O-Z bo rs,. ..2es ZL C' iT V,,F, Z'S 2 5 e--4 r. 0.@. -00 2;ef, P-C; "@o ic.to C. C )O2A C-.6 O!L t 'IS 2 c@ sti evL 0 i-O ,L ,o-c t\-l 0 2 Le ba S,OV,A. Oro 7.0 r_ C, 2 50 oe. c.i.0 9 (so 0'.L sc:c, i. L :;V,:@. Z., 42 -:y C';- C! S P iD C- Z:: C2, S C) D.C. a s'zz-.t4-c -"Lcct-ic of t"-.e as lisee. t'A-lc vo'-@,-s/c;-.-,' also y-i.al-Vi col.C. cl@actrozi 4-s rot as sil-ron,<-,, 'oj' the elcc.--zodes occ-cr (elce' I-Ley lee' i,,: is y to ',-.@-ve a S- 2 'o- occv,r (as a result of- fos-@t-'ve i,)-L" a-:Dun& the al.ectron strec@:-.,@j electro-i-,s ex-@t A,-,70.-a -iie Su-: d-' L abol.,.t the oz) IA,: 0 -,-L aS C.@-, aD.C. powe-@ Soul-CCJI cc oA' el2.ect:ro-Lis occurs a,,, the ir,.ac,e is absc--iifl- With D C in ,:hz r -a appears iria but t'en e-sc,,,),)c:ars later as ecuilibration occurs. The- ",.F. 2 c@, s r, a I is also used the pulse so that o:ie cal@ decrease the s -J.ze o-j@: The -,!:;e.o'L cli'Li@7c@-ent Alrequei,,cics a'i.3-ows to obtain r a -.2-i pictures, presumably associat cd %.:itli dijA@'Lorei7,t resC)!'..t.7iC'.es C-.t-.c. i.e. tIlL p@ircs of the use o2-,ily o-,ic, PL11sc: to obtain a plioto"rapli. 7q;.- S 1. ow Actually, one rL ulse rc' r. it sec,.,,;,.s th,@t a reulse 2 -.pc!tition rate. is to provide low avcr@-,".e polqc e,L,-:,it-.ol-L o'L 2 x 1.0--l sec is rla% L .Ird is rtitich la,:-ctr, th i if is too the cl-,,ii-nel@ process is poor. On t'ilc oti-ic-,: hii-.d. ecvc..Io") 5 one c.,,.n tir:c !.'.I a J"QY t'@- t i-, C. r a 2 C c,.L CA C.. C: C r C,:-,. C., 0 ,.@;0.1 for ti)@, stz. o Oz k'p":'-Sc 2 o C- r.-,c," s C!.U--a -L'ra,.,is4@stors, etc., cz-,l 'Da btii'At anc: citt -A@.-,-to t'.-Ic J,ielei. 2 do hav,@ as cs o-,Ie li::a. t w,-, s stated that zny d-4schc-:r@-a i-clue@,-s phcto.-,s but th-.t-- 2 orl@y -:on T2--s seeL-..s to re- F@.te clia--ges i,-, -e@ stronc, eld prod,.:ce an J. o e'Lec: accc-leratioii 1.:h@- 2 0.= Ich leads @Lo co,4,:Sc, evc.-i d t t elect-.-o-"s ca,-. '.)2e L) to -produce -iassive suct@, g r a s . (b) Ir, the si-mplast C-ev-@'ce, R S@Pr, C,71 O'@- 2 a- cct- s p 1 c c' b zt c p 1 c f: o --h vc. t,. IA' the c o,-L c -,i s c rpiz@.tes Iloo c'Lose to the ob4act, th'er,- w4-ll be ro o,-i t,ie film. or8c-@-- to -:,et ood 'pictures, there '-e a e.-'e- lectr-'2-c ga-,3 between -@lic- L -A. 3. T'.ie dc-.