4MMSDam Pon" R& 40,Wce memo U NITED 'STATES GDVERNMENT :Deputy Chief, I s Staff DATE: 8 iareli 1950 prom In',-erro,-,ition Res@,:Y.Prcli $eetici-t L)ruga end folysraph t Rc,port.s were recei.-,red todety st!iti:.- tiiptt R. i.:urrcm, nii Iiit; pror:rmn t night, t.%Ikc,-d *bout t'iie Russig-ii use of drugs to produce liypnosis. L:lo, 2 -f tiie @ir- une - cf P, pl,- -mt Greivn nr,, ir SevLnstopol. I;ermission is re..Iuo,@,ted ,cu L obts.,.in r@ copy of Itir, I)ro-@clcrrt tILrou-.-h the prcper informntion prociirement c R=el here in ttie !-,,-e=2y. itithiii the lelstd t)r two, ""le the Fcople" (cr ";@.ect the Peonle") D-Y show tolovi3,@d Pi de-.iorstrntion of t-he Fordlinrr Lie Dei-ector. Ttie denoustrp@tion .7." Civen lyr )r. lubitz (spdlliii-6 un-.--rtiin). 1;ir-in:,- the der..on- s4-ratiou, stres3 put rn the possible advante.;,e in t'.ie x;se of the lie detector technique for loyaitjr investiCa+,ions. PM@