ArmuwLqD pow& t4*. 4* -e M UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Offic Memoranetu 'll October 1949 0 ourity Branch PATE: To , Chi f So FLOM : Interrogation "Seamh Section SUBJECTI- Interrogation Coll2ectioiL Requirement Due to recent and continual advancements in'general interrogation pro- codure and in the use of technical interrogation &ids.. it in-extromely im- portant that this organization keep abreast to progrona being made throughout the entire -world& This information is ossentieLl in order that we might 2keep our personnel izL the field vmll informbd as to what they might expect, in order that we might properly train personnel about to go overseas, in order that we might perfect countor measures in our research program and in order that we might be prepared to operatioiially use methods which, in offectiveneess, are equal or superior to methods used by unfriendly countries* 2 A very unfortun&be situation now exists in the field. Each of the numerous intelligence organizations, contacted'during the recent overseas trip, was laboring under the false impression that some other organization was handling the collection of interrogation ihform-ition. All organizations felt that.there exists a great deal of interrogation infornatiori in the field. After G.S39mbling the over-all picture, it must be concluded that almot locr/.f advanced interro imp- of information concerning gation is beini neglected complatelye It seems essential that a collection requirement be issued covering the field of general and advanced interrogati2on methods and the suspected use of operational hypnosis and drugs by unfriendly countr,-es.. During the recent trip, it mu quite conclusively determined that the Russians and Russian domin- ated countries are making use of such advanced interrogation and operational methods. Due to the lack of time and facilities.-'Only a small amount of infor- mation regarding these used was2 collected. Numa,:rous sources are available in the field tode-yo It is suggested that this office be authorized to issue a collection re- quirement setting forth the necessary Essential Elements of Inromation. It is further requested that this office be-allowed to be the recipient of such information and be allowed to revise and keep current the E.E.I.Is concerned. It is further suggested that until adequate specialists are available in the ordinavr Agency chamels of evaluation, this office be allowed to evaluate and issue concerning such information* The importance of acquiring suoh'information oa=ot be over emphasized. It is this category of information which is need6ed iiumediately in conjunction with the formulation of plans for future research projects of this offices establishment of Security Validation To=s, the use of operational hy-onosis and drugs,.and the establishment of an interrogation training and testing program*