-)ends cn the anel or, tl-ic- o-'@' elec-tric. To c.2r-'Loct a.-,'" a --rinct a s-;",-k s c a -,I) y b a p l@ c- c. r-- cl b e. t ic a,.- i t li eoD c! c t c a a c i t o r plate fil--,) T.1 a f i is 2betwo.,@-.,i the con.-ic-.I.ser plate an%-'A the scrce.11. f@lis sc-,-c,,n en'liarces the e -J:: C t probibly by its serv--zi- as a' ei@-i-C-CL@.,,ic -.-,a typ,- O'L O'LL,Cctjve /0 riatctri@-@l is 'Lil.m itsc!'Af thi,- 1-i.-s bc-zt:i c,)-..plnLcly eyposcd ani 0 The dcva.ca ci;i placed i-,i a scinso,-s lisce@ tc) -I sl;.r.lit vii is i,cl; C:L to C! c@, o -y 0 2 .4 t 0 si- i-L,- s i-, ,ac 2 @, ob c:c,. Cie. i.1 C-. os C Z.,-, a to r;o L@l-c resol a '48yer O@ sal.-Ire %.,,ater or ozl-;er con-@luc-@-.@Lve 2 u-,'o ti-a 0,.-Ilcct a.-id t'L-le 'il.ra. "'r. t'.-i-'s the filri is p.L@c-.,, fac2--'r,- the o'-J,,@et so t'@i L a t t'-- er..u I.s'-on %.:on't be T.ic ca-L:)ac4-toz pl@ate is then pifced ou--s-i.6e o.4 the '5'ilm. 2 A Ce-a Ivy the as 0:74a 01 -,fa CF,?,-.Citor better rez;ou'--o.-. a-.2 raster worl- w4t- the fil2-,.. @or tEk-A.nc.- D-.ctur&s of a sectioii o@.: si,2,n or ot,ier ?art o--@' t'l%-- on' one c-cctro@@c- is needca. in tliia case, the bod,, acts as 2 0 -,Iy p-.-,c, bel@' o'L the d@v-'@cc:, presented -A.n Fi,-. 2, is needed This szria elc-c- troea p@-occ:O-ore As Used ,or the Kirlian r2.,icroscope, illustrated in ----'-g. 3, i-ihc-.ii -Lt is ap?l-',ed Lo the body. P,ioto-ra-,)-s of tl,;e. orc-clcctrodc e-:@v-@ca a-c.- the F."4croscopa are sqown i-,i F-g. 4. A i-ol'@-L ic,, e, c- v c o. wl-,.-Lch Alirs toa of at '-ass w.%-@,. ave7a-a Doi-yar, i..,as2 also desc--@bed. It is illusf--,--ated FZ.1. 5. In this device ro dischar,@?c occurs at points A or 6 but does occur -t i s o ii 10 ri-cro,.is . The cylincler is rolled at Fbc@-jt 10 C;,.)/InilL g"vc!s a r.;ovi-.i- ',:o cx?bsc the L' i.ii sc-.c:u,--ce. A e.,@:6vice for r,,ovi-c, P;ctures is illustrated in P 6. It thn arran,e.-,,c:nt o.4 @ig. 7. Concroll.ed -4rc, ied to the C) i7, '.file a-.-(: C s C. e. 7, 7@l.-,Ie2s wricl- eo o:,,e to tr-kc o cc'c@ z@. NY, 1, r, ..rL--ulpr ',:he ';i el4CCL-Zo".e -1@s a sil,-'co.-4. oz., "ii,. sha,)c OA' body. @.C iilm; o a-z t'-@'s eevce. 2 o' C v;@., Z@ta!7i" .ii Li b o C z i-, ha o o,-,e v C Or o.' t,-ie 2 rol@itorc(: P',.OC, C> f ro a Or 62LSplayc--@ C1.06C.