ii,ii \ii;ii (-oiifiiit@41 at II St;lt(@ ]to-ZI)it'll. ,'in(] tli-it R(I(li- tinfl:ll]N oil i kii(N-@-otit or K in p-,irill(,] witli 2 oiii, re- of tlii@ -k,, not(.(] tile (le- Jo oil ti@4, of qiii] iii@titiition@ izi CT tit I I St)() I 1-@4 11 @l I ill of :ill@i illo(l2ifit-Zltioii,rii ir- A new oil(, I I))'olllvtll. '.\to-Zt of tit(' 11(@0- 2 Ill(' :)?)(] ill-tit ill iol), 1101 of CI.X SI)ol)@01- "I) i I), ll'i@ tli;il Ill(, :Ill(] iii-@tiliiti()Iir. -2tviiicli (Ill -.1 ill f:iitli Ilit] ill tli:it all :I iiiot-al ol-I'L@,itinti to tli7eq(@ )oil- to 1)) -01 t))(,tii fi 13 ol- to tli(-il- I-PI)Ilt;ltioll, 11411'(Ilifloii of tlieii- i(lenti2tief. (itial i-es(-arcliers .X(.l ]lot t I)iilol', iiaiii(-@. of till- in(iiii 2 I 114 II t t II It. 'I'll)- is of fol, flio..-4, and institu- 2 I c(@i-taiiilx -lit aii(I tli(, of liotli tlit@ s(@it-i-I oil Int(-Ilig(-Tice and tli(, 2 Sl)l)(.olllltlitti.(. oil 11(@:tltli itii(I S,-'(-iit'fi(- to investigate of a(-tii-itit-@: ill delii] v2oii considei, w'liii kll of the (lociiiii(,nta- tioli, ill(:Ilitllll" ill of tile 11 2 oil .9 ]lop(, that tlii@. f;i,-Ilitqt(. otii- Iiii-ezti,,,itloti St Ill lirot(Ttiji- the individiials 2 n,,illl t]),it tllr, '.%IKi-T,TRA eN-entF are 12 to 24 1 in till, 1),k-:t. an(] I isqiii-i@ i-oii tliit ('I.k isz in no wav engaged ill t\-Itli the Attoi-i I ani worl-iii. 2 i(@v Geiier:il on this ili,ittel-. Al't@ tire iii,,tkiii(, to till- kttot-iiev 'Cieneral whatever ili:lt(,I.i:lls II(, ili-,IV to iiiv that be mav (.14.(.t to lievol)(I tii:it. ni-c :il,.zo woi-kiii-witli the Attornev 2 to wliviliei- it i@ fi-om this new evidence to i(](,iitif v -iiiv of ili(@ to ill,'Iv bnN-P been adniin- ilillN-ittili(,]N@ No ,171" 1),Il.t of tl)(:sv records. ll'e have tli(, iii,Ti-vi(-Iil.,ils to IN-]) Ili wei-c n(iiiiini,;tered, biit )I-e tl""ilig llo%l- to if tli(@l-t- irt@ I(Ieqiiate cliies2 to ]eR(I to tliell, it](@lltlfl(.,Itioii. .17111 if o lio-,N. ])(,St to (,o -.I I)Ollt flilfilliilg tile Gov- 2 ill tlki@ lfi-. Cliill'illq)l. 115Z NN'(, ii -it of fkttempting to tile ilidiN-i(Ill:ll@ iii,l tlieii ia-liit is oiir I)i-ol)er re- to tli(@iii. I A\-ill k4@i@1) loolli of tlie-@c (-oiiiiiiittees fiillv 2 ad- I t li;'i i)k voti. ci I-. Sell;ltol- Tliaiik voii niiieli. A(Iiiiiral ninier. Yoiir 2 ]-it of is iiiiii-li I wotild 11 -e to iiiiot ce to tli(@ coiiiiiiitt(,e tliit ill oi-il(@i- to iii(,iiilwi, all 2opi-)ortlinitv to ill tlli., tilat 1\'(, W(iii(I et .I tinie Iiiiiit of 10 iiiiniites gii-e tlii@2z -on)iiiitt(@e tile geiie-zi,.; of '.\IKT-T, TI@.t. IN'lin oi- ti-li:it (-oniiiiittp(- oi. (.otiiiiii,@-ioii oi- Was i,e5l)onsi- 2 1)1(@ fol- Iililir I I1) this tiid siyiiztei- lirojwt. Ril(i wbv was it t 2 i, t] oil f(-,I. ;Iic]) ',I I I-oject ,ill(l W.-t- till, Ili-esi(l(@lit of tli(, 1-iiit(@(i St:it(,@ iwir(, of tlil@2? [kill to ask Bi,(xiv oii i-i(,Iit. Nvlio i- i Inii(,,-tiiiif- of till, ('IA to n(ldi-eq,@z that ill tliit wi@ kilot\- .11)ollt the tr(.Ilesis W-I:, ON-(@l. to ill(, Clitit-@-li i-oiiiii,ittt-t@ -,iii(i is 4-oiiiiiii(@(i ill that mi- 13:i@-irill v. it ,i CTA-iiiiti-,itt-ii iii-()jpet. Tt stirte(i Olit of R coiievi-ii nf olir I)Piii- t.,ik-eii of I)v otliel- po%%-ei-,Q who woiilcl oil)- :till] it i\-:i@ in till, A.-eiiev. I have qqlced tile qiiestioli N-011 iiist .9s@-vd !lie. and linN-P been i5stired 2 tliit tile?.(, is Tin tlit@ of iiiN- iii\-(ilN-viiiezit at 'hiLIier eclielon@z. the IN'Iiit(, for i5iiqti lie(-. oi- ql)eeific approval. That does not sav tli(-i-c was not. I)iit we have no qticli evidence. @b-4"P 2 14 .Oll ailli@lifn. Oil ill)- 2 v(,i-,,- ]lit](- to i(l(l to tltat. iiix- N\-:is ]lo of this pi.oj- 2 is Ili(- S.Iiii, it W.I@; to Ittel)il)t lo Wil'it NVII' tli(@n tlioiiglit to 2 I lit-i@:kt IIN- olit. of iisili-, of kii(,%\ ii,otit It is ]'it tlj(@ Seiiqt(- (-o2tjii)iittee i,el)ort. IN-O'L I-].:. tilt, (,f ti1q. 1\411-I-E. voij that it w2is iiit(@iitionall-v kept 111(@ !tilt] tll(, of Ili(- stkt(@-? l@Nt@l.. '.\'O. SIT'. IN'(@ ar(, oii]N- iN-(, li-ix-e no PN-i- ()I, tit(. oilit-i- ,is to Tiiri)(@2j-. ii,(- Voll !Zatir.6(-d bv tii:it I]]', I 'tif(ii-iiiiti2oii wtF. not ]lo wiN- to 1)ro\-e tliit. Tliit i- m,%- con- it. 2 tli:tt dociiiiient.- ill of tlii,@ v(@.qi-. iji(i %-oii were notified 2 ill .1ilix I)f till- 01' of till- V("11-. 'Ill(l tilt- (.otlllliitt(.e W.9@,. iioti- 2 of ('(-Iltr.,il Tnt(,Ilia(@nce %\,I- )loll i(q] :" illolltl)" ilfit@i- its lliitiil tll(, delav? 2 ']'I )'(@s. zli-. kil tlil:,@ Fi-(,P(Iolll of I ii f( ii-i i i:i I i4 )II .\ (,t 7-(@41 i I(-, Ia I i (I '.\1 I,. I.:i II I)2 I I I oi I Ili A. It, ft w as t II e in - N\li(i 1()o)k it ill@oll to ii-itli great tli,l 1,(.I@iiiis@ioii to go to tit(- Centei-, and tlit@ii iii:i(i(- tlii- (1(-(-isioii t4i I(x)l, not oiil,%- wli.,it Nx-oiild 1-w the ex- 2 -iii,j(,i-t filt-s. liiit t)ii-r)ij(rl) Pi-(,i,v fili@ %\-itli tije I)raiieli tliat. flils of arlix-it\- h2it] .111\' connection. ].it., ill linxi@s. lit- arranged tq) tll(,Ili slill,l)(@41 fl-0111 tile li(,tjl.f@ll to toti. 1() (i ill- Tile v arriv(-(l ill I)iq 2 1%-Iio qsked hini lio\\- loiig 1)(@ tlioii,-,Itt it woiild t:lk-t- 111111 to 'go tlit--i- and tlit@ii) 2 clear x\(, ot-i,,iiiiliv t-@l iiii:itt@d. i)a(,@(- lioi-e. IN'e now tliliik 2 Ili,] it 1))@i lit, (.1os(,I- to He estliii:tii-(l If 4:i oil illio tit(. of '.\Ial. to 2 (10 tli;if. Ifi@ %\..I- tol(i lo :I- II(' (])(I -o wi@ ]lot] till- e- 2 'Ili tilt- of t)ii-@e 14!) i-,g@ze@z tli:it ,,(141it 1\(@ to t)i(. tliit )iad a]- 2 to t)l(. (.0illIll,itt(,e. soiii(@ I)iit iio ninjor ])2lit not i great tli;it cain(, .Ili,] 4ii-ill:tll,l(.Il 1;1, tilil(. li2t@ \\.:I@ liot to ])tit 11)41 of ll'is tliii(. oil 11. @ilill (IiAl ll()t t4) 1),@ f4)i- ;I i-iisli li(,r(,. 2 to tilt, of Iiifoi-nititioii Act %\.Itlllll til(@ Iiiiiiis of oill. :II)(] ol4it- 111-iol-ities. III t,;Ii-l Ililie. tivo I)i-oi(@(-ts. tli(, on(, relkted 111@l tilt- 2olit' to III(' filli@liti'l-,It tit(- ill-ztittitinii. all(] tli:it )it, li:i,l siil,-tijitial il)fol-nilitioll2, all(I t I( III %A, o I 4 ,I kI II it -I @ t o I I ot I f.x' t I II @ I N- of tlif- I)i-iii- of Ili2fill-ill:lll(,)] %(-I Illit NN,(, NN'Ollld liii-e iil)- st;ll)t ::II II(,". Iii,l it i%-oijlil Ili- ,k- ri2l)ifllx- as 111(1 tll(- -(".Oil(] III @1.1i't a 11)(111101"11111iiiii iii) tli(- cfiaiii t II;]2 I II i!. I K@ I J (. fillit %N-(@ slioill'I flotifn- tllv S(,]].Iti. Coil)- lilifl,-i@ oil of liil.@ of tii(@ 2 Ic-a@,t of ti@-o .k- that ill) fi-oiii the 1:@tli (if it ea(-Ii we liad 2 to (,o tilt, ofli,.(,. tilt, ofli(,(- in,] qt ea(-Ii tillf'@ti(iii a@-iii-ti (if Iiiiii: liii-c %.oii Lrone ;Ili of tlii@. so tjiit wlii-li we liotifx- tll(@ @.;el e(.t Coll)- 2 n)itt(-t', Ave (If) ?lot liotifn- ]I.-kif of tilt. iiiii),jit an(] not the liilf ? Tii(- lt!zt tIiiii,r I 2 i- in ini- wav to )to oil ;tl]N- tol)i(- t)l(@ :11)N. tol)it-Of oi- 2 to voii oiit of in(,. all(] jnv siib- to )])N. ]la(] a-@k(@il. i-oti i-ea])N- gone .om- 2 I)alLP, enoti,,,Ii to know that we al-e not going to I)oitil),;li4@ll do%%-ii -,it tli(@ I)ottojii 2 @ll-olit tIJ(@ t)ii@ 1)ro(,(,@;@ ienclied nilv del)iiti-. I-le afl(@l. ])is of2 it oil tll(, -Ili of Tlilv. i@ t)i@ firt I kii,-N%- of it. I it. I I tl)(, 2 tioii tlii-ii iiotifi(@41 )vi.v aii(I oil tli(- delix-eretl ft) N-oll itIN- ],-t2tt-l- letTil)4-r l'oll kii(@NN- tli:tt wt, lii(I t)ii,. fkii(i we lii@-e I"n lii:i]IN. 1)(@01)1('. iii:llkx.l2ioill-@. Iii(.e tll(-]). to I)C stil-c tll,'It WIlat WL' N-(;ii to4lqx- doe- jii,-Iii@lt@ -ill tli(@ niit(2,riil. e I 1%. iii@l lik,- to I- for Iiis 2 loill AN.;Is 1111, tlit@ of the Free- X(.t oi- (.(iiil4i tlii- 2 exerci%e(I not i(111 t I ].It t))(@01-et ic.11 I N- 2t II i@- (III i- ii :iiin. titjii-. fill(] it ni-,i-%- well Ile tll-,it (if 2 Iiifgii-iii:ttlt)ii k(,i li:i.@ iiiid(@ II.