1)73 la regard to your note of I-arch 27, 1973, the arram-t-,O.F--at vith latems #-,uite rea3o,-ir%ble to z@o and Drobe-l-f *.ile most econ=ice-1 arrnr.;,-eiaen@'. that ev..@ld be =ade for 'b"a'kin@.,, ca" ol.1' the finh or. a continuo7as ' azis. t@.,i3 is pri=aril-y m cortractu--l t!atter. 1 have provided copies of t@ie arranrements to o-ar contract a-Leaff. rjy only co--Cer-- is "-.!iat *.he perzo=al co@to do no*- exc*ed tt.,@mt stipulatel 'I-= the negotir-tel contrac@w. lw"irce I canac-t corscieeiv.;917 testif7 th,,t attendance at -t@.uAe 2 "nalzrsiz r--4d Forecaztink,, course vill si4,, iliceiitLI- contri,@ute to t:ie executl.%on of tiae co.--.tr=t, I cannot approv* en.,endit,4--e of flirdr. for It.-LIP-t ;;ur:-,or.e. A2l.)e in@lor,-.atiou gained must be directly reluta;'4. to froject, as on,-ozed to t@ie -ro.4*-ct area me@htioned -D-f lor a ronere-I ow n the leter case, ;31i2oU,-' '---e -srill-ing to au;@port Zrour atlweudance. I a-.a ver:.- to le.,3.rn that tLe tr-=si4..-ion phase of *Wbe o-peration betveen t,.7o oriFauizatio=2 vorked Va.', vit!.icat 6 kest @ersonal G'I" 14 ir-nu