-e-ci,-CU-A.,' "A'.V. This2 neti,,, -rei-7 o-@@: a.-i -.Leca o-.i7 .5 ir, ll;'Ola) util-'Lzdd a c,@;aduct-.@.v,:, trans?are,,-.t riateria'L as part o@Al 2 the C citor, to which a hin-e6 n,-'rror attached and a A'lexible cor.'"uct mz-,terial w.%-;-ch -@s laid upon.. t4le. c'o-.-ct to bct p'-IotograFIled. 7.-.e ri-A@.r-,or i6 con- cave and acts as a lens t.@a objec"-- to be stud-ied. The. r-"ir.-Or --@,s ,@p?arcr,' ly used for visual x.!"I,-n rol. 'L-akii-i-, -p'Lio'coc-.-apbs the c-b-ect and the 'Llex4@ble, tra.-.s?,-srert co-Lidc.,nser plate is place- a 2 d4el-@ct c ne',;. A plate i-s placee,- over the fro-,Lt or top o4@ the C,-, i u C rely contnct pri '@ho@;t' foc;:.s C'. so tl-.il: the prin,:s %.?ere rrc n,: %.y 3.nv The- forec,oin,, ec:vices all operate ir. air at I atr,@.os,,ihere pressure. 2 r tl-.ci prL-Psx.,re is xlevced to 3.0-'- r,.m oi4 r.-.erc-,iry, tiia iira3c is still the c.-lect).-ode sci),-,ration increasel4L to 20-30 C,-,I. 8 lit a prassurc 0- A displn,, SySLC.-a :II C -.c-s C r @--e ;;O C. iz t -.'Lo,-, C)-, o'@i',cr @-@ee C, t I I -A'.s ts',c@',7 C)A' @4, a O'. a .;..L:, 2 C- Y a r y a p 1 0 r-, C a 0 S n y e r c. s 'c i; C s o LP 2 C P I-.ay,- Dec.-, ec:VL--'@0-JeJ E-O-: (Ma In 'the A' -A.zsf-- case tr-ey usa Coll" ob"azned in %-,ie s.-.zil. 2 (5'v.:) o-A@ 2 N-y-.zh zL l@, a e c 'L C e.'!- t a C s 0'4' V 4@s ca-,.@scd to ',acraase 4--,i t'i-a r,.@Ad6le to E 104v2/cr.,. (see S -? J. J. IS j. VL They have obtained val@ies of '040. The second r,,efl-hod is C a r r -A.e2d o in F- C.,@-P type dev-Lce as illustrated in F@Llc,. 9'o. The short elect.-ode (cef--o' 44 Lc-) '-as 2 a J'iel.6 E and the larcer electrode (anode) has a field E;" (El 10@ V/C-,U, E is the is'E'IVCn Dy 2 r). In th's case, 2 El S2 W'i,c,.re S. a ri e, S are the! tens-;.ons O'L the ti.!o el.ectrocies (S El S E G.-@.:ss' 2 aw p@ r,,i c'iiarc-a coiiscrvatio-.i) . U s i V t iL) o. t y p a of dctv@Lce one nl.,.',&,@t extic!ct that t'.1a Z a 0 c@l.ecti-or, le;-,scs wo-,Ild o-.-Le -,o b--S.ld -,ii clec,-.Yoii vc.,ry o.' Li-,c %rz,.cuur,,, ncto.%'Acd s-,,cl.i eev-.cL-1 ,.o t:i,e. ii.ass OJ: 's 'Sill C.. e C, C 'z :,L C", C. Li A. A. 2 s st'l' tIe, f r r n'c L,- 4%-e-v s C, 2 ,to 1. O,.o a z.A' IL-,Ps cuz zt..,ay '@ror-, ore ce,-e, the ent;-re c -.'n o.r ti-i&. lc.