October 10. 1966 I)ear I have received your letter concerning th-- sourc--s 'and v I ,ishherebytothani-,youv-eryr,-iuch-. Theinfor,-nationyou supplied seems entirely adequate for our needs both now and in the 2 future. Of particular interest are your supgesti=s concerning the possibility of obtaining some of these arixnals I vviu proceed to shake this down and sea what can be done about it- if anything. You seem to have covered this topic so wall that, at this point in *.ixre,, I cannot thinialz of anythi2.-ig else I could possibly ask you to do. it seems to Me that you have put the mon.t-.ey scuarely on riy bac.'Lt to tal.@ce aclo.-ion and I %vill-proc--ed to do so.. I am tal,-,i-,Ig the liberty of sandin- a copy of your letter I hope that I.-hin-s continue to move along smoothly with the 2 ranja element. and shall be loolzin,,, forward with Yrcat aiit-,,cipation 0 toafielddemaiistration. Idiscussadt.';isviith' 1-,Vhen he la3t visited Iiere. I think we have a workable field tasting plan worl.,,cd out. il'All Pet's '.%Iagaziiie". I, unfortunately, do not have a copy of eitlier tho ma,:,azine or the article Q . lassures me It ca-.ro outvvitliin the lat3t two or three rr-,on0ths. Best re-arda to all.