-; ]not,(, RIN'.Ii-e of tliis. fol. to]-. to (lili@,2elice -@o '\- (]()ii't :itti,ilitit(, it. S(,i)a p- if 2 li'Aill"lt) tli(@('IA di(] at tlietiiiie (.ollllilltt(.q. 2 of til(, flool- I a?]) oil f III I I, f I -IIII I ()II I- I -I Is 4.4,11t (.1 I -I- I oo.N t II at aIII%. ol I (. 2 111) foi- to (-ollllll N-. of @.itii:ltl4vll .111(i -voii (-,in st,.ii,t SN .11)t I() filitl tlllllf_'@ tilat NIOIJ 2 tilill. .Ill(] tiiat )@ %N-lial liil)lwiied 2 \-oil (ii-:tr s@- to tlit@ to tli(- Aiiiei-i(-,iii )t iij:ilix. biit wli-,tt we are 16 11)(lit is all took 1)1-i(-e n the coiinti,v 2 (.01-1-illitioll Of iliqll%. of our 013@- -onie ill tilt- 2 ('I.k Wliere F of ()Ill. tf)li in sl)on- j@ (I of tli(, ]lack- 2 gloli(' 1A.,t)i (-itiz(@lis %N-flo W(@rt, vonlpl(,telv atin' illiftflf,[- of il.(.2 NN-.ilkill-, 'll'olilill to(liti- oil life eist Cf,i,4 of. (-41.1-t WI)o W(,)-(, %-(,it w@illi all t)i(- kiti,!-@ of I)li,, 2 IA'e lia@-C gone ox-er tli,,it -iii4l -,t@v(,r(' 2 eniiiifrv 7e.1111- flol;e iiiis 2to tile ttee. I ii,oiii(I lik(- tt) ir(-t so?i)e s(-ii@t@ (@f oi@'ll allollf tilis tN-I)e of nefix-it 2 itN. ol)%-iol]Sl N-, of life ('41314 @@(@t of el? )S III)ees, )lot "(@f 7))11(,]) of ,I ft-t@illill ill 11(li'IPIA'Illg A-otii, stateiiient )itre this filoy-flift" of tll(@ Iiiiii] of to till.- t3,i)e of 2 T tikiiil@ tli(. %iii(,ri( 'itii )ieol)l(@ wotil,i epi-taiiil-,- (it@l)lor(@ aii(I wliiell I IK@li('%-(' tilqt Vol) (lo. I2)Ilt (.olli(i N-ol) (.o)ljl))i@I)t 1)1)0.11 tiiiit (illest ion, all4i also tli.,it it cai)iiot )pen 2 t o file tot-illi- -,il)liol,ren t to 2 iiii\- i\@av 3ei@I)ai@(iiz- ]low L'I.4,:It Ili(, I RI)) not Vol) iliat 2 t)llt iiii(lel-tak-e. 2 to sill)@114)1' l@@, lilt lt@ l'it 11)01)t til@)t? 2 )Ile t)).'It it i( of ill(,141(,Ilt tli:tt lv:t@ till(,Ox soiii(, i-ear,,@ of 11):)l Ill t)lll. 2 tliit -][:ill ]lot lo ilit@:l@lli'P Oil Ill\ Of (@oill- of fl)(@ of til7l' Iitllllile 17 iiiiieli of iii(@ i!@ otir krea of iiiter"t tiiat 2 ill(, tii,l ilit- Ni-)ioli@ of nr- tin.ities (Iolit, bN- tll(2. (,oiii(i 1,(,eii done in i (if tlit@ Natioii.1) Insli- 2 ISF-Orne III IIN-fill lot of t?-Olllplv, 2 of, t),(@ of Illil-ITRA. Rre illilil@ volt N\,iiii t(i got n eoiiil)](-Ie t (its t)i.-tt at-(, (I(iie nit )itittiaii be- ,ilisNN-ei- tlioiit ali2n ol. iillt,i-.itiq)li- ol- litiv 2 Ilk litiiii-ifi 2 Iiiiean. at'(. ? foi- or 2 psv- 1\'t, :ii-i- 4-oiiiiiiii,,ill\- iiivol\-(-(l in Nyliit Nve call aF.- 2 of F(P?. 1\,(, ti'l-illt to in)- )I tli(@ in(iii-id- 2 1\ (I). flot. Ili)(,- itot :Ill\- Ax-] t I'lli- '11141\ 1111,1 of 1)(@2llivioi- iiii(ICI- iii(I sc) oil. litit it i@ iiot iii exl)eriniental tliin(". 2 li;l\,. I Al? oi- \-I: it 'sliiiiii(@t] t(@ilio,(, ,Ii-ea@? 2 1'e-: it (I(x,@ iiot iti\-oli-(- -.ttteiiil)titi(, to iiiodifv be- ll:lviol.. It oil]\- @til@l\.ill,, lit,li:iA-ioi- 2 I)iit jint trviiig to ili@tlif\- it. a- N\-a@ oil(, tif tlit@ of S(,ii.-itni- 2 . \\,t, ii,(, oil t')ii)(,. ])lit I aiii ill tlit- otlit@i- I-oil II-(, (loill" it. NiaVI)c 2 ("1171 eitli(@l- it fol. flip if ).()II %I-ollltl iliat. 1\'otil,l -%.oil iiiit foi- i lit, ? )-es. Oil 2 ir(- itt-rf4-ril)441 .1.1 31 %ervi4-t@ tt@ otti4-ers ill tile nlwra- lii-ii, ilir4-i-itir:itt- rt@(-riiit :tiid -,r 2fiir ,if :iri- f#sreigi, the itif),t 2 tacti(,tt)pk-rstiadt@ i(- 'I iIj,-,,t lit 1-@ lit- ('IA. aliti it@ iiiake all al-I)rki@,7al if 2 lii@7 rt-li@iiiility aii(i triitlifiiiii4-.,,. A iiiai-)rit@- 4@f itiq- %\(@y-k is iriiiii-d son)e of 2 tlle@ (I" I,e eittif,r oirt,(-t qir a iiiii-rview 2 of the qubjeet by the foriiiii "intt-lli- is ot2ctti:ill % a disgiiit-tl tesi, Ijidividiiiils I)Pjijjz !%*,II 'it,)r ii.,ir;i-@iiietit tkr 2 olit-r@itiii@., iiiter\-iew is ii(it Jill- iii:i@ lit@ ii:tli2rt-;,t n-@i-ssiiii,iit. ii.,iiig iis .oiir4* iiii- 4if !]it, witli 1*4ijile wijo ki)u%,t 7 Iiiiii, siR@(-iiikeii.@ of iiis %vritiiik@;. (-te. -lits ijl%(.Ive iitlidsvrilijig atialy.-is or grapho- 'I'lik- %Nili-k i, di-jit, 1,@ 2@i 1,;jir 4)f II-aiut-d gr:il)li,tl,,gists, assisted b) a ,wall iiiiiiii-t-r of ijit@:i.,uri,uit-iit gi-iii-i-:tlly rt-(jiiire at least 2 a liagt. 4,1' liiiii(l%%i-iti(@ii s(,rilil to.% tit(, are niade of about :I(o (lilit,rt-til writiji:z arid ilit,st- at-i- ebarit-d aud furiiistied to the gralplitol-,gi,t f(ir 'lilt- at,(- gi%(' ( iii ikss2t,.@,,iiieiii to gruuli of olot.r.iiii,ii,, tjiiet-rs, t4, sliarlwtj tht-ir (oxnii cal)iiiiililii,s t4@ SiZ(' Up IK-01)lv. AE I)art of 2 llie traiiiiiig t-(lurst-, tlit, iiistrut-l(ir d4m-., it usst,.-.,Llleiit of each studeial. The bititielits art, wittilig imi2-ticil)aiit.,, aijd resultb are discussed with tlit-ui. It i., iuili,prtiijt too reiteratt@ that art- (iii]3- a 2 str%-icv it) thq, t,lpk-ratif-ii, 4itbk-er,. Ili the iiiial iijal3sis, it is tlit- reslm)ii@illilit@ of the oio(@r-,itit-iis otb(-i-r to dt-(-ide bo%N U IK)telltial agt-tit sboulti I)t- apl)ruu(:Iie(l, or to itiake a ju(Igt-wt-iii as lqp N-.Iietlier iiii@ Ligt-jit is tvlliiig2 itit, truth. Adiiiii-al TuR.Ni;R. I'll(- kiiid of tiiijig NN-L, are Ili is, %%-Iiat will iiioti%-tite a iiiiii to be(-oiiit- all ag4@iii of' the L'jilt(,d Stties in i difli- cult situatioii. IN't, lla%,e to I)(- faiiiiii@ti- witli that kiii(i of attitudiiial i-e.-I)oiise that w(- (-.Ili (-.Xpect fi-olii J)eop](@ NN-e to foi- oiie i-ea!@uzi oi- iiiiollier out- bill I i%-Ill be lial)1)3- to stibiiiit a %-ei-y 2 specifi(- listiiig of' tlie@-e. ..OWL Sentit(,i- KE.N.NEi)y. NN'otiltl you do that fol- tli(@ cojiiiiiltt(-c-? I]) ilik2, ill tilt' 'IlliSE-tRC11. Ili tlit- (-)FI'E-N, and the ClIlCKIN'lT, could you gli-t@ us also a report oil tlio@,,t@ particular pi-2ogi-aiiis? Adiiiii-al Tult-, ER. Yes, sir. ,Sell,itol' 1)ld tllt-y iii%-ol%-e exl)ei,iiiieiitit')oii, litillian 2 expei-iijit-iitatiuii @ Adiiiii-al -No, sii-. ZSeti.itoi, Noii(, of tli(-rii? 2 Adiiiii-;tl I't ItNF.I,. l,t@t ii)c siN- ttils. tliiit is the code iiiiiie foi- tlit, ('I.t pai-ti(-il).itioii ill wlint was 2 a I)el)art- 'I'Iii@ pi-o,,i-aiii was siiiiiiii;ii-iz(,d aiid re- nieiii of I)ef(@iise I)i-ogi-aiii. e- poi-tk-d to tli(@ ('Iiijl'cli coiiijilittee. to tlit@ Coil@-,I'tlns .1111d I ]la i-(- since they lia%-e I)eeii i-eiiiciitioiie(i in the press in t)i(- )list 2 (I:iN'S ]lei-e, I lian-e ii@t ]i;id tiiiit, to go tlii-otigli and I)ei-sotialiv reN-je,.N- tli(,zii. I liaA-(- ,ks(-ei-ttiined that all of tli(- filt-s that we lii(I ittitl iiiade RI-C il)tRCt. and I lka%-e I)iit a oi-iii-t- out tiiat nobody wil2l tlio.,k@ files oi- in iiiN- way loti(-Ii tli(@iii witli(iiit iiiy I)eriiii.-@ioii at tiiis point. but tli(@v in tik(, R(,tii-(-d Ri@t-oi-il., Cejit(-r oiitside of IA'asliiii@'toll. and t)le@ RI,(, it 2 I Rill ilot to gix-(. N-011 fill] det-iiis oil it. I -il)]Pl'%- han-eii't i-(-,id into t)iat part (if 4iiii- Iiistot- ])lit ill :I(Itlit2 ioll I wolllkl silg- g(,-@t A% lit,ii A%-(, v%-.iiit to get iiit(i tliai wt@ @lloiiii] get tit(- I)eli-.11-tilit-lit of Defetis(, iTi m-itik its. Wt,l]. voli will Fill)l'IV tll,-It ilifol-litatioii to the colilillitt(.(@. the I itit@:ili. ilit, li(,:iltli obvi- oti,4]A-. aii(I the i-es(@.ii-cli we ,ii-e Ili A2@iiiiii-.,i] Ye,. Fit,. I;eiiiitnr Ky.-, -,Yr)y. Will voii let II-; A( l'iii- Ad)iiii-iil Ti-R,,% Fi@. I will I )e hit 1)1)v Io. 1,;(-(, 1). 1C,() foi- tlio@ iiiati-i-ial to.] Tli:iiik -%.oil. I 2,iiii i-iiiiiiii1f,r ()lit of tiiiit@. Do voii Cill)l)ol-l ilie of t]14@ 1)1-ote('i 'If)]) of sill) 14'(-t.- le,,i@l-ktioll 4 to tit(@ CIA niitl tlit@ 1)01)? Y(ii f.1 '01';Il)l% . Oil tilkt before, and I ant hopeful we can get that on the calendar early in September, and that is otir.-,tron(, intei,(-st. Adiiiii-al T17RNER. The CIA cei2-tainlv has no ol)jection to that pro- posed legislation. sir. It is not niv role in tli(- administration to be the stipporter of it or the, en(lorsei- of it. Senator 2 KE-,-,EI)Y. As a personal niatti-i@. since voii have reviewed tlie5e siiloje(-ts. woiill i-oii (-oiiiiii(@iit ? I know it is iiiavl)e unusual, but vou can 2underqtan(I v@liqt we are atteii)ptiiig to do. Adniiral TuR,.