21 July 1972 PLEASE S IG,,q TD RETURN one (1) COPY of the following: Received from 0 Ph.D., & Ken Johnson "Radiati n Field Photoaraphy," by Thelma iloss Article taken from Psychic Journ9al, July 1972 (UNCLASSIFIED) 8 March 1972 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN Received from,-- ---tone (1) copy of the following: IcOiNFIDENT 2. Dyfonate Soil Insecticide Technical Bulletin by Stauffer Chemical Company, UNCLASSIFIED 2 3. Uptake and Distribution of Dyfonate in Seedling Corn Plants by J. B. McBain and J. J. Menns Stauffer Chemical Company, UNCLASSIFIED 4. Metabolism of O-Ethyl S-phenvl-Ethylphosphonodithioate (Dyfonate) in Potato Plants and Rats by J. B. McBain, L. J. Hoffman, and J. J. Menn, Stauffer Chemical Company, UNCLASSIFIED 6 Date 3 March 1972 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN Received fromi 'Inine (9) electromagnetic photos (Unclassified) te 7 December 1971 pLF,AsE SIGN AND R=RN Received from (1) one copy of the folloiiing: An Analytic he General Motors' Severity i' V Index L .-Be-ne-d+ct--an" _(U ass 5 Date,- 3 December 1971 PLEASE SIGN AL@,TD RETURN Received fromi l(l) copy of the following: Study of__IncapacitatinE Darts Date December 1, 1971 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN Received from One (1) copy of the following: *"Investig4tlLqq of _I:ff@ L @g@ t.;@n imuli on _tll(Z pcts- of Noise,_-- Other. St 0 Date -This document is for your information only. Please return when hrou mow 10 November 1971 PIXASE SIGN AND RETURN Received from one (1) copy of the following: AD 726016 - Edgewood Arsenal Technical Report EATR 4515, The Acute @ S @7y- Toxicity of Dimethylamides in Several Animal S6pecie -Joseph-A-.-Wiles anci-john EaKc:L3 -June.. 19./.L Lpse, Jr,.,, 1-7i Date Material sent to 2. April 28, 1969 3. Letter to L-1 4. Memo to su-b ect: Flash Safety May 19, 1969 5. Letter toi - _--- -- - - -@D s-t @d-ofi-IfFtense Flash incapacitating Sy _ema y 6. A Proposal or ttie stu 5,S October 1970 7. ?.I. Light 5 P. F,:Tr I2JAPH - 'r -1. Light 10- "tLV P. TI 9. Introduction to Section V Effects of Flash Blindness and Retinal Burns on pilot Performance Sent to 1. Ilousc lliterial A. 1,iblio,-,rapliy B. 18 September 1969 2. Proposals:,. A. B. C. D. E. 3. Non-lethal Personnel Incapacitation System 4. Experimental and Analytical2 Study of a Non-lethal Restraining System for Personnel Incapacitation 5. For Evaluation and Development of Various Methods for Non-lethal Personnel Incapacitation 6. Preliminary Survey of Insurgency in Urban Areas 7. Nonlethal Weapons for use by U. S. Law Enforcement officers 8. Stun Gun .9. Ferret Price Schedule 2 10. Nonlethal A-,ents.3'.n Crime and Riot Control (U) 11. New Incapacitating Agents (U) 12. Defense Documentation Center 13. Report Biblio-raphy 14. Table I. Categories of Criteria for Nonlethal Weapons 15. ReDort of Investigations into Methods of Mob Dispersal and Evasion 16. Pro,,ress Repprt, 30 June 1969 2 0 17. Symmary of the feasibility of the Tearspot Nonhazardous 40mm Grenade Launcher-Fired Incapacitating Agent CS Munition s\pm"'418. Investigation of Non-lethal Personnel Incapacitation Systems- 1,1-1 Unidynamics/Phoanix Research Department 19. P.I. General - 4 t\pr'rl'20. P.I. Gcneral 2 21. P.I. Ceiieral I A 22. Analytical @ictliods for An'alyzi!ig Si@n4als in OI)tical Impairment Experim'ents (L7) Sent to Page 2 23. (light) 24. P.I. ii,ilt P.I. light 7 5@Z=ell i6 25. 26. The Rare Gas Bou@j for Night Aerial Reconnaissance 27. IIigh Intens- ity Illuminant for Night 2Reconnaissance 28. The Noble Gas Bomb 29. P.I. light - 16 P.I. li-ht - 17 17 30. 31. Defense Documentation Center (Induced effects in the human eye by intense visable radiation) 32. Defense Documentation Center (optically induced impairment of vision) 33. P.I. Sound 28 2 7 34.' P.I. Sound 29 -7 35. P.I. Sound 31 36. P.I. Sound 30 37. Electric Shock as it pertains to the Electric Fence 38. P.I. Chemical 1 39. P.I. Impact 1 4o. .I ackno9i4ledge receipt of the above items. (signed) Dr.1 (date) 28 September 1971 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN Received fromf-"'---@ one (1) copy of the following: JPRS 53177, 20 May 1971 Effect of Ultrasound on Nucleic Acids and on the Skull -USSR- Date 2 September 1971 PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN Received from Dr. one (1) copy of the followi ng: Retain or Destroy 1. Human Drug Response 2. Propagation of Pressure Waves in Head Impact 3. Soviets Conducting Res2earch on Human Tolerance to Very High Carbon Dioxide 4. Personnel Incapacitation by Visual overstimulation 5. An Analysis of the Safety Characteristics of the Navy Flash Blindness Indoctrination Trainer 6. Operational Test and Evaluation of the University Sound SA-1800C Airborne Sound System 2 7. Self Protection Aid Device (SPAD) on Loan 1. @Human Volunteer Test 2. The Development of Weapons for Psychological Warfare 3. Biological Munitions for Small Targets r Da6te -7 SENT TO DR.' 6/7/71 1. JOINT CB TECHNICAL DATA SOURCE BOOK Volume II "Riot Control and Incapacitating Agents -Part II: Agent DM UNCLASSIFIED Z. JOINT CB TECHNICAL DATA SOURCE BOOK - Volume.U "Riot control and Incapacitating Agents Part IV: Agent CN UNCLASSIFIED 2 .ILI OFFICIAL USE ONLY DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PERSONNEL INCAPACITAT N September 8,'1972. 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