f 'TSECRE- U@IZCLA@-q I F I ED C0.11TRACT ItISPECTIOti ASSIG:i'I.IE.IIT RECO.RD TO: .it tn' - DATE F R Okl,: 2 107(l SUBJECT: iNSPECTIC-4 U.\DER CONTRACT NO. 'RASK ORDER REOUISITION NO. VOUCHER NO. CO?4TRACTOR I T E'@l 1. Your Ci'fice is res-ooasible for ;-:erformin-a inspection under the su7o2ject A part of ',.his respontibility is the monitoring of the Contractor's ,=ez-fo=a-nce at his facility to dete:-mine if the quality standards of the Contract are "-,eing met. It is also requested 'Uhat you authenticate the need for and the mrozer use of any Goverment furnished property made available to the Contractor i-li2 acco.-dance with the Contract. 2. To assist in our evaluation of this Contractor's capability and -erform- ance, send us a report of each insrec@Llion visit (Form 1897, Contract Inspectio.,i Both the interim and the +-'iial reports should include 'information relative to '@'ne con'uractual provisions for de2liverv and expenditure, as well as your jizdgnent of '.be Contractor's overall performance. The final report should be in narrative .Lo= and sboild include a statement certifying that all deliverable items listed in 1897 for narrative.) ,,be Contract have been received. (Use reverse side of Form 23. Reports that indicate overall performance as unsatisl'actorv or barely adec,aate should support such evalua' ions with detailed explanations of the specific disc.-erancies and the corrective ac@4.ion which is being ta.Lien. In order to establish a reg,-,lar reporting cycle, the initial Inspection .Repo--t shall be submitted tbirty 2days after the 15th of the month folloiing the ei'+'ec@.i-ie date of the 'Co-,itract, (e.g. on a contract dated 5 June 1067, the first 7 a--ec-"4on Report will be due 15 -Tu!Y). Subsequent reports will be subrit@ed at n six' @y day intervals 'L rom the f irsl%l due date (e .9 - 15 Sept2ember, 15 Fovember, etc. 5. The Ins--ection Report is ',he basis for payment of invoices submitted by the Cor,@i-racto@-,, 4,,her-efore, it is important that they be submitted promptly as required above. 6. Incentive Contracts requ--re close review d'uring performance whenever award or 1--erformarc2e incentives are to be adplied. 7ne final reror%' must reflect an a,-- cura'.e evalua:-Iiozi of total performance ani -@,he level of -objectives attained so at to es@k.;EL@,lish the basis for incentive a7,,:ard. 7. Indicate your acceptance o@.' this ins-ection reszonsibility by filling in2 ::=e of the i,-qs-@ector/Monitor and his ex,@lension in the space below on one co-oy o@' -U.44s for.-i and reiarn it to us I %SP E CT O*/v@ts ITO It EXTENSION,, Da-L a I I . 5 CD UT!CLASSIFIED F 1 8 E fii=t-A I 2- 3 6) 1897a SEC.?ET L