oCVrj.,:T i..L-.'TAI, Di.,rj; 'i@ ),:!T".,. FOIZ I.;rY AIID FOI@Gi-@D I. Thi-, title Ampl-ies three Soviet, activitic.,s @nd objectivps. .k. 1,--nt.-tl Co-ifiitioniiir. 1. Of Cor.,T.-unist arrents cW iiilitax-,r per@-,onTiel.' 2. Of prisoners in Fenernl I To facilitate ititerrop,,ation to obt:-iin i-iiforn-ition rather th@im false confessions 4,. T2o obtain forceci wnfessiorts i-rith conviction tht, o-ujf-,,ctj.ve 5. For nropaganda purposes B. Interrogation tochn"@ques for c)btiining trutliful i-liforn-ation in itis@.-Lneeo i-n i@!liich confession ;.o not the objective. C. Tectini.ques for confessi,.2)ns i-,tclu(4,.inr a,.e,-ital cort(litiot-ii.llc,: interrof-atioti, and P.-@ent@i-1 and I)hysico.1 duress for obt-ti-nin!7, true or f.-i-lse confes:-,ioiis. 11. The (,or@,.munist3 3LT-'ear to be very re.-di.stic :in nie(.-@tini-, tli-ir objcctiv,--s 't.n ii. The sclecti(,n of vict.-!Lnis for- smeific Pur!io3f-.a Utj.]-.Lzinf7 c!7fcct;vt- i-,etho('!@-, -inri T)ro(Ilic',n,- in accnr-ri.-ncc w-'tli rliffr.,.-Pnc(,s iii the vi.etilim C. Thr@ tiii-4, f-17!tOT' ill T,ror!ucin,,, reoults D. The nelecti(,n of (lifferent tiethois accox-rlj.,ir@ to the riesireci objective, rarticularly the di ffcrentiation bft1i.ieen forcer.] confession techniques and irethoris for obttininf, information. l,ent.,,l condit.--.i-iii-- roverarl -ii thi.r. rov.i-e-..r r!oc!; not icli T),sycliolo,-N!'usid by, th e I' us si,:@nIs in tite control of nitioris, 1,,-rp,,e -enert) man-ie!-, of ci.vil-ans., or psycholc-,gidal vrarfare. A. t-.en+,al corviitic.,n-',-nr, L3,Tre-,,tminenb in tiieorv, concent an(i pract;ce in Riis3ia an(4 !-erre-,@tted the mti-re ;ovi,,t. *phere. 't i:3 i?i-colso@,'i-ince with Favlovl:; rhis.'oloricel. teac]7inr, their most recent rc-se.-.trch v;ork on cojidi.tioned refle.-.et, and '.3ovict 'Ldeolo,-y. B.. Altlioijrh @-qyciiolo!- li.-i!j.bden relf...r-@terl to ttie f-.eld of the cril-har,.-- Tl.,I.cf-f.1 (..r .1 escarcil n ps-,,,cho- phys-'@.1-ilory, aii(I iieurop:-,ychiat.ry iiiiijeat-:,-s that 'i@u:,rla cc,n3i(i"-rr, these fields of practi-cal jr, 'r@,al-ice. They are adept in the ap-,ilica".iai of PO the results of their rezr!.ircii in these- fi.elds to i,.itint,-ti coticlitit-nitig, iicli-idinc, -.;lie liandl-iii;-- o.L' ,,ri-soners. i eni-,al of (;oruiiunists 1,.'o details ai-e aviilable in this office on ttie niental. con- d4tioiinf.- of Co!-.nun;st -n.Fpr-nts an(I riili.tary 2I)ersonnel. Th(,, roitt@'!nc ret\-,.ate(i i!icloctriiia-@,ion of i-forkei-B, [@ussj,-tti i(leolt)r-ic-i.1 teacii- ...n- i-i all scliool,-,, i,il.-tiry iricludinf: loy@ilty trl.jninr- even iri 2 -;Clio,-)li ul(, C")It,-,t-tril" st:cur-.',.t.7 r.Lri(i 4.ntt-nse onei-;-%" liai-,red tr,,xj.n@n,@ iii the irred servicir, - iriicite the -!mTx)rf,.tnce ?.ttaclic,.ti to .ient,@l co,,)',ti.-nin--. by ttif- (;otnmuni3ts. rr1y, i3 n(,t tlli:, tlior(,iti,l-t .rit.@iout sn,@c@i.al rccurit,,@, 3.o@rill.