%ER, Yeq. sii,. S(,n,,itor KY-,,El)y. Fr(ni voiii. owji exl)erien(@e in tiie agencv, -voij 2 can understand the valiie of it. .Ttis:t fiiiallv. in votir oNA-ii testiii)oiin- Y)oAv %A-itli this rtddition.-il infor- nintioli2. it seem,@ qiiite RPI),kreiit to i)i@ tli.,it %-oii can reconrtriirt in verv careftil dettil tli'l., whole pi-oj(.(,t iii of the re.,-ponqihle Clk 2 for the program. Yoii ]i.-tve so indicated in vour testimon-v. 'N'ow with t]t4- ad(litionil infoi-iiiit'oii. and the people. tlirt have been revealed in 2the examination of tll(, do(@iiinents, it seems to be pretti- clear tltrkt vou can track tljtt wlio](@ i)ro-z-;ini in verw careful detail. n7i(I I woi2i)@ know. that voii wot@ii(i want to get to the bottom of it. as the Coiigi,;s!;4 does a, w(@ll.'l will conie back to that in my next roiiii(l. Tliaiiii voij verv much2. Senator 1.%-oui-F. ;enatnr CToldwater? Senator Gol.r)WATFR. I have no giiestions. Senator 1,.\oi-YF. Senatoi- 2 Senator "@rIIWFIIKT-.R. Tititik,%-oii 'Nfl- CliRiniian. Adiiiir,t] Tiirnei,. I woiild li@-(- to' co'bi(-k to voiii, tesztinionv on page 2 12. wliei-(- i-oii discii,@s the roiitril)iitioti to tfie btii](Iiii- fund of a I)rii-ate nieaici] iii,.@titiition. Yoii state. "Indeed. it wa '.@ mentioned in a 2 19.-,7 Iiisi)(.,-toi- i-ej)ort oil flip 1'eclijiic.11 Service DiN-ision of Cl.k. 1)(-zlijieiit ))oi-tioiis of wlii(-]) lind ]xtii r(-i-iewi@,l bi- 2 the Church coinniittt,e qtiff." I woiild liki@ to voij con,@i(lei- tliis'qiiefztioii verv q@z a iii(-iiiN@i, of tfi(@ oi-igiiiil Ciiiii-eli committee'. '%IA- stafr(@r d3'1(1 it lot of the woi-k- that voti are r(,fei-rin to hei-e. He g 2 Di il (le Tioti's oil tii(@ ICT':@ i-el)oil. gii(-qtion to voti is. are vou saving that the !@ectioii that dplin(@at(,, qzi iiiii)rol)(@r contribution was in fact to tli(, ('Iiiil-cll CO)II]Ikittee staff to @%ee? Adij)ij,al Ti-iRNER. The to votir qiiestion i,. "Yes." The in2for- iiiat'oii that a coiitribiitioii had Ive@ iiiade wit.,@ made available, to the best of iii-t- knowledge. Seii,,itoi- OiiIN. eeriiiiii wtioiis of the r(,I)oi-t were made The rel--oi-t )iad t o be reviewed oiit at it wa ot 7 s n 2 here. Fkiid copies were not gi%-Pii to iiz lici-e. I jil:,'t want vou to c.irefiilli- coiisi(ler what voij are saving. becaii.-4, the on]N- record we 2 n@e the iiotes tliai the stafl" took oii aiivtliiii,, iliat was of Admiral Tx-.jt.NER. iinder%tandizig wfis that Nli-. I%fRxwell was 2 ,-Iinwji the relevant poriion of this rvl)ort that disclose(] tlilt the 0 ti-il)iitioii had I)eeii made. Sellat,01' SCIIWEliKi-it. To follow t)iis iii) further. I'd ]iL-P to -R.v that I think there was a Rerioiis flaiNN- in tli(- wiv t]iftt the IG re rt w as liqiidle(i an(] the Clitireli comn)itt(-e was Iiiiiite(l. I Hill 1not niariiig @ny lolls. biit Lwcaiise of Iiiiiiteti at-(-ess to tli(, iepoi,t. we have a situ- 20 Rtion wliere it. is not even clear whether we actual saw that material or not, siiiip]N- because we coul(i iiot keep a the report under ., %,e had to follow. W(' were Iii N- riotetaking, and the'procedui,(,@ 2 ) just wliat w ,(I wl)at wac not so it is r.,itli(,i, allll)ig"01", a,' t( c.(, Comillittee will not ,seen. I certainlv ]hope that the new Intell ig(n be. boiiiid by pr'oeediires that so restrict its ability to exercise effective oversight,. @l ion. it concern voii, Adi2iiiral, that we Ilse(] I se(.Ollq wili(. of consti-iieioii graiit 2 tit(, I,,., to foi, sol-t@ of Oil oul, owil fi 2 ai-e @a,%-iiig. tit(- CIA ,I I-esi,oll-z(, oil the I)al-t of 2 -oN-itli@ oil .1 g(K)d f,,titii iiiat(-Iiin- @i-niiii-iit to i)l r@ 2 llo'l)'I.ll fill)(IS It tile siiii(@ level. IN'(' I)Ilt illp riiore thaii 1;1 niillioti of iii,it(.Iliil" fiiiiil,@, solll(, oil all alleg(-tllv 1)ri,%-nte donatioii wbieli was iliolley. 2 i,,-roitgNN-itlitliat? is. As I stat(@d, tile Gen- el-,ki of ilit@ (']A it tlixt till](@ 2 ,i legal ol)inion that mono-.. iiiiii(@i-tlii@ilicy -.11141 again I iiiii to go ba(-Ii ,tnd 2 .1. I(,. - whether tlit- ittitiiil(-s at iliat till o (11 4r(((] gl-oiili(l oi- itot. I fill) ilot eiintigli of ,t liiit it (.1-1-1.1illiv woiilii ol-eiii- to ii)(@ if it 121,11)1)elled S4..II,-114 )I- -4. I tlli Ilk of it,; NA-]lo worled on nn(l tit(. lilli-ltiii-loii A(,t all(I otli(@i- lio@4I)it'll coll! as- 0\'tli- ilit@ woiild t ratliei- (liffi@r(,iit opinion 2 oil till- iiitt@ilt oi- oloj@@(.t of ('oiigi-l-@;s ill to proi-i(ie ho-,- iiioii(,v. ftiii(IQ wei-en't iiitendtd for :I 1 1 t t I (@ 1) i t o f t I i(@ slit @l I fi -1 I I (i-, i II @-i t ii,-i @,l ioii %i-li i rli t II rnetl 2 111) \N-lit@ii I w;i- 4-)Ii tit(- coiilliiitt(,(.. I'lie Iit-,Iltli Sci-vice II-(-(] to :I i)oi-oii witli II(-,iltli iiionev. Hei-e W(@ (-oll@ 1-11(-t loilen. to (.a 1,1,v oil -,I of 2 Ex(.Ilse ille. sit-. If I coiiltl iil-zt IK-. I think. ite- ('11 'it(,. I il4)ii'l tliiiik iilv of tlli,. oi. Ill(. were 2 (11-11- 4-X])Pl.lliieiit@. Tliev tis(@(i to I)iiild the llof-- I)lt;ll. 1114- ('I.k tilt2@ll I)Ilt ilioi-e iiioll(@ v iiito n f(iiiii(intioii tli-it Wlq tit(. ('I.k's lwliiif ill tliit lio@I)ital,s2o till, iiiii-lit w@i@ ))lit the iiioii(@v' jiot iised foa, it w-,i@2; ii.@ed for lir-c@k, iiid 'I illol-i:il.. I-lit tile to I)IIi](I ilit@ f;l(.ilitN- wliei.(@ till, exl)eri- Oil liol 1\,(, (lo ]lot ]la\(. 2Ili-it tliev were. It -,\-Olll,l tli:li tli:lt k\lt@ lilt- iiit(@iit. l,iit I (lo itot -,,raiit to 2 in-otil(i I li(,v -ii-e tlii-@ for till- l,ilil4lill",, filli4l if tlit@ loiiiltliii- ]lot foi- I I)iirlo!2.e that (Ii-,iw tlit@ iiift-i-eiiee tliit th(@ CIA lo 10(@ill-lit fl.()Ill it. Ikl9l(l SI)Illt@ of ilit@ \\ol.tlllla @.qN the 21 NN.";z (111%. if ilit@ (']A wa,, goill.- 2 of wliat to tlk,l I lw(,,, .(Piiie I)r(,tt%- good benefit@ 05 ? Adiiiir,il TuRN-F.R. iii,,Iit. 22 Senator ScijwiiKi.R. If you happened to be at the wrong bar at the wrong 1)la(-(@ aii(i t-iiiie, yoti got it. ,Air. liitt,t)y. Senator. that would be---contact,,-, -were made, as we uiider,tati(i it, in bat--, et cetera, and tlieji t)ie people rnay liav(@ been 2 in%-iteti to safe liouses. There reall@- isn't anv indication as to tii(@ fn(-i iiiii tlil.- look ill tit(, bai@s. 2 Aklijili,,tl Tt.-R.VFIC. We are tr%. iiig to be ver,, . preci.,,-e you, sir. and ))of iii-aw iii ii-e 6 of tlji,.-4, 14!i wlier'e A,e eiiou-Ii evi(lence in this new docuitientatioii to sul)stfintiate that tli(,I-e '%A-as iiiiNN'Ittil2i- testiiig and soriie of that involves these safe I'lipi-t- are otlipi, (-a.,es w)i(@re it is anibiguous as tf) wbetl)er tile 2 te--@tiii(i w;ks wittliig oi- voluntary. There ai@e others wliei-c it was clearlv voliiiital-%-. wlictlivi- iiifoi-iiie(i 2 coiisent rn(@aiis anything to a person in a bar atix,wav. if -a] I'utt,.%Fn. Well. we don't have all-% indicatioi) that al2l the.-(, ea%(@- it is invol%-ed drinking of anv kind. Tfier(, are cq,@es iii 1)(,iial iii-,titiitioii@. 2 wher(- it is not Cie-ir whether tile prisonel- oi- iiot. I don't know t)iat he wacn't. given a choice. I)iit I don't I)o-ltl'vi@Iv 1-now that be was, and I classify that as an aiiil)lgtioiis ii)ei(li@nt. . S(,ii,it(;i- I Yoiir titiie2 is up. Senitor. St.l),Itol. Iiii(ifll(,@toll? I 11-1)1)1.F.ST(WN. Thank Cli,,iiriiiaii. 2 A(iiiiii-al l'iii-iivi-, voii stated ill -%-otir testinionv that voti are Coll- Was 110 ,itteizipt to coiiepal t)iiq recent] 2 (ii.,4@overe(i docti- iiieiit:it)(iii tlit@ earlier %etrci)es. Did voii question the individ- u-,tls 2 the carlier,,eareli 1)(,fore voii itia(le that jtid.-ineiit? A(Iii)lril Y4@s: I liai-en't. I don't thin],. ilii('@;tioned ei-erv- 2 lio(IN- N%-Iio in tli(, files of- is -,tl'il oil oiii- pavi-oll -.vlio looked in 1).,ii-k in I!J-i -), 2I)iit Laiil)ingei, on inv ]Ptt iq the I)eqt aittlior- it.%- oit tliiz. niiil I -one over it wit)i IiiTii ill -.oiiie detlil. 