9 k-ir:Ll 1953 to: ltnuty Director of 'ceitrit- 7 Ch.Ler, -ra.-icli tttt.,2c!iocl "-m.mrariliL-,i fra-i Cliloil -act j',Ivision C ont otc,) :zo 1. TI@c i,,r-i --,or tll,:) COT!t@-ct 19r,3 2r-d -Lu of 4W.I@.') O:Iitiion tlia'v if tlic -w,, as. 7,t,@-.ted waa a voi.-I serlou6 oil 2 Uon oxicts. 2. i?c-.Oarelt in conr-cction with tlio AtrtIC,'Irj.V, pro.-r-o li.-is voi7 cla.-Lrl,-f e@lia-m tii,-tt o-.i-- of tlio 1%.C!chniTi-n2-- ii.,70d b.,r i3 t!io aso of hynno:3i.,j aml in the ol)lnion ot the -.-rittr m,.tcl Ln It'llic olninion of othar.,t wz'-..o -.re nrofc3:-donally cmit-,)ef4nt -in t.",c -'-,-C!.Ld tl,.c c:@tr@c'vioii of info mLtion fro-.-L per!ion-i un(@e,,r Cions not ;)re 'icl(l are, 2 atic'i 7,!3noi, com2uctor'. -inLL-,r for liynnosi,-l (.%it'lliliur fo)@ oiv indiv-leual or a -.rouii af inruvi(!ual3. Ao a rule, 'Viia -pom or-, dar)=-,Iod wid variwii "Prons" -xo tisecl wi!ich vor.-t ei-n L-a tlir, for C.,-,iinin- d.Lroc@cd attintion -uvl lionce A'acilitatille'li@ino3is. O'Iiice It waild a:-@)car or,, t!,- L)iat iione of tlin- ,--c COll.111,@ctecl ir. -ti-r! 4,,itli tlii,.i @r-oncy, th-.. -..2-ritnr Is c-f -I.-h,.3 o---,!rLton t',i.-.it t'lin i-L.-ittor ,I,,litc n@iould rt,.fc-.Tod to t-ii(,. :'cclora3. tur@-,,t,a of 2 i -i r r :Lt Is ]-,ol ,ntl l@@ n oi)l i i-:-, @',Cr c.-in li.-tncllod 1.)y t!,In @r!o,-icy, c,c -,-a I ty C, "f ic c or 2 v,,ri-@er t-)-7 .!W-C s-,tr-@nill,-tnco oii 1 o to (;n o4' t.'!%, -@Icni 'Lics nf t!ior,,3 nai-t:icin.-ttin#;. caT.-alrolic-=iv,,, toc'L-,Ic,".L -Tic(,, Of t',10 ar3n in tllc plantl-ie of micropliozws in the aroa witli con:3idr-ratioii 2 ca.,;o of idontity -,)IiotoE;r--,i!ts in tjd3 ,ivcn to -Uz3 tr7l conziectioii. roa,-.illlo of vilr@ll ilrv 2 i-,i of -.roi.-'w -@,oultl 'br, oitli,@r t@,troW.;Ii O." 31dr- Litioucly to tract,.-and obt.-tin th-- ateno,-xcphic notes rop by '-he won,-m Jn question -L4w- tlic! )L. @'or of t'.at Ui intU-A,-'U@,1-1 -.-!.nder ca,-i tc W..ry co.-.nlc@-c ch.-x LLc2.-.1 d(,,@to,-c,rat -ml in a clocol,,- -,Y--lated -u-ira,,cr b-- tlc wort., on nun--@crous econsio4m in %oil -rf ic!@. .1!; (L 4 IC