- - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 cc Zvlciiioil-,a;zaiii;z U@\IITED STATES GOVERN@,IENT' Ofii TO J--ile DATE: 3 1,'cbrtt,-rlr 11053 SUBJECT: 2 Lysergic Acid. (LC-D) Acid i7, i ic c@,,P-T-i; r-;i,l. ha-,-I.nr7 striictu2,c@-, of varioi-,@3 ergot derivatil.-cs A7, is is a 2 ri@-,t .iliich affp-c-t,@, ri@e d,ir-n,, itz Also well-l-,no,!n is the fact th-i'Ll erfot II,-is cc@rlaiii prcpcrti(:-j t,,h:i-cii i-t,Qcl,-Icc ricnt,71 dcrin,-,cr2ient., nental Ptid phyiical di:;orders, and in cert,ain fom-s ca!i prodkicc cip-atli. !@:r-ot, ho""Cvcrl lias very valuat)lc in conncct,j-on 'Ur(--.-ttricnt of -2,;otacn @-,e.Ecre ind after (-Iiildl)ir@ii and in ctiring certain types of r@iigraine lie.-td@iclics. 2. T;-,rs,,,rric @@cirt (i-Z-D) has, @il) iiiitil wli2o,-se ri,-iin rP, at I 'tic 4 i- t-- crl-l iid. Tile 3,-, i@ lict,.ic or,,:ou (LSL)) ..i2s devc3-opcd 1),.r a I)r. ',Iof"m,7n, ,jlio is -@lic c2hi,-,f resc@l.i-cher for Saiidoz. CInc of I)i,. riiaiiy ait- stand@,n,,: as7,ij@'ants, ,iiid a pi-ot(-,f-,c of Dr. floffman's, is. L)i-. 'Ludolph Dirchcr also a Swiss @lationa-i. 2 3. l,cr it li,-.s tcp-ri L@ial-I rioctor3,' scient-i-sts in v,,i.rio-.i3 in '::iiro-,)c lia%-r@ -@rfot c)i, i,y7.cr[,,ic @.ci(2l. -j:3 i7, aLlcst p,,)rcliasr--cl fro@- Sells CII.7,MiCalS to L ir 3 0 "he -.;orl(l. '!his f 2 -i p-;yciiiitric na@,,.trc but Lhei,,? @ia,7c b@,,cn.cot-tain i-neticat,ion3 thal s ome count;rj.es, aiid possibl.-- t,l,@e So,,rict T.Iiiion', ha%,e 1-1@7,('2 O.L' ci- cil,hr@,,r cl-icrlical t)syc C)_,ic--l arfire, or r-lalitary purpoocs. tiz,,usual pi,oi,,,rtico2 of erect @.iid ',,@ocn Lo tile @to relop iri(@nt of clierrlcil his been of' iiitens(--- in@erc!Ft. In c2,-innr-,ction iiitil I (,he o t (onc, of Lli(@ I I I c 1.1 C,7d7vo@'@inn r C', kcicl a,-icl a(l,tor.2,iuinr, ti,@c,,;c to .il))rop(-, lie oc ti!lc @nd otliors. @',irol)c in Iiir, i I- 9L:2, made a rcport n connc @L 'tli.Ls Lnd ar,,a-.i.n stressed the in- teres'u in and iripor'u,-tnce of Lyscrgic Ac4-d. C.) ci 0 2 0 ri Li f- L) li@ C) C' 2 i, C) C, C C C) 2 C, t- C-, C, 2 C) @-I 0 Z,- --4 2 ;_ -::I C, 2 C, L-4 C) 2 0 C) C) C' r_ 0 t, C) 2 C) 0 C) C) t_: C) -zzs 1-@ C-- 2 c@ C) C, C, (- I 2 t;@ C @ : ;, @4 rz -- , :I, (-' @::: ' -. C) 2 C -7 C) C) I C, C- 2 C! C-) C) 7-1 C --i C -ri C) 2 4'@ C C) -H -r@ L-! C-) -1:@ 2 C-' C) I C-4 0 C' 0 E L') 4' 2 I r-j. t-, r-4 U) F- C) 0 It,)) i@- r-i -i-) C, 2 r 0 L, r-4 C) C, L'@ C) 0 C) C) C o 0 C, C, U 4 :i7 C-,