2 Biit voii have inqiiired. voii tl)in@-. to a!z.;iii-(, voiii,.A,lf tii-it no intent on tile part of anv perso'n 2 to eoiireil fli(@,e i-e(-or(IF front the romitiittee? A(li))ii-,il Ti-PN-FR. I qjii perqiiidt-il of that botli bv j)i-,- qiit-5ztioning of I)e4,l)li, iii(i I)v the eiretinif-t-.t?ice@; and the w.,kN- in @,vliie'li these dcwti- m(@i)t- ;2vere filed. I)i, tlit- fict u-Iiieh I di(i not 'and qlioii](i liii-e nien- fill- tbit tlit@,e were not tl)f@ official files. T))e one. 2 tli:it v(, likn-e r(-ceix-e(i or i-etripvi-d weri, of files tliit were worh-@'- in- file, that soiti(,I)o4lx- 2 lind iiqe(l. Rn(i tlipreft)i-P ivei-e slipped into it diffi-i-t,y)l lot-.itinji. an(]' i,,,.tin I sai- to -%,oil. sit-. I ekn't iiiii2-ine their tl)PSP fii(-s ,ind r(,veilin(,- tl)p other tlilll(r, tllit fli(,V 4]itl ii2; I (Ioll't fill, illotiv@e for tl)nt. iflot t)i:it cotiii):ir-e(I xi-itli tli(- overall ni.,ttei-iil 2 tli:it W'k@ ))I.()Vi(]('(]. q4'lllt0l' Ts this tile kind of op(,ritinil that if it wire 2 ri)?Itiliiiiil,, ll(lx%- ()I. if iiii-tliiitz to it. tliqt voti "-otild ft'i@l to to) flip Coi)ii)iitt(,i- o)) Intelligence? A(iiiiii-;kl @;il-. 1-011 itif@:iii. if I tll-,it -.onle- tlil9ii,,, liki@ tlii, -,oiti,, oil i,,@itlioiit iiin. Yes. I wotild tl)i@ to 23 illit if it w(@i.(, goiii,, oil witli r 2 voli kiiowledge, )-(u %@-o@ld. woiiid -,-oii i-el@ol-T it to the (.01I)JIlittte? I li@. on 2with my Adii' it wotil(I not be goiiig ilz,.il kiioNN-2le(l,,e. Ittit ilieoi-(@ticallv tli(, iii,@wel, is sir. well. tlieil. wliit would vou have .is NN-(, d(@i-i-@e foi- tlik@ vai-loxis ag(@ncies? li'hat AN-0@111(i -,-oti suggt-st to I)roliii)il tiii@ Jli)d of activitv front 2 takiiil- ? AN'@iild %-oii that it oiiglii tc) be specifi(-a]IN- out- ]ill(-ii III it stitiltol-N. s(-@ttiii(,r out tli(@ pitraiii(-Iei2-s of tb'e per- nii@@itile 0I)el..Itioll @f the a(r(,Iiej(,s? Adiiiir,t] TURNER. I tl)llil, tilat certiin]'v is sonietliing we must con- a .,i(lei, as we lo(pk at the ',IatioTi foi- cli rters. I aiii not on the face 2 of it ol)l)osed to it. I tliijik we woij](I liai-e to look at the particular woi-li')iig a- we are goill" to have to deal witli tlj(@ wliol(@ charter issue 2as to e-..kctlv how precise voij want to be in delineating restraints and curb., on t)i@ intelligence activities. enator HUDI)LFR'n)-,. In the case of t e operations, which 2 this cei-fiinlv was. which nii(,, it lw go---_ is the oversiglit actiN-it%, of the Rgenev Tiioi-e inteii.,Iv(- now tliaii it wa,, at that time? 2 Adnilral Ti-R-IER. SIIICII more so. I iiie-,iii. I have briefed vou. sir. find the coniniittee on our senqiti%-e operationf-. We have the Intel- 2 ligeiiee Board. We liiii-e a lprmvdiirt@ in the National Se- ciii-itn- Council for approval of verv sensitive operations. I think the 2 .iiiioi'nt of spotlight focused on tfiese aetin-ities is nis@n,%, manvfold it wasiti tlie!@(- 12to24vearsn(,o. qeti,itor Ili-Di)i,FqTo2,.\. How about the record keeping? A( Ti-It-,ER. YIPS, I can't iiiingine anvone having the gall to tliiiil@ ili,,it lie (,:III jtist I)2Iitlielv (lesti-oN. to(liv wit)) all of the att(@zitioii tli,,kt lias come to this. and certaijilv we are emphasizing that tli:it i- 114)t till, 2 Adiiiiral. I was partictilarli- interested in the netl%-It.N- fl)-,it took 1)1:tce at t)ie Piil)lic Healtli .Service HOSpitRI at 2 l,exillgl()TI. in it Di-. lliri-i,- Isbell conducted exl)eriiiientq 071 1)(@ol,le Nx-lio Avei-(- patients there. There wa2s a narcotics I liti(ill, I tilic it. .111(l Di-. Isliell was. Re(.( iiii@ -)rdiii,, to tllc New Yor 2 Tliii(@s sior.N-. oil a secret. %trips of cot-i-esl)oiideilee with an ii)(IiN-i(Ilill at till' Igelic@@ I)%. the name of Rav. H.,2t%-e voii identified who tii:tt person is? AdiiiiT-al Tx-R-,-ER. qii-. I find i-n,%-,elf in a diffi(-tilt position here at 2 a I)iil)lic to coiifirni or dei;N- tlie.-A@ in view of iiii- legal oil, re under the PrivficN' Art not to disclose t2he naiiies of .qenitor I n7ii just ,is@-inz yoii if voti have identified the 1)er-@oii referred to in that article as Itav. I aiii no2t asking you who lie was. I just want to know if voij know wlio lie is. Adiiiii-al Tx-R.\FR. '-\-O. I am was tlii!@ or 'R-R-v? 2 Sen,-itor HI-I)I)LF-I;TO'.\. It i- listi@@l iii the iiew.,- nrticle as R-R-T. in qiintfitions. A(Iniir,ql Ti-p-,Fn. No.2 sii-. we not ,qen,itor So voii no of whether or Tiot 11(@ is still .1 iiielill)(.I. of -;tifT (it- -niiiie(-ted with the Agenev in anv wav. Have you attenil-)ted to ideiitifv Ili'''? 24 [Pause.] Adiiiiral Tt-rl-,Er,. NTI)oS(' first 2 n,iiii(@ is ltl:in- tli,,it but .%ou not that at this tiriie, oi, it le:t,;t N@oi, :ii,i- not ill i i)o--:itiori to indicate that you bii-(, i-erifie(I it ? Adiiiiral Tli,,it is ,Senator 2 Tliaiik voii. Thank you, Cliiii-iiiiii. ' Senator I-sox-i-F. IA',illop? Sey),,it(-)r W.%j,i.oi,. Tliiiik -,-oti. '%II-. Cli:iirmnii. Admir,,i] not ill 'of ill no %N-ay to voii of ti)(- )ii(leoii-q iiitiire of of tli(,q,, l@lit ]lot -.111 f,f tili, proj(@ctq iiii(it@r iy,(- of a sliii,t(-r oi- en-eii a [,,()I-a] 2 ls that ? Admiral Tx-RN-Fit. TI).,)t is r-orrect. .qeyi,,tfoi, W.Ny,j,op. Trw)@-iii- 4]oiNii ti,rozizli SC)n2ie of 17 not inx-oli-iii- t4-stiyi., of tl)p :ki-t. it (Icx@sii't r-111Iqtpr RI)oll2t t]).It. of biiniin beliavi(-,r -,in(] lil)rii-v tli(,ii- wa,,- -,till of are i)oi. to the pi,r)eezs, 2 of Adtilit-,il Yp-. gii,. T have not tri(,(l to iii(ii(,,qfp t]),qt we either are not (loiiiz or woiilil iiot 2 do ,i7iN- of ill(, tililljrs tliit wer(, it 1, ini-oli-e(-l ill -1,TP,.k Iiiit N%-li4-11 it 2 to tll(' i ill- of 1)(.Ol,le witli that is ceilainlv verboteii@ ]lilt tli(,r(. ar(I ni(,a7l. T alli not tytin," to piit i,oii oil ill(, @;r)Ot to wlietliet- it ir goilil, oil. I)IIT I iii(,all. it'is not in iii. 2 it, in file 1)ri,@niir of ill(, ilitell Stit('@z for ti)(@ Plil,lil. TT,,,,Iltll to condtiet kiii(Is of ex])("'illiellts 2 with I know in Al,izolli tli(,i- liii-C d,r>np so. Areseiita-tives (General I)eliolni aiiti Colonel Schmidt). "As a result of this coiifeience. a deter- niiii.itioji was made to suspend the program and any furtllei, activity petiding a inoi-e, profitable and suitable iise." 121, 1). C2OOPEF-%Tl(@N ANL) CO'-%IPLTITIoN AbioN-G TtiE I.I;TELLIGE.NCE COX- MU.KITY AGE:-,CIES A,.%r) BE-n%-EF.N TiiF-sE A(,.FNCIES A,.%-D OTliER 2 INDIIII)I-Al,@, A.ND INSTITRTIO-,S 1. l,ela tion@gli ips A ?nong A gc.,i cie8 ll'ithi?t the I?i tellige)?ce Com m?tltity Rel.itiotislii2l)s aiiiojig ijitelligeiice coiiiiiiunitn- agencies in this area varied cojisider-al)lv over time, rajigiiig fi-oni ftiil coopei-atloji to intense and w:isteftil com@etition. The eaz-lv pei-io(i was niai-ke(I bN- a liigli de@,i,ee of cof)l)cl.atioit aiiioii(r the a(,,;iicies of the izitelli eilce conimu- 2 9 e jijtn-. Aitlioti,,Ii tli In ilitai- I e- y doni'iiatt-(l rt-se;ireli in2%-oli-ino, chemical aiia I)iolo,,ical a,,Ciits, the infoi-niitioii (le%-elol)e(i was slitred with the Flil and tlit- ('I-k. litit the sl)irit of cool2)eratloji di(] iiot coiitiiiiie. The fiilltire I)v the militai-v to sliare informatioii appareiit) breached the spli-it,if iiot theletter.ofconuijand-, froinabove. 2 As iioted al@o%-e, the ArinN- .1@,sistiiit Chief of StatT foi- Iiitelligence was 1)]@iefell oil ()le proposed 6pet-atiorial testiilg of ],,;I) uiidei- Pi-oject Tli]Rl) and exl)i-es.-,(@d coric(@rii that the project had not beei) cooi-diii,,ited with Flil an(] CIA. I)t-sl)ite this reqtiest. i)o coordi- j)fktioii was icliie%-e(i Lm,tweeii tile iiid citliei- of these .1,-encies. lia(l sii(-Ii cool)eritioii I)eeii foi-tlieotniii,,, this I)i-ojet@t niav lia%-e beeii 2 iiii difl'(-t-eitt light. Tile collil)(@titioli I)etwe(@ii the ill this area i-enclie(I bizarre le%-els. .