-r t)t' 1-h-7ir 8 ener;y attenpto to obt-iin irifon.,aticri froi-,i their af,,eiits. 2 D. L,cintal Irisorif@rs 1. We have.not received an Ln@-tl@ticlil surve,,r of the reazons why tl'KIU3ands of Chi.nese and i',orth Korean troons -.,raiit 2 to return to their hor.,elands or Aiy thcuraiiris of othf-r3 havc,- no (lerir,@ to rei'.urn. Chi.ne5e !Tt4, iitt33i.an,pnvi.roiiiietital coii!"-".tiot-is, c:tiier 2 fr--etors an,i ..etital are not the z;a@..-io: Llicr@,-fore, an of --"hine@,-e i,ri.,3oners would no'%" shoxr the 3,nr.ie. i-esult3 as r 2 in tu:-,s-Lans. 2. The Coru,,tmist.s ha-' ti-.wduranris of nri3o.ier3.a.-id years of ex;lerience in the devp.@lonment of PLethorlo for the ,,.elit;-,l con- 2 .i'ti.otiin- of r)ri.c;o,iers. These ineltuie: tilei-r o-m roli-.t'ical Tir@A@.rioiierC') 311 CaIM)r,): priso,ipro beld for cou-,-t. trials. Ger,-.!an, Japanesn Pnd other sol.d4..(-,r2s: r>uopecte(i -and :3[)i-es of varir.)11!'@ @,hou-,:!nris of Ar.-ericn.!i ind .'3olxth t,oi-e,-Ln of' w-?.r now -"-n thc:ir hand.:-, .,L-2i(i P-rres'efi for suspected e.,spioiia-e. lie do iiot 1,3iow how inany Amt:,rici.,i rrlsotiers @-lill be suscert-i'o?.e willini-.-1.71 or by force. Ci ie of our z-r-,qu-I.ret@,ents not ,eL rolved i:,@ the of the Corj)luriis!. o'L 1--riioners. I-,iAt,(,,rror,.tti(,wi of @oriiiuni-:3ts Ctll,,+.urt@rl I)-Ir ttie 2 !.r. troop-, revealr,.@i 14,tf,].e th--! liiv@, not ,et, releaser] i@oris direclly in- V01700. 2 r 7. ')or,,,t- (.)f their v-;Lctii,3 .ire ea-,,-,,, tio'Ll L., (lirect, thre,-tts -%n(i niore (@ra3tic (lurps:-,, but by c,.nother api,)roacii such as tell4nr. 2 to tlicir in t!iei@-@. ttif,@r i-ii.11 !,,c -..Fell tr,.-@ated -.n(4. returned s7oorl. :- ntal -'Ltid pli-.,@si-c,-il conrlit.ioji if t@iey coorei,ati-. .e a. So,-ie jtr-lroiiers ir-i- %.!ell a,.rire of the n,-tst stories oii handlin:, or rrisonpro, sucli :@s s@@I)jccti..-n to for ri(-Ilcule, tr,--@umati.si,,i, -.uid ev(,n de@th I)v ,)ul)li.c tito2l,@;- r,h-,- c Si a]. rii:ro?-:s! iievcr i-,,t,7rn"n- vii evpti )r ot-hei- .-nenal'ies bir their c;ti)tor,-,. C%. Ttie9 f,-,-,r cor:,.iii.c.-I i-.roduce3 mintr @mow i-,peii defi.;.u)ce of captors i-s not healtli.,;r --i-id have not had aflerlu,-ite traininr,, to 3avr@. themselves ani protect recurity. 4 Arit(,ricai-i in help in convxmii,.jn .lnd other Cmm!iun-7oL's'help convet-t anti- Cornwiist nri:3oners.. 10. The ti.me factor is important to the Coi;iniurast3 ,r, 3ho%,ri by c,irl,- relea.-;c of returned prisonei-r; .;:i l'or,-.i.: tii(- tirrel,7r. pr-oduc- ti:@ti- or +,he D..,- mf)t@', --n ricture: the use of dru!, nti! itLI-aitt.3 nn@t 2 nietit.-il riuress! exlllusti-,n-in M3hinf- ti-irou5-,h :;oi..t, court, incl the lonr-ter:il mnntil conritioriin,-, of pr-":3oriero., rhr-.x,,,n i n the pro --'# o=.uni st Japanese T)risoner3 ,Aii(-2Il for y--arr,, 1)7f t-he Lrtus3iancbefore they -.;ere returned to Japan. I ariy -@tere never returned. 