ofummo vows id& 2 'Office Afemoran STATES GOVERNMENT TO File DAT&' .17 JulY 1953 mom WBJWT: 1. The oaoers- imer s 2 A:,ilCilO '"r con- ference, ltS JiLl.y bX ",wool apparently supports the ideas of and,tlie writer concerning a general conference @@ween c:Lalsand ourselves in the ARTICHO-"@' field. 2 .2 tui-nl-d the documents in the case over toew for study at this conference irho'was 'D ent represeallwae liedical Staff stated he ,Is like to examine -the lillOW papers. 3. The i;elter2 informed that an extra photograph cop-,@- of the papers had been made a it would be possible to give these copies to others who are interested in reading the docunents. 4. Ho definite date was set nor was there ar*r fin cuss ,1..o .L.a 2 .p.4gL.-e.,h,,A.t i.ias to be done but it a-onep-rs that S7 :@t in coiit,,.@ct i-rith th or of 0 L irill g, peop e fusing the letter drawi, VAU %J.Yr--'p or lsm. I rw 7 letter and the usual activities will p-rc,@aYly progress from that ,ooint. Proposed program of future action (Bluebird), 16 pages. Ref.-AD/SI memo dated 3110151 entitled "Special Interrogation". 2. PrQe pplem,!nt to Task Order I, with su tudies-of motion sickness, two-PaLge memo.@ e uomplete file. Proposal for an investll,-ation2 of tech@iques,'instrumentation, and underlying psychological processe3 in the detection of deception. Six- age letter with two cover letters. 5. Filt ("Drags--instruction Manual for Ass:Lsting Doctor"). 6. File ("Adhoc Committee on Biological 4arfare Chairman. Memo "Electro Sleep @lachineu Secret memo "Hypospray., Ampule8s, etc..,@Blu-ebird". Documents to