% iiiilitai-)- of2ficer told a ('I.k in coiifideii(,e abolit the njilitai-)-'s fit-Id testing of I SI) in Eiii-ol)e undei- 1roject TIIII@D ('11.%N('E. aii(I the ('I.k projiiiitln. at(ei)il)teil to leii-ii sill-i-eptitiouslv tli(, ii.-ittit-e and t,xteiit of flie .%t i-oii,,Iilv the saii)e tiiiie Nl@. Iit-Iiiis to tilt- 1)1)('] 1) tljt@ uiti%-ittill(r 1)1,o..,i-aiii sliotil(I I)e (,oiitiikii(-d, RS It coiiti-it)ii((-d to the CI.k's cal),kl)llitv ill the ni-ea a2jid ilitis Illo%N.(.(] tilt, ('It "to otlici-s ill tile ilitelligeiiec coiiinitiiiitv (sticit is the I)t@I)at-tinctit of IX@feiise) fi-oiii 1)111-silill,r OI)ez-atioiis." lio I)i-o-i-am alo iiiii-k(-d I)N- a failtire to sil.11-e itifi)riii,,itioii. The Ai-2iiiv FOI-(-CS (tile 1)1-illcil),'Il ciistoilici- of the SI)(-Ci,'Il OI)C]-,Itioils 1) ix-i,;ioii at Fort Dieti-ick) aiid tile Cl.k i-.itlier to coni-diii.,it(, tlieli- ettoi-ts proiiitil-- ted diffei-eiit re- -a (Iti2lr-(-iiif,tits w)iii-ii %-ai-i(-(] oit]N- sli,@lit]N- Tlii:, app:ii-ciitl%- i-esiilted ill ,;olii(. (Illl)li(@'Itioll of efl'oi-t. Ill ol.(I(,I. to 2 the sectit-it%- of CIA ojwi-.,itioii!@, the A,,,(@ii(-v woii](I r(,qiit,st iiiatei-'.ils fi-oiii SOI) foi- 0I)el.a- "I@ I (Joil:ll list- witiloiit fill]-N. oi- de-cl-il)illfr tile operatioiial 2 D's ability to assist This t-(,stilte(i iii litnitatio'iis on SO I'll(latf.(l nieiijonn(iiiiii. 1). 2. 7 fr(iiii the 1)1)1' to the 1)('I, 11/9 64, ii. 2. 101 421 2. Rc7ationships Betit,ec?i the Intelligence Community Agen-cies and 2 Foreign Liai,,z(>n.Seri-ke8 Tiit@ siil)j(,cts of tli(, Cl-k's operational testin,- of cliejiiical and bio- lo-ic,il a-ent@ al)i-oa(l were generally being lield for interrogation by oi, secui-itn- organizations. Aitlioiigli inforiiiation al@()Ilt the lise of (Irtigs- ig@nerall%- A-itlilield fro2iti these or(raniza- tinii@. cooperation witli tli(@?ii nececf-ai-ily jeopardized the security of Cl-V interest in these Cooperation also placed tli(@ -killerican 2 (;oN-ei-niii(@iit in a po-,itioii of coiikl)licit)- in actions wliieli violated the i-iglits of the subjects, aiid wliieli mav have violated the laws of the 2 coiintr%- in wliicli t lie exl)ei-iiiient,.-, too],- place. Cooperation between the intelligence agen(-ies and organizations in foi-(@i-ii coiinti-ie@ was not Iiiiiitp(l to relationsliip@2. witli the intelligence or int(,t-rial seciii-itv oi-,,,anizitions. Soiiie NIKULTR.k researcli was COII(Iiiete(I al)roa(l. NVIii'15e this is, in itself. not a questionat2)le practice, it is iiiil)oi-tant that stieli ie@.%(@arcli abroad not lie undertal@en to evade Aiiiei-icaii laws. That this wa-- a possii)ilitn- is sii--este(I I))- an ARTI- CIIOI@f,' iiieiiioraii(Iiiiii in wliieli it is noted that worlcing witli the sci(-nti,,ts of a foreign coiintrv "iiiiglit lw ver3, ad%-antageoiis" since 2 that go%,ei-niiient "pei-iiiitte4l @ertaiii activities wlilelt were not per- m;tted bv the United States -overnnient (i.e., experiments on anthrax, et C.) 131 2 3. Tlii, I,'elatioiisliii).s Rctii,ecii the Intelligc?ice Community Agencieq a)iii Othi r Agi nrit@s of the 1'.S. Goi,eritine?it 2 ('ertain 1'.S. go%-erniiient a-encie,, active]%- assisted the efforts of agencies in titi.,- an-ii. One foriii of assistance was to pro- i-i(](- 2 foi- researeli coiitra(,ts let I)-,- intelligence agencies, in oi-(I(-i- to intelligence cojiiiiiiiiiitv interest in cliciiiical and I)iolo,-ic,il a-(,Tits. 2 Otlici- foi-iiis of n!zsistaiiec raise iiiore qti-ioiiq giie--,tions. Altliou-Ii the ('I.k's I)i-oj(,(-t the siii-i,el)titioiis rtdiiiini@;tr.,Ition of LSD2 coii,iii(-te(I I)v lliirenii of Nai-coti(-,@ peronnel, there was no open coliil(,ctioti the Iiiii-paii 1)eronyii,l and tli(, k-encv2. The Biireau S(Ill%,indr t "ctit-otit" in order to itialie it (lifficiilt to trace Agency pii-ticil)atioii. I'li(@ cijt-oiit arrati-eiii(@nt, 2 liowe,%-er, reduced the Cl-k's ni)'Illtv to control the 1)i-()-raiii. e- Titt- A(Y(,iicv could not control the I)v wliicli an(] (2:tiltivated. and cott](I not re-iil.ite folloi%--i[ii) aft(@i, the t(@stiii,,. 'Nfoi-t-o%-er. as the Clk's Inspector iiotl.(i : "tlie lia2ii(Ilitig of test stitil'ects in the last analvsis rests willi tii(, I ]iiii-eiii of Nai-coti(,,,] a,-eiit alone. Suppression of of ci-ltl(-al r(@@i2ilts fi-oiii the tol) Cl.k iiiana,-etiient is an ifil)(@i-erit i-isl( in tlies(- ol)ei-ntioTi@,." 132 The ari-an,-Piiieiit also made it imilo@:,;il)](, foi- tiie Aaeiiry to be certain that the decision to end the siiri-t,l)titioiis ii(iiiiiniti-ation of ],SI) would be lionore(I by the Biireati IPPI-soli2liel. Tiie arrin,-A-iiit-nt witli the ]Riir(,aii of Narcotics was dectril)C(l as "" 1-11 Tli(, infoi-iiiilitv of the at-ra2n(r(,tiient coiiil)otin(led the probleiti is a4r(,rt%-ated bv the fact that the 4OL-Committee has had vir- AHTI('Iil-)KF. '.%teniorin(Iiii2ii. 1(; f@n.%IKI'I.Tli.%. I!K;:i. ii. 14. lbi(r@ Titis wnq takfn Ity nii*- Agen(-y offit-ial to mean that there would be no 4 AA-ritti-ii e4intr;kct ind no foriii;il iiiectiatiirm for iiaynient. (Elder, I'-./IS/75, p. 31.) 102 422 al)l)ai-(@iit tiyi,%x-illi, I(r less on the I)art of th2e Btii-cau's lea(iersliii) to ask t, foi- (1(-tall-@. a7i(I li(@ Cl.k's lie.,Ilition in volunt(-eritig inforiiiation. 2 I)t-ol)leiiis raise serious qti(@stioiis of coiiiiiitn(i and Control witliiii the Iiiireau. Relntionshil).@; Betti,ce?i the I2nte7ligf-)?ce Co?n,mu?iity Agr?ocirs and Ofhe)- Institutio)iis and I?idiz-idtials, Pitblic and Pr;vatc Tiie Iiisl)(@ctoi- Geiiei-al's 19f,'j @SurN-ev of ?*IKI'I,TRA noted tliit "(lie i-escai-eli aii(I de%-elol)tiietit" phase wis conducted tbrouc,,Ii witli "sl)cciali.-@ts in universities, pbarniaccu- tical lioii-,;e-,, lio@I)ittis. state an(I fe(leral instittitioii-s, and I)rivite re- seii-eli org;iiiiz2atioiis" in i iii-iiiiiei- which coticeale(i "fi-oill the institu- tion (ii(@ of (lie Cl.k.'@ Oii]N a few "key iiidia-i in each iiif.titiition were "iiia(le wittiii(- of spoii--;ors)iip." The research aii(I (iex-elol)iiieiit pliase was succeeded by ,i phase ini-olvin-- "phv- 2 siciait-@. toxicolo,,ists, aii(I other specialist@ in mental. narcotics, and I lio.,I)itils aii(i pris:oils. who are provided the pro(Iiiets and 2 fiji(Iiii,,F. of the b:tsic re.,-eai-eli 1)roje(-ts and proceed wit]) iiiteiisive test- in,@ oil 1111111. 111 Siil)jpetS.'@ 114 2 Ac(-oi-(Iiii,, to the Iiisl)e(,toi- Geiiei,-,il. the '.Nil@1-1,TRA testiii(, pro- 9r.lilis "coll(lil(.teti accepte(I scientific procediire--, wlit@i-(, li(-:iltli test stil)je(@t., are voltint,,ii-N- pirtici][).,iiits in the Tlii., 2 clearly not ti-iie in the i)roject involviiie, the -,tiri-t@I)tiiioti,4 i(Iniiiiistration of wbieli waQ marked by ,L coni- 2 sul)ei-visioii,ol)l)oriiiiiitvtoobser@-c.oi- n)p(lir.ii or 1)qvrliolo(-i4-al follc)w-iii). I'li(- intellilli@iice 2 allowed iiidin-idiiil researelt(@rs to desiLT11 1)1.0i(@rt. Exl)eriiiietit.,; spo?iFore(I by tlie--A- rp,;e,.ireliers (which @n- 2 ciiiilt.(l 031(. iiii-enties wei-@ sent to Keiituckv. who wei-P rvw,,ir(](-(l with the of their acl(ilctioti in 2 retiirn f;ll 1);irti(-il),itioti iii experiiiieiit, with ],SI)) call iiito qtiestioii the deci- sioii l,v not to fix fortlipexperinients. 2 Tiit, 111@l'],T,?A reqtarell Ili(l .1111 raises other pT-isojis.ineiitil. 2 nai,c,(@tli,:, ,iii(i -eiieral c-iii 1)i-ovi(le 4'iiifni-iiief] to aztowhetlier 2 ilistitiitiolis silotilil ))(, illiwittiii!-, of tlit@ iiltitii.-ite -,I)oiisor of i-eseai-eli (]one it) their fat,ilitie-,. 2 iiiiiii-c of the iri-aii-eliieiits alzo P- iii.iile it ijill)oqsil)](@ foi- the ii2i4lii-l(iii;ils A@-lio were not a,.Tire of the SI)oii,ot- of tlte researelt to eXCT'('is(- tiiv eltoit,t- nl)q)iit their pirticipa- ti2oil 1).ISEd oil 1)1(' ql)nll%ol.llll-r of,,r:lliiz;ltioll. I)re(@atitioiis ai-c now lwiii- takt@ii in re-e-,irrii con- 2 dtiefeil oil I) of the collilliillliln. the dileiiiiiin of i-einiiiis. Tli(@.,e n--tiicies ol)%-]'Oiislv wislie2'l 10 COTIC-Pal in cei-t.,iiii fornif@ if oy,(i(,i. to :ivoitl r-tiniiiintili- iiitei-est in the -,anie at-eig I)%- lio-@,tili@ -o,,-eriiniviits. ]it soikic cases todrtv P- coiiti-.I(.tol.F ot, "N.iqll to (-Olleell tlieii- connection wit)) these "geticie5. 