"%W/I* - W 1,3 UNITED STAT GUVER MENT Office Memorai v@ TO Ciiief, io5,, f IZosei,-c2li Starf DATE: FROM Chief, Teciinical Franch S,UBJECT: Pi-Lile, etc. is i col@,- o@, @L -,iemor,?-ndu.Ti @in-J. on,:@ of il@ic nan(-,r@,, thit !Ile in conn(--cti-on DTi-@.1ii tiae trazisr-,@l on f i-,Ii@- P@13le memo" wil-1 h cherlical analysit of s) z@.nd ic ir r'U,,ar ',-iad a confei,ence on tiiese matters beti-iceii 2:00 and 3:00 Pll this date, 2. Evc-@r7@',Iii.ng iien@ off2 excellentl7r aiiri-- as ,)ro - r.u.sed -1 1 be-i.n o.n irir-icd-;-itr:, analys:L o o. C -71,77a f@ U"Il oug II otli,@-r miteri-ai in tic ne,-I-t -w cl -the I-ir ter ,, 0 when it is prepared. '10 Ili - -Llic mc,.iiorandi,m in -@,-oi-ir 'iles, If yoil , @io t :,II to holr-l I - . -L return it luo.no and I iiill --etain it in Utie -L-1,TICIIOKE 14