c 0 y 14 January 1953'0,,, i 'I'L4,NDUI4 TOt _4 T SNJM @tl@@ogation.T2echniques--i le &79'his, Progress In Ilexico is proceeding m= or ted.- -116 has,,obtained 'e.%cenent of the Me-:rAcang and is &cc 'velluable informatio 2 n@on,. .and; "Piulal ,Simi zaterials a his, resident ia 15 Apr He, became vl-ry 2 mlich er n techniques.'," lrhile in G, @y Pr a IJ.Tali=,7 e nt, arrangem. shave-lbeen,made for:him-t6 be 2 .1 ..# @, a6higned-to'on 0 1. , - e Of tll 'Andrie'a-n ho6pitals'in Germany, Probab3q -he.,- "wi3-l devote a considerable amo=t of@his,tim2e.@to interrogation techniques. 'His studies'when conpleted vould qua3Afy, him to direct a-spee ial;@team-@@-ltl:is@poosible that@his'@serviceo@Awill-@lb availab@ -osf'or@.a@otlier',,offilee@'if h6:@do time "to 4- If the Services of a trained h@rr-notiat can b --man iie ';T- anot2@ n az@E 11 grounded in oobt -rogation,.and Polygraph techniqu conventional psythological intm eE;, r mnd the serviceg of 2 lWa,..well-balanced interrogation, research-:centei@,.a estii-bl-i tion. intensive exploration or techniques@in use by the Russians and' your attention to tlie'nee ' P more 2 4,, I wish',to invite cl o including China. "'Appa±entlytheir major emphasis is on Satellite the dovelopm nt of especially,trained tea-ma for obtaining inforration'; 14ithimt the use of na@reotice 2 or,.sj)ecial mechanical devices Their methods produce .,Wllich require the services of specialistos results which mee The meth t their"objectives2, ode can''be eml)loyed Use extensively on li=po i=b,@s of persons if requir It without the C) f interrogation personnel difficult to recruiti' ThP Russians and Sate2llites can obtain results witilaut tile use of obsolete method i of physical torture, rlnd it wmld. be very difficu.It? if not almost imponsiblet to prove that they., do not, adhere.to,the "Geneva Co=en-L..,!'' tion agreements",. 2 is avid' en; C(B t@-at they resort to mental clurel3a and t,- V,c Probably-the@above techniqueep @,#oluding, narcotic a or, 3 certain stimulants uncl&' circumstances,, but not routinel Raw 1, ri 'I r@,,i 7 + i'l) Icl -,)rt.-3 the arriv,-,l iii of -t r @'T 2 lias In ACI(7,()-rrllnr- t,,) tlio rrl-oi-i@, ti,c nr@,-,her3 of rin(I can cl@)L-1-n of '7 2 @)ii 117,@, nf r)n nx(-. aren or c lo @,d.. op f,-,ctor In tlic@ 2 -.i rcsr-iral-c)ry I-) an cffcctive aralor)tlc FYI) nl-Y (lorrce3:71.,)n I-)y P!Orr@)I,ne, 4 Fint-f.-)I@on, I)cricrol, anri 1. it n,-@t nr)li-n,-Lrcoti.c Tt ic rc,,T-,ortecl I,c -v i,@ 'pi, li'icll