'I'et t)ie fa(,t of olvii di-zc-xi.,sioii niid (let)."te ill),)ti 4 woi-k II)id, P. 9. 1 I 0. 103 APPENDIX B DOCT-MENTS REFERRING TO DISCOVERY OF ADDI- TIONAL MKI-1,TRA MATERIAL 2 22 June 197i- @IE"OR.k\DLYNI FOR-. Deputy Director of central rutelligence THROUGH : Deputy Director for Science and TechnoloS-.- SUBJECT : Request for on Handling 2 Recently Located NIKULTRA ?.aterial I. (U/AIUO) This renoran'@un is to advise you that additional @IKULTI,@.4 documents ha,.-e been discovered and to obtain your advroval for folloi,@-on a2ctions required. Paragraph 7 coitains a Teco,.iren-4ed course of action. 0 2. (IJ/ATUO) As a result of John ?larks POIA re- quest (F-76-374), all of the !@IKI!LTR.@k raterial in OTS 2 possession iias revie%@ed for possible release to him. Folloi.' -ing that r--viei..-, the C'5 raterial in the )tctired Records Center was se2TChee. It was durin: that latter search that the subrroject files were 2located anong the retired records of the OTS Budget and Fiscal Sectioii. These files %.!e7e not discovered earlier as the earlier searches were linited to the exa-iination of the-acti%,e and retired 2records of those branches considered mo@t Iiiely to have generated Or ha%-e had access to @IKULTRA documents. Those branches i.-icluded: Chemistry. Biological, Behavioral Activities, and Contracts @!ana@le- 2 ment. Because Dr. rottlieb retrieved and destroyed all the @!KUL-,R.4 docui-.ents he i-as able to locate, it is not surp@ising that the earlier search for @!KIJLTZ-X documents, directed at areas where the), were nost lilelv to be found, 2 ,was unsuccessful. The purpose of establishinr. the %lKtILTRI- mechanism was to linit kno%@ledole of the sen-4-tive work bein; perforred to those with an absolute nLeJ to kno%@. I2f those precevts bad been follot,-ed, the recently fotind B&F files should have contained onl%. finarcial and adninistr3ti%-e documents. (In retr'ospect, I reali:e that 1$77 5 9 JUL 104 Pcc;u,@,st for Guida,-ce o.-, P:!nc!lin Located 'li@'L:LT.2-@A '.Iatcrial a ser4-ajs error war n-,dc in rc-. ha%-i.,i; B,r files innocuous ea-] i.-r. S nc:-. 2 files sea7c,.e,,, sL;-7)rciect olders co,-.@z-':@ 77--,ezz PTOIIDS--!S 2r,,' renorand3 f.'r t:lle Te=Crd, WlliCl-. 4_n degrc-,-r-. a reasonabl%, co,-.-ziete Dic:u:,e o: Z' 2 of Teset-rz@ funded t.;,,.u;: - r ..- -V nlits n C:- VOL;R the o74-:'@nal r!emor3-@2dtim cc::;n@ u-@ -5 21SO 2.-.On i : -zhesc, d.ozu7nenzs .4 cc::- 2 is attached. 3. At this I r,--- or -i::7@ t!iL7! C2 c:@177. C ? e;, 0 I- C' C- 7 - t r-@: C n:@, 0- t..:tz c--- Ti-. T..c O@ 2 t)-.c t.,!-Czen-. r.izz; rz-oic.-- ez..!s i.. 2 2 1,3.@ ' conzc:n;zrnz o C27:C7 Te5eL7Cn 2: 2 r.Rio:' un4.N-er5z:v. 1: !S C, C a J i n @ o'@ t h -- t 7 0 i e C'z qez-:-. @07 ;3tt-7-i22c an- a7!est,'-ct:-cs Hot:c@i-rr. tiic- rete2rc- 2 Cd t "C- e7-. s . i' -il; be 2 screenzn;...o,-. 2-'-.-a-iced cz-ice-.- P3-;". 73; S. 'C, 2 o, FL;-.ld4nc FL:n2. T!i. L; -c- r, r.7!@ 2 -z7c, C- 'TC 0, UC IIL. C . S 2 r c!L o:! 7.,7. r c, s dc,,7 i t C, :c7. %'.ts -1 @c' AL- 105 flandling Pcccntly 2 Rc.:UCI@t fo.- Guiduiicc on ccn,r,-@;:4cn co@.-Id be ContTOI-C-75i2i in t@at it W2S p.ide nechanism 2 nzi..4ng it -ppe2r to be a ntivate donations fol'. 8ndCZt:-@@ rt,zezvcz. sr, ecual of Federal n-,-,Ch-n,2. I UIIC S. - C-:Ztr -ITOI- the Office c5 Cc,-icr-,l Counsel -dated :!l Fe!;7ua7,-. attestin- to the le,-21it%. of this is in the 2 6. The Le,,isl2tivc Counsel has been r.aee c-- existence of these ad624-Ticnal YsKUL',r-A documen:s 27e still under ren-iew 2an4 san4@ti:azio-,. :ace ;c i,-. ii,.i -1 ca7.ior an-,' %-.-c are co,-.,.i-,ted to a2n@2 to oEe::--.-z-r e rcicasanie re-tei-i-al tc his atto-rnevs by 11 i.-or:: the & Privacy Sta-@@-r tO :-.7. 2nc%-s tiier. of the existe-.c@.- C.-, z material is i.-i ccc-41,-.ation process an-,: is to be riiie4- on Jun--. 2 There are rc%@- ti..o that should be t2lc-i: 1. sz7,4-2,i:ed r.3terial to b)- FOIA liti,@2tio-.. rcc:L;:Ted the St2-lcct Co.--.iiztee of the C: tjl!. recent]%' 1CCT-tCd records prior to It is t'13t YOU Z-)PTo%-e of bc-.Ii of these actic.--z. 2 S- L'@ If additior,.-i' details o.-, the contents of -,his -.t7-c- Z-csircd. z!-.e CITE officers rost fcm-,Ii!7 Wit@i 2 it Z:'C 'r7Cr3l'Cd to brief yoL at )-o,-,r con@-enience. Dzi-i.1 S. Braiidt,@ein Director 5 CV@i'icc of Tccliliic2l scr%,.Icc 106 The DirictDr of Central intditgmc WAO go OCIM The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman 2 Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Chairwan: During the course of 1975 when the Senate Committee, chaired by Senator Church, was investigatin2g intelligence activities, the CIA was asked to produce documentation on a program of experimentation with the effect of drugs. Under this project conducted from 1953 to 1964 and known as *MK-ULTRA.' tests were conducted on American citizens in some ca'ses wi2thout their knowledge. The CIA, after searching for such documentation, reported that most of the documents on this matter have been destroyed. I find it W duty to report to you now that our continuing search for drug related. as well as other documents.'has uncovered c2ertain papers which bear on this n tter. Let me hasten to add that I am persuaded that there was no previous attempt to conceal this material in the original 1975 exploration. - The material recently discovered was in the retired archives filed under financial accounts and onl2y uncovered by using extraordinary and extensive search efforts. In this connection. incidentally, I have personally coamn-ded the employee whose diligence produced this find. Because the new material now on hand is primarily of a financial 2 nature. it does not present a complete picture of the field of drug experimentation activity but it does provide more detail than was previously available to us. For example. the following types of activities were undertaken; a. Possible additional c2ases of drugs being tested on American citizens, without their knowledge. b. Research was undertaken on surreptitious methods of administering drugs. C. Some of the persons chosen for experimentation were 2 drug addicts or alcoholics. d. Research into the development of a knockout or 'K' drug was perforr*d in conjunction with being done to develop pain killers for advanced cancer patients. and tests on such patients were carri8ed out. 107 e. There is a possibility Of an improper payment to a private institution. The drug related activities described in this newly located material began almost 25 year2s ago. I assure you they were discontinued over 10 years ago and do not take place today. In keeping with the President's commitment to disclose any errors of the Intelligence Community which are uncovered, I would like to volunteer to testify before your Committee on the full details of2 this unfortunate series of events. I am in the process of reading the fairly voluminous material involved and do want to be certain that I have a complete picture when I talk with the Committee. I will be in touch with you next week to discuss when hearings might be 2 scheduled at the earliest opportunity. I regr t having to bring this issue to your attention, but I know that it is :ssentiarl to your oversight procedures that you be kept fully informed in a timely mnner. 6 Yours sincere I STANSFIELD TURNER 109 APPENDIX C DOCT'@NIE'.NTS REFERRI-@CI TO St-liPRO,IECTS 2 date 1 N&Y 1953 NEMCRANDUK F(M TEE FmccEm SMLIM=: PrOJL'ct KK7-7-tA, SubPMJ-ct 2 2 &AbPmject 2 Is being get up to p-,,dd, a secure we efficient mans to elmlolt to the lam-,.u prug-am. Iz r*SL--d 2. Omd & faculty =e=er of the I -@- 2 POsitic--N h'Lw Izel'ieed Cbie Tt Yc---'at.