1-1. Becau5e of the effect ori world opiiiion., i-ii c.,n expect that the Coi-.t,iun.ir-ts i.;ill. use converitioiial pf2-,,,,cliolor-ical 4@.n+,erroE:ation ti---Ii!i-'rluer, on .iiiy pri-solicc-,-s, -Ln,.i trekt tli#,-i-. in iccornal-icf,- i-.rith G--neva agrccri,.@nts. This h@.ts anc! i-till I;e clone tritii l,ri--3,.-)ners they .iilljnrli- retur.-i. 12. They id.11 u,;e tticir educatioll.-il teciiiiilues rcl)oatedly to wi-n evor the eas:r vi-ct-.,-is. 13. Tlie-.r r@ay r--tum -*me oL' the t-.iore r2esistvzit T-ri.oonprs hpve benn subjecte(i to a tie!:ree -)f i:pntij- 1.01.! iiet.3 aii(I perri-stent rr,,i:)cated interrog.-.t'uion un(ict- c(-xiciition:,-. l@l. I entra cond4, t2 ioni n- to f int#-,rroritio 1 o' a-'L-Iro,,; :;usl)ecf-.r. for i.nfon,-atioii t.li.-in filjc ct.@tif(-,,;rions pre3etit3 a rliff-@lcult ,)roblciq. 3 A. There is no reasoii for not believing that the Conmiunists can readil,,r obtain confessions witliout, as they clairi,, "ol(I-f-rrhi-oned tor@,ure.," or :,he u3e of eru,7s. i'lo dout-t they have. j..-i rli.nt imiLi.l.-itioji of co!is, t lei, th-it t@,orture -.nclu(i,@z-, r.;o-tal cluress, st.--trvatiori diet:3' qyicl, othsr i P2tiiods of exh-aurtion to tl-.c detret- of subnj.:srion. B. Tne re are sou-1-irt x--,mao,is for believinf7 tli,-tf, @'ru7s -Lioul.d to -t cerlai.h der ec acceler,.ite obtai-nin,l, confess@-n@.i,-,, but tio for ,7r eving that conf c3sio i- c@-iii @ot Le neri ez-@,5ilIr 1,7@-till)llt el'Lt-'rjp 11-- bpl (lrura are reli.able i,-i obtaiiiin, truthful ort3 are -litite convi-ici!-il-, th-tt +,lie i-.ussi.ans, In(-" il-,Lclliteo ilave U-,Cd !rUra --.;,Terj.ffentally no e-Aci,,ncr-, froi,-, a.-iy 2 t-iii',, drurs of ll:inrl-ire reliabl(,, 4-ri truL-ifu2 ii.,for- ",-tir, lZeT)orts of the use of di-u!7s for ,;oiie confcssi--,!I.-:, a--r.,.Xrcntly ltavn I.ceL coti'lle in vtrioiir, ectin@ries to I.eli.ive rlru!-c, c.:in l,c ut.)on f or v e r,-l c j. @y, of -ir,.roners' Thtre aT-,rc@-trr, to liavp been con7,i,'-Ir-).t)3-c- coiifusi.eyi 2 iii the n@ettic@d3 uqec4 for the ol)ject:i-ve, fo,,- coiivictj.(:Illj -Iitr,,rror-,itio-i for trutli. Coi.-i-iwiisf, retit-il. coiiditioriiii- 2covcrr, all :-,iztejit @euc-ation aiii r,)!.lfl persuari-on to teclini,-Iues foi- forcerl. Lransiel-i'V .-i.n!- or coni,,lets breal-rioirri of the mfntal f',iculties cf the vi.cL4.jii. D. Tli-F! oi--,cn :@oret li-ter!ittir--. fu@-nish-@,s co.tiviricin.r ev!Hence -th(, ul)-Lo--e,-41t:., @n 'L-Ihp u:-@(- oll iieui-ol,,r;-;cliiatric teciiiii-filips us.-@@l. i!l this couriti-y cii p-a@,ietits, ai-ic-I thtt the v;ir:., 'fliur(-, -tre 4oclui-.crit:-, (reforrocl to iii i-cot r(@lKlcL3 iirl,ciitc least 252 eiffereiit prcpai,,itions) anci otlici- i,,eLhod.-, sufficictitly to lmo-.., thcir lizitations in effectiveness iri.the Literror I ,atioi ancl coii- Vif-,t,i:7,11 of i,7r,@onci-.-;. u.; to Lalicv- t'.e lo ii:)'4-1 u.,.