*T;,( ]CAN* romm H& lr Pt, ce Alemoran UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT T40 DAT&. rlilef, Teclini,-!-,il '3ritich .CAM FRObf SUBJECT: liet-iort on Ameri.(-Pji r-sycliolof:ic-al Association Convention. -il As 1. This is a brief recort on the 1,.meric-,ti Ts@i(,,h, @:ic, - socinti-on (;onventioti held iti'cl.?veian,j, Oliio, 1-@'? Sente!nber 1953. The undersii-,n his oi-ni exi)ense azicl witli the concitri,ence,oje4 iiiiiiiii@@@ren tile T2)eriod he was -bsf.-tit from tile office tian 0 sidered as leave. 2. Leavitir ort Tliiirsr3.iv, 3 je-@t,?t,tL-er II)Fll,, -1 ettentled the meetiji,-s o..r t-lis conve-iti.on oil 4 ind 2 (Z,tl,i-.n dr(.,ve to !',tclii-an -Yhere I i.ni.- -nr3 br-ualit him iii-, to ri,,@tc, re.-@r-r-iinrr the clevel-,,-)metits of ttle )ro- .led research or-@ject in Detroit. i retiirnpd tc tll@- c^nirenti.on encl attendp-d meatin-s on 8 and 9 Se-.otenber iTid then returned to .ip-slii.ii7ton. @rhe Tnectin-s in fiie s@,i)nrpted hotels Pnd school huildinr-s tj'rlicli made at2tendaiice difficilit as -ieetinas r-p-re lield si--Iiltaneousl-%, at @i.iffer--nt loc,-tions. bni-)i-es7;i-on o T, f tile ric-otin,ys i.,no i i2,,-) t --, s s,)-c otliei,c, bcc!-ttqr,, i..,ore I:L-niteL! tc, -t@.-s Lve -ini tlit@i-,2 a iooc) s--t. os" hic'L-i 1.!cre .nore e-2xtem!-)oranr)ous rather t@i,-@n ,)Iantied tiresp-ntr-ticns. Tli:- inovies T,reseiite-,l ,.t the --icstin,-s vei-e not intcrestiti-; fror-i :@ur r3oiiit of -;h tecli;liicil-],,.- the.-., .iTr-c ven- V.LC,,r al t,,ou in tti(,- --ib!ir@rii!, 1. -.@iid ns-chiatric fields. The on str,@-:-!3 aii@! ,in;r-letv was not ,is int-rc--tli-n- -c. t@,-- title lctd -Lo ClieTnicil i i,, !-:v s is -@ fi-li-. rir@r3c bf--fore and Lf t or ind.lvi.@lual3 i.:@,iit ..Titti tli(, A,.r Force. Control.lprl f,r@3unF, i-if,,rr, tlir@)li,ili jtiql) ',caL w(@r-i n,)tc-' 'fn t'i? bL,;. t]),a Tli-)ti -h 'T @i;-! ?iot t!ie 2 Oil t-st-.r, tli,)so li.ttle nr,t-r -nrl t.lie -,o. aii,j I.; p :@tiifv 6i-)f the tcit. e 'f he T.,In.-siolor@,ical itieet-Lrif-:s,i,,ere i--it -r,.tin@- but nothiii,,, r ver.- nci.,, e.,vs nresented. Temporar.N, relief of fc@,ir b..,' -u. -ra s -)e er@ected i-ritil tiie cU .- P-nd bprbital injecti,,)n t ribat irrs to I oxn(-.rimental setur,) I)rf,-sented2. 6. The rtef--t-.Ln@- on the nrefetence for saccqrin i-r@as an --tt--mi)t to de-@er-qine r?net'rio--r weearin or :;odilin, is the attract-'t.oii factor in rats who are starved.. Tlip, restii.ts of the red-Fref--li cliscri-nlina- tiaii in the dog i-tere ner7ative. 7. Tncre i-ras a nuch iar-:1-er nunber of indvis4-urial i,rlio attended the m--etin- and riany of the were devotet'l to ti 2the introductioti of nsfcitolo,7ical teelini,lues iii inditsti-inll -roups. bummaries of the oat)ers @y:Lll I)a availible l.-iter and the cont)lete rellor-Ls of tli,3 r)resi.rl--,rits of tlip,'v;irie@us se--tionn i-rill- 9be printed in full.