-a-@,L: St-ill revec,.e--@ t' a PI -.0 r. 0 71 -Z Z' be to tl'ie 0. xC'. re i-, t by s,,-.ccc--ssivos i a t'@&,.e arc'@ 2 v. order 'co se-% x.?Iiat pcrcezta,,e o-@L! t'@-a c a.@L@ can 'oe a.@, a'Lterat,4o7L in -the total- pattern. Dr. that t,ie oj' 2 red-cnca-cy in the or riay 'DE- SO @,-,s to p,-o"A-,:ce Su,' O'@-' S.Il.'LO!7[vatioll Lil@FiL ir- e-. o'L the or s'rl--iri -is2 rec.-.ova%'L, tl-le 'Lcst so,%:,r@cs do not si--,Li.-@L@icantly disrupt the r..ultipl@e array pattern.- A C ITi -,i,- tL,.i-c r-n@--' To!-)--"scooe 2 -Altlio,,i@'Li it was not poss-;",-I,e t o o'@) 4L- a -L na c-'Lj-c;:,,4t c!csig-,i 'Lor tl,c Tob-"- it is po5s-.Lble to pi.ece toc-e'c'.-er .S2co?c-. -A.n Re-@'.1 and Y)ropose critical. ci-rctiit easion a Dcrzo.-L i.ii, c,'.oc-.troii--cs could rc@a"'-Ie an 'Llost sim2l.y, the dev2ice 4@s a D.C. N...i'Lli a Iii.c,'@L --ncl is ',@attery powered. Very c@ tha -3. 2is to be -Lilace-d i.n pa.,P'Ll.c. @'tli 0 f L !I C 'i.C)',) 0i:l the is r,@-z@son-' rbly LI-,c-t Lo't:lij. is by 1 C) ri: slic@-zi. o@l O--' C.; For %., @A 2 C. e, a v C 0. w b ct r Ei C'. a C,.-. t 'tc, D. C. r ',:,I S -C. C. e ZF. O a 2 -n o4 -L z.: o o sh-,;--in-, or z-,i i. A. El C, "I pu,- Cu2:: C -.)O i,;i t 'She devica operc--Ias oa less .--@.cro -;t li vo'Lts w4-th t':ie 3 tran- s.Ls tor D a.-@,? -er very ovct.- th@- 2 of 1.3 to. a. vo'i.ts. 'fhe is abou'-- 4-5 x 10@' oL'ir.,,s t.ie eav,-cc r, a a y -,o be netN-:orlc. t2 S (V- a -6 S C. y ',:O pa@Ihs" . I-,: is tl-Lt a -esl.sta,.,ce o,.'L' --bo,,;t 56 X l'u3 C@:.-LStS b,2-@1-7eE!n t,-CSC: 2 r@l-,e t're Va'Auc: i-.icrcas,,z g-rc,,-.tly d-,irin-, s@Lea?. T',-ic resis'l-,ince over tlie sar-ic 1,@,ng'ch o f s'e-lin betni2ccn two po-'-@-,s is 4@-,i the rance-100 olisris. At present, they ,are iiivesti-&,L-.4,n,,:-, a,,-. current device and find that very interest4.n-, ef-@tects occ-2-i in t,e re--Lon of per secona (sz4rce ove ro%-7 sees t,ie 0 pa-,ct o@j@ tile Che T.).C. betN..,c:cn one 2acu:),,:.zctx,.,:(, point zLd anotliier is aboul 50 'or ti..-o id-acc-.it poi7l'Lts -nd vi.-ics slowly, as t' ,L' 2 eistptice bc!- t,;?c:cn poirts to %bout ).CIO YQ. The rp,-Lc,e of variation occ-,.rs due tc, eniot-iorn' e-1c. The'p,-oce,-'tura here!. Is to ILIS-2 ll,L C a bal@iice i-.icthoc' As Po 2 e out by i,.