20 July 1970 M ORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Visi:t on. -Z-gul to' SUBJECT: 1. The primary purpose of this visit was to review the proposed project in the area of nonlethal personnel incapacitation and to 2become acquainted with the personnel and facilities available for prosecution of the research effort. As one might judge from the ireput acilities an(tper- ation, the quality of f Eonnel are outstanding. The writer was given a tour of the -but d2id not visit the, fsite, which will be available for prototype system tests if required. 2. The remote, secure, and possesses limited laboratoxy,-capability-,.-block-bDuse-Sioz--e.-,cp-lozivp--t@eating.,--2azimal. quarters-, and other specialized equipment which is not relevant to the present project. 3. The individuals assigned prime responsibilities for the incapacitation project have worked extensively on other Agency tasks and have a realistic concept of the requirements for this project. However, considering the breadthof the2 task, i.e., the probable incapacitating effects of various energy sources on the human (lig7nt, sound, impact, electricity, etc.), the project cannot be conducted by any two or three individuals. Rather data and information must be obtained from a great variety of medical and allied scientific disciplines. This diversity of professional 2talent exists at the jand will provide technical input to the project. In order to utilize the services of these internal and some external consultants, without the necessity for obtaining security clearances on all of them,, Imust be established. It was tentatively agreed that an fwould be t9hat the research is concerned with nonh@Liirdou"s 'r@io'@ control systems. This matter will be discussed with appropriate Agency security personnel. 4. In addition to personnel assignment, other details of the proposal were discussed. For instance, the cost breakdown is not clear from the proposal submitted. These items included: travel requirements and authorization, fees for consultants, and use of animals. The questions were resolved to the satisfaction of the writer and wil2l be discussed with the cognizant Agency contract negotiator. 5. The inmediate action is to: @l),obtain Blue-Book project, approval as soon as possible; (2) forward bibliographies and all other available reports collected duriRg__@he in-house study of incapacitation systems; and (3) after - lpersonnel have had 0 sufficient time to review these materilis, m(;e-i with them to estab- lish a firm experimental program with priorities of effort. 2