19 December 1951 MCF?ANDUR FORT Liaison Office= - Project Artichoke I Development of a Narcotic Antaconist o ha,,-e been advivecl of the dovolopment of an antagonist for use in neutralizing mr-doges or coun-ter-acting tlio effect of 2Morphbiep Methcxlon and most narcotics, The item is known as OF;-ALLIL !MDRPUIUIP" and has been presented by the manufacturer to the FOW and Drug Administration for ajpproval. 2* This drug up-s developed because of the recent fatalities in drug amerimentation In the ndddle vest. It 2will not be offered for cenoral distribution f-ut vill be stocked in major hoopitela and reser-rch eetablishmnts having a nabd for a morpilim antagonist, 3. The drug i-a still in the "Trade Secret" cuma ud this L information should therefore be used with discretion. Llowever., the manuft.,cturer hoo secured us that be will provide CIA with further informtion on the drue or samplas of the drug itself if we have an interest in it. tor Project Artichoke cc: 1&lqo