_z- o o/c 20 D(-cr-,riber 17,r')l E,,cecutive Assistant SI IT'qlli'T fl-01" 00 E"ield Office 1. If pr,-,ctic-,-Lbl(, we woulc@, 11@p2i,ecip.to vour ficl(-.1 o-rfice I (.)C DC0,72t-;!Crt of inqi4-- PliqrmicolorT, i-ledical School, as follows: a. I-Ihat are the cornon uses of nicotinic acid for me26ical or therapeutic purposcs? (A brief concise sum-iiry of the circumsta,ices unc'@er which it r,,iiy be iiseci and the affcc,.t ol-)t,?:Lnc(- wz)nted.). 1-nowlt -r-, of past or a-ve any 2, - c', @, present researcli on nicoti-ilic acid for purposes a-lu-her than stated above or foi, -rvelopinf, nicotinic acid either indepencietiti-y or in corribinition witli oth(--ij substancos to produce rr@,ntal or psycho-chemical effects. (A brief surl-inry o.L' aiiy-t,hing significant in this direction is wanted.) 2. 1,@'hil,7@ t':,i-.- si-ibject ir, r,,tlier ronsitive it is believed tl-,nt a ncne c';icck and clonr;;-rre ti-rot,,r,rh Confi-cleiti,-l :if the 6 souilc,,i-- --ill be The 00 ficlfl o'fice c-lioli 1 c,, 't instructed to treit t@ip in-.iuiry with discretioli L-nri to not to rev eal CIA's interest in.the rk-tter.