-ence potential of Description: The investigation of the intallio ionB-@'emphasizing . an anal,@,tical -tudij of the intrinsic -nicat: capability of m= as arbocormunica,.lons.syst2em and also an invesl%..i- gatio-n of the conditions Wnereby his ca3,ibility can be enhanced or aug--enlv-ed. ckground: This stucly has demonstrated that man modulates Ba sgnal s Based on these findl-igs, 2 -irelated el-c-rical o e "c-iR Ra sing n Y the pq@ential exists of sen simn-1s' is ,tork wi3.1 undertake a'horough Th %I investigation of the signal "ihrough--ut" by the use of time correlation analytical techrirues. Description: Develop itechniques for detecting and analyzing electrical events associated with brain acatl-ivity M Bac'ground: This organization has assembled a sy@@@ -t-o-det;-,r,-.,.,iile-the EF @charac@eristics of the hilman body. ;elrer, the speci.A6icity Ho, and hence u,.ility-of this effect" remains iir@.@nown. tstaff members have been invited to 2use this equipment at no cost to varify the results and to define the experimental protocols necessary to isolate and inter- prelw event related signals, particularly those relating to hearing. Depending upon the results of initial tests, follow-on definitive work may be reco=e-,ided. .[in House Description: Work will be undertaken2 in-house to apply existing tech- niques-of image enhancement and image scanning, together with data processing techniques, to establish the uniqueness of iris pigment pat- e... terms in the human eye. Problems of range and resolution wi-U be investigated. Backarou,-ld: Preliminary work using tlae findicates th6at there is a large of ar@atc=ic:al data i,-i the l@u-ma:ii'lris. Pattern conj'igura- tions and pigment distribution strongly suggest individual.uniquenes- of '@"h=an iris. If successful the method could be used to the -)U.-ibud,@-eted ML Z,L--:.T A:-D Description: The research will focus o,.i studyin- technicue3 to alter the The major research quest,;-on bein,-,, asked is i-fte'ther behavior will cha-n-ge as a result of changes in, 2 ,that were achieved throug.h the use of conditioning tec'.Iinicaes. Background: The above research is a Phase II follow-on oriented toward the study of behavioral manipulation techniques. Fnase I was directed toward the identification of,_ -@iesponses as they relate to positive and neaative 2 stimuli. The class research has the potential o' being a powerful tool in the detection of induced behavioral changes, e.g-., "brain washing." Psychobiology of IJonotony Descri-ption: The purpose of this research is to validate techniques found to be useful in detecting tolerance to monotony and sensor2y depriva- tion. These measures will be validated in three i.,-orking conditions: 1) a desk job with monotonous work ar-d very little social interaction, 2) work involving moderate routine and interaction, and 3) work iihich requires aL'..iustment to a considerable variety of activities and nearly constant s2ocial interaction. Foreign-born translators, translator- interpretors, and interpretor-gaides will be used for 1, 2, and 3 respectively since they are representative of certain groups and condi- tions found in the Agency. Data will be collected on tolerance measures and criteria measures such as modes of copi.-ig, perfor-,iance, and job 2 satisfaction. Background: Prior research on monotony or boredom has focused primarily on vrhat happens in various forms of extended isolation. I-Ionotony in less drastic situations can also lead to discomfor@' and demotilration. There are a number of positions in the Agency iqhich demalnd a relatively 2 high degree of tolerance to monotony. Persons assigned to these Dosi- tions should have both tolerance for and an effective means of coping with monotony. Consultant in Assessment and ESP This vill be a continuation of a personal services contract to provide consultation in the areas of (a) extra sensor2y perception, (b) indirect assessment, and (e) narcotics control. The activity is oriented to 'oro- viding information on current or incipient developments in these fields. Back,-round: The consultant, has -oroved to be a valuable consult@ant because of his close contact i-iith researchers in'the 4 field of ESP and his past ex-per4Aence in the area of indirect assessment 6