-,n :31-,i itlttint- 'rut-:-, or narcotics rlutirlcj:- ar, 3uripl-3rient:-, to i.nterr-of-al.ion-: fher-for-., vm assw!ie.-2 that, they have c(-rre tc. -Uiic, cc,,iclus-'Lon +.hat these pr--paration!; are unreli.--ible anci at ti-rLtf,, 3 ;;. (ictr:--,.teni- 4 ri obtai-ni.n- trtithful irifor-.,,ation froi-, nuriber @if r,2.@poi-t3 Ic:i-, tt@, @,o Llic-- liave U30,1 rlr-ut-s nr@;vious to 3orto court trials. G. 'Lhe uzual techn:ilue ae,-iinrt romaistaiill. pr.L:-@op,-iers to be cle-.-er convent2.@.onal ps-.@,rcliologi.cal iiiterroratic,,t foUoi!,!rl 4-,i :;ori-.e b i-,,R@,horis of e;di-..ustic)n, 1,.irt@'i.clilarl-,- of the riervouo S,,r3tr;,, 2 ..i, i-.rith.out tle U'le 0.,L, rut--o ii. 'fiif,,4r vnst, e;-,I)rri.enc-- surely liir, cotivi-ned tliera that orriew"lere dr:tstic iexsures that flie re2sistance of -@lonF,. [-,he 1.-ine of 1-1 breil-, but ncL nl,@!,iys tel.' thT trulh. :.ISO, tll@tl Llie i.ent;il rc r,. s t,,u ici-- c;ul)conscioiis f cr,-.cre-t i.rifort.ztio,i. 'he poj:tlt in r@, 0 uii to @rl r..,eri i:oulci not be reacl@,cc3 -,ziti.1 tlicir ,..cnt.'!! 'L'@tculiicr, are so Lbnoni-a tliat ttie in.Cor.-.lition LI@f,3, f!!-v@7 or i.ia., noi, bc ti,,c Lrtitli. The (,on, - "lu-Iist-5 T)robalil-@ li-tve- succcrsful -.i-i o"t--ii-iin,-., 4-itfor.-.,Ition f i-o@! -n,, r,@n l@l,- the!- r !!n l@-liorl. s because r,.o:,-, -..,oul.(l tc" 1 -trutli reaclic(i. the lriter @-,t--tF-e.3 o.i" dur-eso. x!n nc, o,-,rirlr-,iice th.-At the th,@ u-,.(- or ,)n2,. drui- :r of pro(lucf@@, or ri rcutinely in n-,,, i of Li!c,@i Lo u3@-., -@ii (,;'f)-. c L pro,luct3, eovices -ii(i nie'%Ihorl@3-utid,ar ceit@lin anci -is liopeful sul)ploiients i-n ti-ie ha.,idli.ii,-. of I;ri3oiier3 'Lliicy iave lic ii-iterit,iori of i-eleasinr!. V. Communist techniques in espionage and suggestions for defense. A. Among the Commmi3t activities we can expect them to use all kinds of trickerys drugs including toxic substances, electric and other applications to induce shock, the polygraph and hypnotism. B. Primarily we can expect mental and physical duress., to break down resistance in interrogation of prisoners. This method2 of breaking the will to resist can be practiced anywhere but the other measures to supplement interrogation probably would be applied to prisoners at special centers only* C. They may use drugs and other 3upplementaz7 techniques., not that any one method assures veracity in arq one individual, but because any means of loosening tongues such as the effects of alcohol or other 2 subconscious states may give them true or methods for inducing speech in false information from a,nmber of persons. By an analysis of the com- bined statements from a number of prisoners they night be able to delete the false statements. D. Before the Communists use nerve stimulant drugs., they probably would first try other methods to break down mental 2resistance., such as repeated interrogationss bright lightso starvation dieti persistent barbarous quarters., not allowing sleep and stra.Lned positions in standing or other postures. They are not likely to use the stimulants and in- t prisoners are not likely to tell -terroga:tion only) because very resistan the truth under thi9s treatment* E. They m ay use narcotics and other nerve depressants, highly toxic substances or electric shock to incapacitate or even liquidate an ---------- ':;7.