& z-.r,,.c- n .,,O oi' the v:-,ry ill s rcve.-.ioe. C) 8 C-, C S C,@ C'. O.. s F- Z:. s O s s C.. O.2,5 N.. - t 2LO I,. O'i, 1 C i:. O s r nz:ons 4n 'O-or gro,,,,ps of !ec"@s A nrc'.o-@- or 2 s sac-. fro@r, t'.ie -raphs, t,.-Acre e>;@S'@s 1% Z-, t s y 1, 0 C a r. C v Y V F. a 'n,-@s 'icen. 2 o@, to 'nyp-.-,ot-'@stis 1.7or6s. tio@17evc@@-, i-o. case oj-- o,-eii.nary er..otioi)a".-States, A. Y A. pat 'eats 2 exli-bit va,: t o,-.s It 1,.as a'i.so beca d-i.scovere.-@, v. volt:"Lnc sici-,ai caii be detec.L--ed be- p,)--' t s p.r O v-,'. Ice. ti..,o -yp2,@-s ol' -,reta'Ls -,I-,:c ery sl-ln, c-.1.rc-,;.,-,r c-L@-,ctrodcs of 5 to 7 eloctrodes. ctc,-, a a ei-A:7-L@'erence o'L c:.bo-,;t 50 r;.%?. loc@,t4o,-s such poi-,.,-.s ,i.-e ski.-L @bscnt the CJ.C, to zero. I"ikc@wi.s2e, ti-70 usir.- t@-,e O'@ect-L;-od@- or ..,P sz:.Y) , the d;-,Lfcrel-..C.;a is clost- to 5 C, i c) A c, (th@-y usa clir L J. finc..tioii C,:: V C LTI erc! as a u to 100 ri-@ 11 V( C C! 'be. as -.s 0.5-1 vo't C 2 t'ie volt@!@-a C, i-) e; C-Z r t 1 0 f,) J- f c, r 2 S C t C ay @:e a@- C e 2 -Z C co,, e. t'-c -,atx 4- S -.0 E-! e,-, @7'ereviCL- ras -,isc-@ to -a transistor s--,a" ic.L 2 toy ve'. a 7'r. o-y t h c.;@- E@ s z - o,-'i C vol.tr@-.e; v..-.-nishad as tl-.e area oz V, incrc-.,-ises. T'.iey als'o 'Lir.0@ trat an A.C. ptilse is d. A. the elect-:ol-le increases. Ti-.I.s is ill.kistra,;c-d in iFi.1c,,. 12 as a i)lot o'L V vs. ti bcbl.y repres2azits a-,i avarac,i,-Lc, t'e N.C. Si--,ial I)-Zo ar-@.sezi oiily ct t,ie -i)o@.it 'Ic.,ss t,irrl 1 iii7,i i.-, in tf-.e cc-.i- of- the 2 III Fc@, t',ie P-,:C",-)C:rties 0;: Doi-LL,,,-. on t'&,e st.-tte of the .n'cc,-ral or-,i-,is col-,-:Lectcc'k t"iiezo 2 c@ po4.nts is e VZt r t i C. Z. I S C .1 a S'ION-7 SL,i e. i f ic a' act revo.-,-se d-'-rc-cl@-ions. Eac v,-. 2 cki' a c -k:,, o-.l h e. Z.'Jl- C. i:' 1).!I"L, L c .1 nL" bc!-Jrc)rc.- P,@:tor tref.,3:- bc-r-ore Cii-fvc!s. 2 ii-c., 3: 1.0 "I z@ C 0 t;' C t a 14, w@is on Z.- y Po 2 cc:., o-',cr ha-e, z'i ha 2 ho' C @o F, 're -.I @L S X-7ay Lo@- O.-@- O@, -;,s :Lr"-7, occurs !-:Or one t-.'Lt-.e tt-.e -:'Lso The co;7.ca7-,tr@:tes on is li@p Say, Y I a ;.a. r e, t 4-o 2 2 abil-A.ty to use one's tr. e eiie,-gy boety. T, e stress (or actual r,-jscla tens-Lon) o.