ryl- O'@ Acting Deputy for Security, 22 June 1948 Security Control Staff -Te-ohniqueis by Foreip Count ies Use of Special Interrogation 2 r -fwvron intor-vinv7ad Jane I'-;. ln48 at count6r--iii;-i"f,7@rf,@Tnc-3@or@p Co@nier,, BiLltimore@,, !:arylmnd. To vias able to con- tribute vuluable bits of information oonserning the use of special.intorro2- cation techniques by foreign countries. Tiiis desk handled aLny case involving activity other the@7@@at- in-'sii-rated by the Germans elves. This desk handled all of his i Communist inspired activities* reaci LK2-L much nfomation an German interrogation tecliniques r Romp!oppp u @itizen 'Ff%m -qrrgw & orm!a-g- -.I gll and former lot Lieutenant in the German Intelligence Servioe. was stationed a in f the interroeation of A-norican airman. No was lnterror&ifea b- periodically for a @lireeqnonth period. This interrocation report Is located at Frankfort. -r no instances where IL lie detector was utilized 9.8 EL iif-interrovntion technique by the British,, Germans, French or Russians. Scientific prcsffuro methods, a-carding t.. ware used most skilIN Ily by the French. This use was on ne antific and payciiolor y S-W@ of the French plane and was utilized to beat elva I 1 b ifilitury Services. Tlw Frmch rla)-od on t2he a-notlans a "Pat- deal and jsed such notliods no tito CcLlise accusation of serious opf-ruses, implicated ttiroats as to the consequence-@ fear of, Tilring of dtsoac,-3 or both a physical and. --ental natirc, etc: PXL'.ccd the '72rermans emoond as to erricient use or the pro ods. Tl,.e G,.rran teelinicric was not on as hlrli a psycholocical plann L-,it involved.'tlic uco of threr-to end r-ronises, such os, inrii.at2ion or )-.arm to as the promotion or the ruination.or a man's bus-no ctc. considered the British third in fanily and relativns, -Jexrw.7--T- 7--v I tion of some or the French and arrectiveness, The British ut lizcd a combina 2 German ?--etliods and were extremely r,-)oci' at t)ia art of tricknry* conaiders the riusciang lest in the application of s'-,illNl nres re me h so During his assirmment in.c-iart;e of cxternal affelir @md an excellent opportinity to intarroghtc many individulll2 subjccgt@.?'c@-to Russian a 8 interrcration techniques, ',To fvtnd that the Rustimns ra(le uso of vary crude torture ineelinni". s ir tliolr i-rterrorations, This procf@d-ire -%Tag utilized even bv top flight Russ2ian Interrogation tea.-no. )!any primitive torture methods were used. Such as rai-.Ing the rorson stand In cold -vater dliring winter time for many hours or stand in a small cell in which hp could not be a-nated, whippini,,, pinchinr, of finv,-ers,, etc. round no r,v4dence of the use o2f' rof ined rsycholoi-,Ical duress tmonp, Russian ititerroF@ato@.s. 1( AccorOlnr.,, to inrorrcltion a-mllr-lilo to the United States- 14 Rritain e-mibitied operatton titi.lized tie use of dru-s to a i )ian di 2 ii ;rcat,3r extent t other cot3ntries. The use of sodium an)-tal was considered only- In tol eohclon Sao. This use was strictly unaut)iorized and ro account of It was made In writirg. )IRS nersonally been ass6@@@stod rith 12 interropations 2 Pe is no where sodiu-n el-iytal was usees qttainted,;Oith approxtmately 35 to 40 other instances nliere tlil,s procedure was utlllzn@d. Of the 12 cases coiicerninfr, nd information there was "noiclei-t,.blo ffuciess. Coripleti wl,ich li2e had rirst Iz inforr-ation ras neq,,iired in approximately 4CF@ of the intarrofutions, partial o-jecess 7,.3 abl"alnef] in app-roxlnately 40"'- or tiio lntarroral.-lo,-is, and a,)proxi- nately 201@ of tne inborrp7ationr. -.-7are od;ioluded rith vary little eur,-cocr,. Tlio irjcction or sodium nmytcl rus naea a' nlrht, tlio interro@.,atlon was then cont!uoted, and the interro,,m%'.@-e vi-ts sent to bed for the rcnainder of the nifht in ortlor that tie -ilrhb sleep ofr t)2ic orfficts of tho erur,. The use -3f' the drix[r, np-s otL-ro;jflrrof] re ruch an nosribloi. ()zin tco)inl,-luo ut;ed wn.a to line up 15 or 20 people ror shots an,' aronr this rrour have tHe aut.,J,-ct for the lnter2rolratioti. All of tite itidlvid,ials #,xoopl tite one 1%1,., lie intarro@7,atod were ..injected with distillni water. Tlio subject for interropatiol was -iven tho sodiuin E:ctot cxteiit to whicii the ricrmans uf-.i.lized drurs and interro- 2 r ,atlon is net kn(y,;.,ii. T)ioro wore prevalent rutiors t)lat they did ullro t a mat'tiod, but the only reliable information that could be obtained bir was that t,@@o@re extremely Interested in It and conducted experinents States that although first hand information-is 3 n that field. f drugs$ it was not available concerning French actititist with the use a reliably knmm that the French were interested in this technique. It'was stronrly rumored that the Russians utilized druos for theppurpogia of' inter- ror @,ation, bit these rimor3 could not be miceengnilly allbf;tf'@nttfite- T Germani say'that the.Rjszian3 )-ove liserf this tpo,-bniqjo on 14 10. did iinecter relintlo inforratton a,@rneernlng llansinn u.7a if clra(;s to owisi dinco-Cort, ro.in a-id C,3r of' to-2.tf;rn-Itinc, tnr,)r-.rstLon in Interrowlitions. Theii drigs wnre adminir,+orod both nrrtlly qri 'by iso or )rmoti e m. i c -n eed I a. Ar-cariiinr,- to tho Fronoh 6d-,nit in.6.erost t-i the 2tt4l-i II zatio.n of hvrmotitis in interroratto There were rany rumors nreeffnt tn interro- Cation aimles concerning the acturil use of thic tecli,.nitio by tho rrench an I i-T, n n o-, 2) -1 A- the Ruestang. Th-,@-zei rlmors co-.ild not be subt - tiat ci. rr . inf- r.. a 1,4. on obtained conciderod it norsibla bihat tlin Rrttisli mICht barn u i.s technitte at th,,ir Ccn-bined Starf Dtstri.ot tntqrrocatio.'l Centzr. til t@) ccmcftrni.nr- ('rcvrnan --rncri.--.ntf.Lt').on i.n t'i'@ f ipld 'bit did int kir" or it.- tir,@j at rier-nan interrol-allion nentorce AOINM 1, P. sn@, first hani lnformatio-i a-3ncornino..tho Minsian ism of' hy!,nr)s s tt in .th6ir interrorationes 1-boh of thi.a infw-.atton in considered reliable bnoauco or *Was opportunity to observe and l@,,arn2 of' foroi!;n interrora@lo.-i teohniqjca. Informatton obtainerl In t'-is iiter-ric,-r rubstantimtns (ptr sirnml!-,Ion or the rtresenot! of treat, titerest r.@-,innp, re-mrai rorntm arxintrier. in t!io onplical.-ion of' opecial lnterrorntion tochnities. t 3