--7 after capture - onewl victim before or to devise methods F., In subversive activi-ties they are more li-kel@ for tricking the victim to ingest drugs than by injection or inhaling. Administration to prisoners would be bY ingestion or injection rather cotics to facilitate hypnotisms but than inhalation.. They ma) use nar notism requires-specia]L training and even with a narcotic some per- hyp sons cannot be hypnotizeds and the most resistant would not reveal secret information if hypnotized. G. Defense.againat all actions should primarily cover the selection of agents who have the greatest resistance before assigament, and then thorough conditioning to resist tec2hniques without supplementary materials which they might carry 4, H. Inasmuch as.ingestion would be more widely used in the adminis- an emetic such tration of drugs than by.injection, agents could carry as apomorphine for use against ingestion of too much alcohol or suspected enemy doses of other substances. I. Other defenses against enevw actions 2should require more study ch as the use of matched including suggestions for concealment, su 'of materials and offensive de- moulage patches, ingestion and recovery vices to prevent eneny actions before and after capture. J. We cannot-expect equal mental reactions to artificially induc alterations of the mind therefore for certain pur9doses we p'robably can spend time more profitably in utilizing techniques; devices and materials which are available than in the more remote and unrealistic approaches such as exploration of plant products in Mexico. tufficient information is avajlable to show that exploration of the Mexican products is not likely to produce the results desired. K. Our main security defense should be mental conditioning of selected agents to resist oneow actions to obtain information. 10 .77 cillero 50curit,7 Ilcwoarch btaff 12 JU.17 1955 Oin "Drnin W.-.valLirig* Ulrorts, June 1955p Attaclied Al.2-tacliocl is t)to rellar-t w)Licli i;as preparet','L ti@e wi(isr 3.n ww 1'rainit%r Uivision. Ao fa.r Da I L-low nout ttie. actual work was done by idio is a Bow s2cho3.ar and I thi a mpabl young mn. 2. As you kncwp the %oirity Office did not reecivo., an far as *a have I ]mow) a copy or tl.LLn rrport altl)ou(,,h we ediould have since u been active in bmin malting problam for yoar3 and are funy repro@- wnted on '.lie rultor, co=.littoo and were proomit wlmn this eats broufr)it UP, r ewuiot wworetan@ itiiy wo did not automtical3.y receive ttlis report and