- exci-te.-;,,ent this one-.-,.42-nu-Le -pari,oet can be usce, to I:P. Usin- a 30 capGci'.tor, -the guL'L-.c)r fou.-e. ).Oi@A; a ca P z@c -4.,@o I: 'UT) to 2 battc:r. T',-, C- cnn be uszl-'A to study oi-,,% S to co-.icertre@&te ard focus t'-e 2 f-,4ca.-.tly riind and practice, bc,- ible increase S it -t-7LS L: V, t',ie per-r@orxar. 4s able to lizoduce K 9 wi4--hout too -.L-.ic' -@y Tc, 1 1. II s f i -,id oAr i ',"le].yi I."s heie 6e, -,i r 'J.,n the P" C t: u to 2 Ih, f. it -,oz r- t '.C!, -I -j. ri C 'I- a a Z7 L J a so 2 a I C @a i-i e t.-, e S "J' ri C ci s O C s USC6 to 2 n,; f-ec!' on contac" 1,@'hey have that C a!'& DO bv,ri, L i,, C. PIN, 2 t,) ri C, t I- s si 2 ts t'i -.a, L C s s r- C! C, -@ove 0 J 2 ,O- o'@ in a ar," tl@c@- 'r-v c'@-a-.--c of 5 c 0 u'.. 0 s %-I & 0 't; r- 2 O -.I t. e b a s t, co,"carr.-@nc tli It 1.7ns not poss-"ole2 to obtl@ir, c,,iiy Ser-c:vev detector 0 !C the pulsa-in, 2 v cirity o' t'c be t',ie detectio.- of a vor,,-Ietic Ali@I'@d usir,,, a scr 2 it is likel@y to t%',Ct Plants raa"-c of the tiLc-.,,iate 2 viir.Lc-.ty. N.7z...s be.ttcr eotcctors o'@ 0.'.Cctro,',cs are ap-2'1.ed to 'Li.;o nci 2 -@nts -)f the. pic-n-@ @t@'S 01' \-i ture po 5 C. 2 is I)ui-A@.nc., a c@ O b t ;.(i. Z-.'Lio-it 50 rav betN.7cel, L-,.70 Y)O-nts w'n-@-ch &Ila-it clir,,:Cnt pul.ses occ-c.-,c %.?"13.ch cha-,t-e -crorl 5 to ove@" 100 2 3.5). p Thc. -lie dist,--butioiL o' lic:'e. b a tN.., 2-y -lot f-Lili.].y s tud -@C!6 A. L ti-c opcl-,-.Lor z@nd ob-,:@c-, -e,"' fi.-,-"2 if- to be. a e, i f i.c 12.-, 3. t Cill C- s t -J' 0 r as oiic-,'rez!cl-ios tlia but pro,)a"jl.y :,;J! 0 #@-yl)c-. t,,.oeLe in 'i',Icy eo-,i't kno@.? "O- -.!-.I 70 o c, s n 7 0 @7 -J':C o -,'cb or 2 L-0 Po@-.7er so--,rcc C.- ..or 1) r o f-- C-- C C, c re i,. e 2 baca-.:,se o@,-@ ter C@ c-,: ao z@ -A.cn' rL @'o o'! 2 A. 12. s r. I. y -evc"LVA. 13. Co' 18rs 15. a v 2c-. r s c f c ct5 Z, -lie o raverse 2 0 C 19. C! ass c'- aes s 0 3 -C . 0. C'.-: Z. C. r(cel@L) @-oodec: by 2 o J. c-.:i'ica 7 2-v' 21. 6 - t s o b c: c 'c --'- v a 2 i 6 22. B s, i i ii,- CEr@-aes (),3,iective 'th 2 r. ri (@.-i Ecco.-c.aiiee ..i - 2 3.' L Fi@c,. 3. D-A'.sc,'sar@,e optical 7 I-i 4 ---------- . ............ ji -TT- i I 0 i.1.4 . . . . . . . . . . .... ....... 7 7 . ..... ......... 71 Ile