STANDARD FONM No. 64 Office Memoil-,agdum 0 UNITED'STATES GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Seciiri-ty i@esearcli Staff DATE: 19 l@u,-ust 19-')3 FROM SUBJECT: Sidetone Delay Equipment. 1. Upo,-i rec@-,int of the al)ove-natied it s 3 -et ua iii 2 the Technical Ercnch laborator7. Here it 'i,@,is tested in evcry way conceivable to mal.-,e this equipm6nt useful or adaotable to our needs. 2. The report by was studied and conclu.-,Lons made me aerce that this equipmt-,iit would not be useful unless concealed ns r-art of sotae other te@--ting apparatus -and even then its value was cLiesti.on6d. ? L .. The equirme,-lt is,basica-Lly a 1-,Ia--nec@Drd Fro'eszional -2Ze - corder to i@nich a tal-e storaf@-e and. drive raech;aiii-," has been added. Also added is a variablf-- tape riotiitor la@, -vihich r)enrlits varying the time of lal@. This device was detertfij-ned not too essential (also i-n -@@--.2.I,report) since the 1.1,agnecord PLecorder has a .2 secon,-i delay built in. l@. The cqui,,nnent then dismantled nnd set ui-) 'jji Ro(Dr-i 12 for' of, for further study by his @-roun. He advised th,-t soinf-, time i-iould be required to corit)lete his testi.n,-, and f in d. in @--, s 5. Finally, it is my opinion that rel)ort is com- Plete end concliasive that the STD eqLtiDment adds nothin- to 1,,noiy,7i interroration equipment or techniques.