I protested this m&tler. Whether you wish to2 do something about it or not is up to you. In rq opwon., this is a Yorygood report axid althou& does mt extensively Lro into the matter it touchan the highlights and covers the field Yary well. The Training people adiou3.cl be con-g-atu3Ated on 2 this report atid thair onezestiorw I I)olievo an woruiwidle. !!A-cause it is Coorl arW fairly brief I &-a recortrerdirig it to )-ou for your atiuv &fid I P.,i mtC_-,cstimr that you offor it to 2 for their readine. As 7m knov we were awmv com re,-,ort was bolma prepared but I do not boumm Security vu conmilted in the distributim of this I - ; calmd me report. arm rous questim3 2otbout it and I (per ymr instructioiw) Cam him infornation but I do not beum wvone In -octwity liact tlio or-portunity of atudyinr, it be-fore its distribution. 3ince t)ie roterial is ir!portant and sore of it is craite'hot T am DOMAnt concernodel'4=t the distributioii of Wic report wA I Mr-east.* if post;ibles 3celtrity obtran fron LIST, Of all to wliom it has Win diatributed. 'nio report containe euveral mntions of extorinento and that is otm of tlw itww that does n2ot boar wide dio- tribution. 5. 1 en sc,,ttitir, out below a series of ran(lom ob.-,'arv.-ttion3 in coru-toction irlui this mpoet. iilieli I tliirdc iti-e pet-tinont. i-lintlipr or not we 2alicul(i m,-,c,,ent timee to the Tmi.ninG ilivi,5ion or ta),,,o Um. up Vi any vav is oilVV a ratter for coneidelratim. a. ThiB report contains no rerorance or discussion of Uie treatmenti activity " problem5n encountemd with the Chico= and liortji Korean M4ts in our cova during t&e rozvm I;ar. 'Me writer worwa-z whether ve have learmd 61W la=na fron Llio,2o ri"cos or. whqucr Audi**# rOPOrtB wwo macto of thene aituationa. b. The writer baa not ygt Dom and cm firid no reform= to iD tlbls repmt + rOPM't'ccn tln P,@ti activitr at tho Turkil-t I:Vitisho Canadi=c,, Ote. while P041a in Unrth Kom a- t -cm studies tho-au be irportant. Th'v writ*r Often wo,,-ricxs igieumr or not we am attri- butim tOO mcli to tlvs (;)Icons in Uieir PW coat .1. Tl-,e writer wonde-ri; i&.Otlxw or twt tholr hwoldi ro and based upon mmeptimal trl2ining or S"Ullm Gin actizil d,. 'L'.niv In very 1--portmlt P.-Id ediould be one of the hlrh.-Dt Prlm"it7 itam for the Terations peopic!. F:ver7 effort 2 1-4xxxld to mprb to find (ntt vdwt :Lnstrictions or t nL,, rrd am Civoii C:hic@cm as intcrTOL-ators, r',v=7 detau 2sixxad ba studied,, VIO cl'Ould vrlm Positive efforts to pick uD .a Chicm lntcrrogat-Or CiUsor br =iatcidn or dofwtine'. @4 should CMt4drLly bmid mry effort to rat lararmtion 2 en th*ir Uminine and their wal. aw writum Lutructi etc. a- '7efer betwn cr PAO 65--Lllis interoctiric point has Occ"rrOd to @AlO writ@Or rzuw tima. it.iv don't lawyern ror tl'G M;fo 'Alo m@o tried tclvra@rr in.,,Inity? It BMM 7vu could foul up wq trial tliv VV aincg Ym c&n Cct =7 paytuatristo