::E C-J rn m IV :3 C) (D ct, 0 CD Ln 0 rA to 0 tn -a m .0 (D IL< -1 no C-+ 2:3 tn CL ru ti (D to -1 n -1 to 2 0 Go CL C+ (D C= to (D IL< la. Ln 2 =r a) 0 CD lr+ 0 2 0 ko -4 c+ a 2 :3 m t-i C+ En co =r CD 2 CD C+ tu C+ 1-3 IA =r .0 'IC' to 2 -1 AO r-L C) to 2 c:@ Ln. ct C+ 'D 2 -:3 -4 -4 CA w r,3 C+ 0 4:)m co 0 ct -1 t ct DIVISIOTINL RFV=d Behavioral Activities/Behavioral System@/A nimal DATE 26 July l@073 T:ETLE: Sensory Connunicationi CONTP,ACTOR: PER:EOD OF PERFOIZI@ANCE: 2 1/73- 11/74 COTR: WORK CO@=TED: 0.5% TECMCAL GOAL: Define ooerational-and transfer characteristics of the STATUS: I. Five animals surgically' prepat;@'ed 2. Ini2tial systems tests completed 3.- Contractor has run out of funds. None left, even to ma-intain ex.oerimental animals. COMMENTS: Decision must be made to implement one of the-followino-actions: .1. order animals destroyed and terminate proara-M 42. provide supplemental-.funds to finish work on experimental anim8als .3. transfer animals to' 0 tem. inat,* @or care until decision t' or initiate new actim is madi-.- 'Behavioral Activities/Behavioral SystemsIAnimal DATE 26 July 197'j TLTM: C014TRkCTOR, PERIOD OF Pp-p@70MIA@TCv: 4/30/73- 2 10/30/73 COTR % I-TOPK COIM-7TED: 3 0 Dr. TECI-7TIC-kL GOAL: STATUS: to Due to the transfer of this project effort from there was a signific2nt o tion of the"-i'nitial p r contract time devoted tg:@stablishing the new laboratory, i.e., new screened room, and other general@r@equirements for the establishment OT-a functioning biological laboratory. However, the time delay for direct project effort is being compensated 5for by eXDerimentation beinq conducted after normal working hours and on weekends at no ad@itional cost to the Government. Contractor site visit planned for 29 August. DMSTO-NAL REVI-RW Behavioral Activities/Behavioral System/Animal Capabilities DATE 26 July 1973 TITIE: COliTRACTOR.- 2 PERIOD OF P-rRFopl@ikz,,cE:11/13/72- COTR-. 17ORK COInlrTED: Dr. TECMTICAL GOAL: Determine the technical and operational feasibility STATUS: b ''lare healthy and maturing with qreat rapidity. 2 o tained from rield training has been ad'vanced-from mid Septer,,be'r to mid August. modification has been complete and will be ' ,'@tested".during week of 6 August. A show and tell session is being'arranged for --1 personnel for 21 August. Arrangements are being made for fi6td test'3'-a-nd evaluation portion of the proqram. The relative merits of the facilitv at )and a completely t )/are being evaluated.'. opera ion from DIVISIOTIAL RE=,i Behavioral Activities/Control/'4aniDulatfon DATE 27 July 1973 TITLE: CONTRACTOR:" PERIOD OF PERFOPIWCF,: 10/72- 01/273 COTR: WORK CONP=oTEI): 70 % TECEMCAL GOAL: To determine whether affect altered by behavioral means can be detected STATUS: ine smaii aeneral puroose coiouter necessary for data anal ysis has caused some problems slowin2a down the' effort with regard to results thus far. However, the techniqbe does continue to appear pror-lising though the problem of individual differences is provina knottier than exdected. A detailed component analysis proqram could elucidate this, but that might cause the long range procram to slop by possibly up to six or more months. COA"114E=S: