fA L WL) L CONTROL NUMBER -TO: Central Intelli4e-nce Aoent@v DATE: Att'in: FO2R USE 0 [A ONLY IRD No. C.IROM: ch4,qpf Inmottion and Seaurity,Staff SuBirCT: Request for Intelligence Matqrial I. Request this of'flce be furnished the intelligence material described 'blelow, w ich doe not s not 2 ich,tbis office has direct ac- in the f lies a f this a-f f ice and I readily procurable from sources to wh Information desired, *Ith reference numbers where appropriate. coss. A descriptlonof the ipeclfl Items of 15 ItOgIzed below b lettered Items orsia aera o2n any'docum@nts desired, this office has Indicated r. r Uphs. whether loan or retention-copies are ae e using one of the following appropriate statements: OLOANII: @RETENTION If posalble, otherwise LOAN"'. or "RETLNTION ONLT. LOAN NOT ACCEPTABLE'. I2t is reqaeated that the following t7pas of informatten be collected on intarrog^Uon (or interview) techniques used by security police or- ganizations, pa2lee ftnartments, court rooms and intelligence services throughout the world,, with emphasis on any 2Soviet Russian activity,, or satellite activitys Onnipral Interro-t ,ationt Routine Interrogation methods, both rornal and In- fomal, utilizinly, non-tecbnlcal. I?rocedures to obtain the desired information. Technical Aitis to Inter2meatlont PhZ!Xcal: Various Zthofin of p@qatca'l perxuasion utilize@ to elicit Information from the uncooperative subject. Psychologic.,ait Threats, inferenc*ao rrmatess and extended procedure* atillad in special interrogation arproach2fV3,, 60ftaning-ur procedures and inducownts. Mectinnicalt Various mofte of Ile detection apnaratus utilized as an aid and veri-ftc:ition in interrogation rmcarturo. Medical: Various drugs., such as taie &3@-called "tnith fmru,.%s." utlliz;d- to-break down inhibitions and resintaticas and tf> nroduce short or ,prolonged control or Influence over the nubject. klgo madlcal techniques umd an a form of owdicinal durreas to prochi66 pain or disoomfort to the subject.- 2. Suggested sources of this Information are: 2 3. a. Degree of need: b.' Time of need Highest Urgent. required by otherwise cannot be used. Oreat, but not justl- F@ fyin& extreme measures is strongly desired " continuously 2 Standard (normal FX@ collection action) As early as practicable by routine methods. No leadl 4. Questions regarding this request should be referred CIA 692 -Phone ______:_Extension 6. This Information, when procured, should be addresset4@to:- Room 208 - 2210 "F." St.# M.N. CLASSIFICATI 8 I GNATURE Oir APPROVING OFFiCF.It y ronta NO. APR 1940 ritEVIOUS IECITIONS NOT TO Bt U