-.4TAIIDAM POOM "M c 16 ce Memorandum *UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO :Chief j, Security Branch DATE: 11 October 1949 FLOM Interrogation Research Section" SUBJECT:-Suggested Over-411 Research Program* The necessity for keeping wall informed of Present interrogation m2ethods- and special operational methods used by unfriendly countries cannot be over emphasized. Below are listed various suggested phases of research and pro- posed details for the carrying out of 9. progressive and extremely active research program. It is recommended that ever7 effort be made to acquire and review existing literature covering past and present interrogation techniques and the use of such operational procedures as hypnotic and drug control. The review would include all artiolos in periodicals and books written by specialists on such ubjects as general interrogation, psychological interrogation, the use of the Polygraph, truth serum and bypnc;sin. These specialists may not be activ2ely engaged in interrogation but mmy be working in allied fields which might provide valuable contributions to our own interests. -This survey would also include tho careful scrutinization of all intelligence reports involving interrogation methods and special operation&l techniques. The flow of information from this source would be greatly accelerated by the Issuance of an interrogation collection 2re- quir ement. The "existing technique' survey should also include facilities for the investigation of the use or suspected use of specipa teelmiques* Madical and psywhiatric practitioners would be valuable contributors and liaison with such inditiduals would be extremely benefiew, The research sections of police departments and criminology laboratories might all prove to be very2 beneficial* gested methods for liaison with such organizations will be covered in & separate memorandum. Good liaison with other governmental agencies and the various branches of the military service would b@l very helpful. Liaison with professional byp=tists could contribute many i6interx which might be applied to certain phases of our problems. Liaison with cert2ain universities which are outstanding in fields allied to our interests would be beneficial. In liaison with the above mentioned organizations and individuals some cases$ would involve &-cover to conceal CIL interest in such matters., The survey of 'existing techniques' previously mentioned would take care of methods used in the past and present and made a matter of record through 2 books, periodicals and reports. It is felt that active research should be conducted in conjunction with "technique verific&tio , This verification would involve research an reportedly existing techniques and actual experi- mentation carried out to prove and disprove their value and offectiteness. This research would involve the volunteering of subjects for actual laborator7y experiments. Reports covering these experiments would be furnished in the form of lectures# demonstrations.and systematic written coverage* Ws Memorandum tot Chief, Security Branch From: Interrvgation Research Section Subjects Suggested Over-All Research Program n October 1949 P. 2 Besides the survey of 'existing toohniquee'to and the 'technique verifi- oation'p a third phase shou.Id be kept active covering "now methods", This program would also involve actual laboratory research and the2 issuin& of verbal and written reports. This phase would also include the inprovownt of techniques already in existence* As of this date, it is felt that this Interrogation Research Section is =ore progressive and far in advance of.all existing govermental, police, and private research activities concerninle the use of op1erational lwpnosis and highly specialized methods of interrogation. It in felt that this lead might be maintained and that the program might be further accelerated by the e"oution of the above mutioned ouggestiozw*