an2dpsychologists who WOU-ID &" an this to tcstifr 891 wtorts. Also we TAILV 72& and 72b. Tn the writer's opiraonp acqm of tho traitling c",g oet up an me$ rdeht- be lm2lpnl or of absoluto an 'de-arsm to POOPle bOviP-- hiv)l 1,i' Llut the writer woru@arts ldxither this waad'siork lit'Um :Lcuor Ijitellectual 4* -,"C writer ne-as tb@.t tee@adques (rzrry6.co. tsdudque) nidit be a mz7 u,-,OfU. O-Ivrlmlco for M'O 06t -;ftlion (,a nitd alvo rate 1-idge 079 2 rl@ion C. &Iditiori to tite obvi, .)usl,7 wxld trlildzl. idm.10 a vr-nrod In t-l-iia report ror defensiva moamtres, tue writer to mz:r.-azt cc..m of tsic foll well be car,.;idorod in training 0".,ritiC rd.,Iit . TXMPIO defen9ivo3,r to resint. brairw"angs aucitfttionp etc. (i) Tiow to Ron Ulo appeamic's of owpidity. .(2) Mnt can be done to vww,a po-rwn of high in- toniconm appearmdaoom or unintamsting to anom int2arrc ,mtoral. (3) C3.oooly rolated to (1) and (2) abm vmld bo certain rdwr trickzs of or playtic the role of a atupid or daU type. ItAn wWLody d" a study of lm&2terj, humor or derision an a vftpon? flow to simlate phyxdcal defocta or protaid to be deaf . in, naum- ated or nuffarl-ir, frcm vm-y poor C)-Caicllt? (6) taiat' am countn-r liarmnervit mam=oa? (7) 11-ow I-eist can you muW or fruuirtrate Lldmas or Cm mdst interroptors vithout suffering undue I? Can practical jokoe be worked out? 2 j-he wriwr noted :Ln ltis briof -w.-,-ociations with th-.It somt sociatic-0 even KXR activity fl(ntrinhed nnd worqcrd miccewfuuy an a mrale booster arml actua2l weapon agal-tat the anwq, The writer beliavos or@imtically a study should be ma& of this type of activil,.y. (10) C-ortiin3,v activity s!tould I)c studied wri tauc)it. P2aAnnin,,- owepe In tho oplxdon of tlw writer i;ould be a atrc4i,,, mrale boostcr and a colicsive fo2-06 in POki activity (st-Lidy British techxdques, ate.)'. (n) 'rho evrr present problem, of ae inro&i.ea or "rat" diould be vrz7 carefully and sciantifical3.y studied not only to counter RC&inet this evil tmt to di&- cow r -,iaxe a.-ui mans for trappim laor-mrs., wc- 2 povitig infornvra and ilefo*tjiie tjioir ofrorts. The writer knma of no.efj4'ort aloM,'Wieve lima. (:L2) .0 a a rule a owtior ofricer tn'-sas coy-Twul in a INN cwV. tait the Korean I-ar clearly 4Indicated that am of the main efforts of the Chicom ma to upwt wW leadorship talents diioplVW bv d&ullap jaw 4V to wcmra'loo rmiks oiid rc.&co *M. toa standard laval cxca,-,t in cartaiii imtances. Tho witor is of the opldon that any grmlp who my or rny not fall into'onwv hands lgwuld 2 have a pro-letarrdjmd ,"tm, oC - leadership or clonwnd authority. CertairCT t)ilic pmblon, shmad be studied. (13@ rho chij,.ece or i'lortli Korean CIO-may 2 dononatratod mai3 activity wid rws, protol;t, lliis pi3enomna appears to have bwn rare in &3-liod PO;i came. Tiiis sliou]A be vax7 care. f#;ny studied and itii value as a1 defonaivg mdwdm should be modned.