-tat atempommkow- i6 -*.%= :!:Ief o@ the Psychistri@cr iesctl= at 2 -/3 "- OSS ex-,e-ience dr--J--4 W.rLd War =. ge has be-m of val@e iz the gettrsl field as an ovw.-all &disor &mi. 2 ccts,u"tm!@t, be has been of value in contacting I-Airl-d=l@s im the and in setting up prolects there, and he has 2 dc=e w--.-k 1,1--eL' vhlct. has cortribtd Zo tbL WZ-_-LA fi L, id. ]Ls prcf'ess!c@-I iLct!@-it!eg s=@! h=mm coczect.0=2 VI-t!2 tm 2 3- Butk-vr'oject 2 vould include: &. Xiseellazeaus resegl-cb and testing se-vices in the ,,,,ral field 2of WI.PA. b. Serriees as a contact and cu'-Out for pr- lecto in t!:e Mr.7-@M4, field, W-=3.rtly those locnted im thmdEICIMMlnft 2 4Lres. C. Mmiter----4 of selected pr,-Iects in the WZ@--A f!Cld, when located !m the central &"JMMMP area. .. e, d. Services as a general cmtsultart " adviser in the MK=,'?A field. The tot2al cost of t -" p-oj*ct Is not to exceed $4,6co.oo for a per,-od c@' cm ye2r. - 5. .1...,d tLroui@.' TOP WV-M-- an a contact 6 basis. C!:e-----al D!-esioni-ss d Ar^C=: 110 AMC'=: 111-1 IC7 2 AM. C7= rCR P.-toC-tM AM. 0= CILIrATior. CF r=: A= F= a4XN=. 14 2ReseLrcz Date: Dota Attacb=eut: Proyamal 0---;!.=l only 3 P.OF .-2- date It PRO@ROSAL. Ob@ective: To study the possible synergistic &ctl= of drugs vtlicb =By be appropriate for use In abolishing consciousness. Situation: There is reason to believe that two or more drugs, used in ecabination, are more effective than single drugs. The =mbined effect of saw d--Ags, suet as c=bi=stiots of barbil.urates, ari@,kzLcim. With other c=bimti=s,. the degree of a-ytergi= is not known. If conaldern'rle synergism is found to ex2ist, tvo possibilities m"t be considered: (1) that a particularlj useful combinati= my be found, and (2) that a particular c=blmti= my be hazardous because of Its effect an respir2ation or ame other vital functi=. To minimize hazards, animl ezw-iments should precede b,--- expe-iments. Prooesal: Allocation of $1000 for animl erperiments, to be 9 drawn = as needed. That experiments be c=ducted lnfor=ally -atl&!t-oftvltbout a specific grant, and with appripriate cover. 112 r'77 PROPOSAL objective: To '@@ud7 wtbcds for the sdmiuistmt'ou CC drugs 2 vitbout tba kncwle dp ct the latient. Prcp&mti= CC & mmml. Metbod: A B%Wvey of mtbods vtlic'a bare been used by criminals for surreptitima administration of drugs. Analysis of the 1 psychodymamics of situations of this nature. P"-pcsal: That $1000 be allocated for this p=pose, fwas to be requested as needed. te 113 date NDKRAMUX F(R t 23= ftoject MIULMLL, 3mbpmjoct BL t 2 I- 3mbP"Jwt 20 is belmg initiated to ctzm =d otticient solas Of with regard to the Mr7-TBA program. 2 In a prLaticiW psych"trimrt In and a fam1ty wa@xc of Be has be= *f vL3mo in Us g*nZ@XE7"-SA p=;*ct, morriag as an adv,'-gor and eancmlt&nt, o=t&ctlng indiridmas In the arm, and aLrryiW out his wm rv~ab 3. 3W@PMJ*" 2it vmld Lumbm& the following: (a) ItomllawatLi research and testing PuTime in the general fl*U of W=LA,. 2 (b) Sw-ricoo as a *=t&ct and ant,=t for projeate In the MM-"VA Id twao located La (a) YcnitoriAg of selected pmjoato In the 2 )KMMU vbm located in the 040triLl (d) Services Le a general oanin,ltant and adris@r In tbo HRMMA FJ-IA- 0 2 Be vould aert as medical advisor and oonmltilnt jazi-d bls Y-l.U be reimlx=ved for his ow@ ass and crpen"s upo2n ipt af an iumiom at irr*gmlar LUtArW&18. WbaD travel CqM=208 S" incurred through use of a comom carrier, tb@7 vi.U be docm=tod and 4 reimbarsed in the usual oluner; that is, consistant v:Lth standard Gowor=mct -I'mm- a. -11 114 FOR TEE F=O-RM SUWEC".': Proj*ct )MMTRA, Subproject 16 1. Subproject 16 is a continuation of Subproject 3, 2vb'.Cb I=volved the eatablish=nt and mainte:,-nce of facilities for the realistic testi:ig of certain researth and derelop=nt items of Interest to CD/TSS and AFD/TSS. The facil2ities vere "t up under Subproject 3, and Subproject 16 Is lztended to pro, :le for the continued mainten=ct of the f&cilities. 2. Subproject 3 vas originally inten"d to provide funds for the 2 -1@temance of the facilities for =e year; but it turns out that the costs of alteratio", *quipwnt, and initial supplies vere under- es ti=ted I= Subproject 3; hence the nL'cessl'.7 to es2tablish Subprolect 0 16 at this time. 3. Subproject 16 vill be conducted by a INIML Certain owpcrt activities will be -pro-rided cy CD/TSS 2 and APD/TSS. Is. The estlmted cost for a period of one year La $7,740-00. Chemical Division, TSS PRORP.A-M APP-RCN'L-'D ALTROV2ED IM OELIGANON AlqD RZCCftl-l.@MED: (T FLIMS: 4 Pr 7 Re3esLr:@. Date: Date: Origiml Oi2ly. NO-Y 2 kf'.er our telc 7e co"e, and opezed a= acco@--t 2 rer-al@mr ab@-ck --in tl= awtL=-. o.- CZ. 0 t *cc=-ed to m t!'A ;gt sake e aafet7 or- GLO'2nid t=7,-en to IZT- -t 1'. vc@Lid 'a! 77, f-- tte-s Z =de this a jo!mt ac==t betveealg@@ is M2 MO-Mt@@ t@2 CUD 2 a of'n7 ibaem'ce, illm-se or death jon cou:4 -eC--7tr.tht Z"Out 8=7 la-,ml dlf,icul' .'es or monl:6y -bus !=ess. 2 ;Ai was '3.ittle -*tie,-Ir e,;ou' . ape Ilbe ti6 a nizlz CZ: ac-*=t in the absences of.!! references' 2fr= azo%@:--r ba---k, got b7 &Z'- f.=@d it b.,d t. .der.t-rd b@-,VLZIM tb-2ce 2 ,@7--eLr3':vitbo,at,i bwiik-accourt.' -Kcwa7er, to ;r-@ivi.4e an -efei-n@-'e In aRover=----t a2 who La r t and t!=" :',=te the ma--e7-lar!ers. =zrcaft@-r 'Z cc---'czted 2 r.d te %-iota a re.ei-ence Ze.-4Mc= also klmd27 &ald he vas vet-I cc----I=ted v4-t2:L -(t-"Z 2 plea*--2".o c"zrfor -reccz--ema. -St 7ou 2 If'7ou t=s In a goi;d -Use, r ius-Z ' ' Acr-c=.l;t A_-eem--&. and tbv t!L-" air,='.%--e ecl--do 2 reL- the= to -and I Su&;- And now tLe. tbo izcc'o=t is 6N 3 2 yo-4 ti@-ve fund3 deposited Tia Cas=crls ctec@- c@'.Ier weq that seems walest direct3,7 to-dMCMNCZMt=:L@7 2 I ordered cl:@-eks W-D'.Di VI t;2 baT aiso c.@---rt--*'stationer7 bear'-- 242=M= ,L 2 -..b is ndi#rt. facilltate pernent of.'ol=s etc .,by-mil. @r wbmt vith'xuwplcious 2 ym v4-3.1'=d=-st--zd teat '.he J 97d. per3ona Ilt7 In %b@- fo:-m efd4t@;;= I a. -g a llttle 2 doing'. .)to. the th. see you l2ldats. 116 M9240P.,@,IMMI 7W @-@M -IMCC.RD SMT=:, P-O.'ect 12FL%--gLX, Subgro@ect 23 2 Lt3 1. The scope of this project is tnterlti/. enc,.ln7l3s 211 these acti,:tties now onga-_ed in by t'-_e 40 NNku2@ im its ewn facilities under the @U rez-:.Cm e CD.7S@. t.:e -rese=t tl--e the va--icus 7.r,@lects at @his f=ill-t:, 4~ " an! IMEW,2 a@-e bl-inz cot;'-uded and It is lot--ed fr= !'.!le c-P see-xr4-,l and ef!'Icierc-., to rep'-=e these pro- ,Iect3 a sl=gle ;)ro,-ect more I= its a,-_ IC 2 2. The ittacted pivws='- f---r- Dr. r-Ies the artett of the inmstiZ:Llio;s that his faci-- t@-es Vill allcra him 1.0 2out on tbe zateri,-%ls develoved im the three pr-..e@-t3 - e-erred to in 1, as -jell as cert--'-- ol;.ier =teri--Is e lea--eat to 2 Cal -IZC SC-"?e3 ZS a -e=erZ'- CC--SUI'att *.O %U-'3 !es cover zn:l c,-t-ou@l, facilit4-es to the .4zen:;,. c2q 3. _Ire total cost of .!Lis -,31*ct for a 7arl-o@4 of =a vl-ll r.ct exree-I -@L2,700.'.C. in I& - Dr. a bee-% Z.--ztol a Top See-at Clezr--r-ce b.- the A--Itc:, ex! I-$ of .at securl-t:r of the 4-te--est in such =tters as tbis. LO 5 C!:e_cl_ T:;z LA 117 rAs pMOMIt lawdstio&ti= La emcernad WIO chad@l agmts vbi,-, WV effective In opwri2ng dw behavior end func@- of the am=-ml o&rvo" w"%=L. 2 -Xt :U proposed to vtoo a variett of know drugs La this phLrmcalarieLl CLW* that &" in p2resent day use end to synthesis* mm -I,- cia agents or to modify cmitiug =es ai se-ica x&7- demand. 2 -lb* vwims ebodul Agents investiga2ted - mthesized will be tested m to determine cbe4z &Ca" end @Jr"mic tm3rLciltT- Their PbLrOLCOlOgical effects vin be st-odied by a var2ist7 of assay technics, swA as blood pressure dSt4M'Mi=fl-,, brMh4-l dilatatica re@-ordizLgx, effects, etc. Cm- plots -.4-1 facilities win be maintained for this purpose and PiLthologic vi=dy win be carried out m tbo affected argani uhm the -4-1, an sacrificed. 3 -PftLiniaLrr 114-4ml investigation vin be 2carried mt an tM son pr=Lsiag agents, and appropriate laboratory prvcadares vin be parfor=d, so& blood =mu, wimaysis, -. - d--xd- the2 effectiveness and the side ra&Cti=a of the drugs -A- ia"XtjPtL=. 4 -AdK"u reports will be mbmitted of Cbe findings at qmLrtarl7 intar-la. S -Proposed bodget: ftr"mel sptbrtic a ZLoic Cbmdst $7,SDO.00 2 assearcb medical ""C:L&to o,sw.w assistant 3,300.00 2 Chemical assistant 4, 000. W glitalou tachnician 2,4m.oo fn4-4ca.1 tocbmicim 3,6200.00 -- "a commatant 1,21DO.OO Toul --'I--igs for rwsomml SM,700.00 2 Mer Ex'pim&tweS -@i-I sLintmn=Ce & facilities 4,000.00 Chs=cal & laborltary supplies , azp=Aablo 4,0002.00 'dic-11,@eovi parmnect equi;m-t 2,OW.00 TriLvtl, medical meetings, etc. TOW othm e3mmA40Tom9 21,000.00 TOTA6L S 42,700.00 118 or-%rt wowmvml Octbtmr 1954 M*3,AMUK r'OR TC SM63ECT: Increase in the Scope cit Subproject 23, ftoject MCX'IPA CID 1. Due to "on-mideriLtIA Increase in the sc2ope of the vork under- taken by - IP&t the dirveti= of TSS/CD =der Subproject 23, Pro.ect MM--RA, the $42,700.00 gm originally obligated for tklis vork Is insuflic2ient to co"r the yeilrla costs. It is tberefore proposed to add $15,000.00 to that already obligated =der this Subproject. 2. The total cost of this Subproject for the period 28 :&=u27 1954 to 28 January 1955 vlll thus amount to $57,700-00. 3. Th* L=z*aae in scope respmai'bl* for this proposal consists of the davulopwnt and partial 2 of tvo mv sources of bialogeally active compounds of Interest $a the program TSS/CD is carrying out. Cbmical iv%sion, TBS AYPRM= PM OELMA=09 APMOVED-. Cr RU]SDS: *gm Si=, TSS Date: 7 or,-ginal 0ay. ,),SC 4-1 119 25 August 1955 )ENCRAMN FOR: 7SE PWCRD SUB.M=: Authcr4-zation for Payment o2f Certain Expenses Urd--r Pro.*ct MCLTLMA, Subproject 23 1. In order to carry co the vark of the above SubproXct,-It vas necesserv to test the effects of certain ebeadell substan2ces vhen admiristered to li@ beings. Certain of the anticipated effects involved mental ftmcti=s which precluded the use of mental defectives for tble particular study. 2. In viev e;2 these circumstances the project engineer.. vlth veesal approval f his chief, authorized the cmt:z tor to pay the hospitals exde!!ses of certain persons suffe--Lng f-- incurable cancer for the yrlvllege of study2ing the effects of these ebemiells during their terminal Illnesses. The total furas expena@d in this fashion amounted to $658-05 and P,ll value vas received. 3. -rt to requested that the Chief, TSS In2dicate his knavledze and approval of this particular ec@oenditure for audit purposes. TSS/Cbemical Dirisicc APP@!CV-=: AM. MO: 8 Anief, TSY.-Clemica.1 Division Dist-i'butlon: orir'. TSS/CD 120 21 December 1954 Director of Central I=te, 1.@;ence SL--,J--CT 2 Project 35 W,i- e tLe D!xectcrts statu'-Orv authority to expend funds for co-i.'idential 'Pt4-poses is not li--Ited by lr-w., we believe t@iat 2 a gift of Gover=en-. f=A-s as such vou!A- exceed t@te i--tent of the Cc=gress in SrL--ti.IZ t!:at paver. Ec-,tever, where a gif'@ is =de for the e-xnrezs pLa,,.)oze ol producir-3 so--etl:irg of value to this A.Sency whic:i m-@not cihci:-wist be ob,:.a4-nc4@ =d tht-re is a reason- W,;le ex:-@ectation that 'tte value may be received, tLe gif. may in 2 effect be ar. e.--->endl.t-.:xe for proper of,lici@l purposes. 2. In Subl@roject 115, it is -tated that the donation in cuestion would ac!aie,.,e cer='-i ends desired by Ti,-tre seems to be no question that those ends 6-cul-d be a-Av--tt36eous, so the main questions arpear to be whether they could not be attained by =ore direct, nor--jll metliods2, and,, if not, vtlether the return is necessary and reasonable in relation to the do=tion. 3. We are in no position to re-riew the require--entr, of TL-S or to a-,,7r-,Lise the adv=ta3es t2hat woul-d result fro= '.his project. We do not cc=ent, tl,.erefcre, on the val-ue received If the prolect recuta in the benefits foreseen. I..'e feel we should co=ent on 'actors affecting the prob!-b2ilil.,.- of achievlzg those ends. In a legal sense, there is little or no ecrt--ol. orce the f-@rds axe donated, the his fo-=dation, or the bozpital eculd conceivs7oly refuse to work for us or allo,,t u-- the use a,' the fac@'-i@.!.e3. 4. Practically, the control seems to be establizhed as well as circ=ntances2 ?e=it. Certainly, as long as the individual is &live end in his pretent Tosition, we have every reason to e-pect his complete coopereion in the future as ;L-, the part, unless thr1ough so.-to a--,. or fault of our own he Is alienated. ---'ven in the event of his death or inca?acity, there a,"_earz to be a reasonable .0. Copy I of I copy 121 thea z aL@eq,.@ate rc. t,!t t -e 2 _D c, can be ro leg&! ob.ection to t@'.;.s aspuct of t!%e 5- It should be roted that t!-,ert Fre t-.;o eixc@@=@,tarce3 w@-ich 2 requ'--e coiizideraticm in a f!Lal detez-,-Imtlcm. As statzd in Zecticn V, our cont--it'-t4or, b,., apve?--Ir@3 to te f@rc= a p.--'Y--te 2 urce, inc:-,@z:,e thz by a mro"t zric, wo@Lid not be .he case If it were -@.liat thiz 6-as lm fact a cont:".buti:n r-iso. it is ',!:e statcd :-,c'-fay O-P t-e to c@L-rF: t'-e Gcve:%-z-.en- tLr.1 @C =er ce=t eve::h=nd r-zse-a--!: ccnt:-@c2ti-, whereas ncrp-cf@-t or-lv c@@--cct c--,-.s b,.@t =c B2ca'.@se of t'.-e ozt?7:zlb'c sctxza, our pro@ec,@3 i;i2.Z rot bc c@@reed 0'.Ier'-eal-. '-"h@-s could be =cst,-,;ed as =br%2-ly t-,c bos-l-te@l, as we itc,.L'-d t'.-e 2,c mer ce.-,-. 2 for zroZ2ctz perf:=el "rect'y fcr us, but I this can be of:se,@, at least to the azo=t of o'@;r donation, e-id per.---@s by tie furl@ier by w!:4:!2: tte othe:, Gcverr.=en% cc=t.-j- butior.s are increo,-ed by cur dc..at4;n. In r..ny case, If t@-z prs,c:t is a tr,-rer ome a:,.4- a-.ict b; in t@:,2-s mez.,,.Cx, set,.@r4-t,@ dl-----atez those clrc-tr-nces azd ti;ey, t@e:,e,.c.-c, do not ;.-esent a -e;al- cl:staci-e as st:cl-. 2 6. We raised the whether f@--,-4s for tle ho-,, const-u:tion c@.,uld nct be cb,@nl-n!@d frc7 otz--- sc%;rc".2 1-. a@,z2ared L'---t thc:,t wa.-@ a that the concerned could raise adeqt=.--e .',-rds frc-@ resources, but it 6,as t-.e ;osit4,cn of TS@@, that if wer3 tie case we would not obt,-!-.i tlie-co='.t=ent f-lc= the and t.lie deo7ee of cort.-c! -.t,'-cl, .his ;ro.ject is desiune2d to azl-4-fve. Cenera'- C=-=so!. .-y c@; Copy 0 1 C., 1 C3:6-y 122 H 1955 2 @ub-7T;;-@JeTt 25 of Prsiect :=:T,, W2 l@.tve notel -=i:r =e=cran!,,-: of 6 A-.=r'-l '@r.5 to tl,.c rn in:"zse cl f,@r the 2TZ@@ bu!,@zt "or this Thi-.- r-!zue-t d.,c@ not rfftct in &-zy t@,-@ cc,-!-3ents in =y of 21 Dzc27:e-jr 1951-. 2 Czuns., "lot-ir.radcd to: J-@@.12 Ir-7.7 4 CL BY IS7475 Copy i I of 1 copy 123 m *lr A po--ticu of Ro:tirch and De-7e3.@7--znt of 2 iz d'JvO-vc@d to t-b$ tiizcO-,IU7 of t'-c mal,izis: which VI-11 pz-=ota :LUCT C--l tni-l'Ir i.,L and to t!:.a po!mt w.@aro t@-a r--cip'--=t vwaid be di3c.-eciiI.,-l im 2. Sabstances wb-4c@h !.n=es.-o the efficiemcy of ==".a- tion and ;arcepticn. 3. ll!ita,-i&123 i.iieb vlll or "=teract th3 which will rr=jta the of- ,1001 of alooliol. -sterl &19 V 2 EzZ ci=;t=a Y aich v:LU the of rcco-=Izsd Iz a reversib'-* .W to thar, tl:--7 =,T 2 be uz--a- ate. 6. whieb will- r=der '.he induction of h,-.=csis e&aisr or otl-ervizo c-,@lo"ce its v-,efulness. 2 7. which will azi@-=co tho ability of ir.@.i- id-l-@s to vl-t!izl.=d tcr.-=* P--id coorcl-= L=izg S. @littrial3 c=l plq--Ical =at'aod3 wb!..-h will proauce frr cranta pro.-vli=g dari=g t::a;Lr u3a. 9. Fby:ic--l =t-"-hod3 of p2rcEu:i=,- choz'-, and cc-if,.tzl-cz over c=zen%:=l Wic-a3 of ti-a and c--;@able of U.-So 10. Subst=e3.-i whieb pro1d-ace Ph7zlc%l disablc--emt mueb as par&L-ais of tl-.o logo, acute Lee--da, etc. AN.: 124 -2- LI. 2@.bztzncoe IL-.Iiioh jLU pro