Chiof, .odicJrn Diyiaion, SI 'YMV 1951 C',Illef, Bloo@iardstry- & Pharmactilo(;y Drww,-h, 51 Survey on LyseMic 2laid DiethrlmdAb S,ilnit-@d 1-tcrfndLh is a briaf resum of tha YTthnr extaiLsiTr- aj,,m!, cn Lrsjrr by L@@ staff wriNrs 2 ;Lc Acid DiotiiyL '..Iii3 bm-icli L@pon the rrauest data I>e-ng ilamemblad for tt* gub&equcnt lt'@C@ltiUTI, of 2witli t.@is c(>op-9 at@ck:i '.1@.3 I lollcvi-rll-a tridividualsi C- -7- 2 1 lay 53 0 7- D-4ywrzie DUUWlsnide o%igh the *IfmcU Of argot ha" b"n kmmu wd 2 r-IAQCed, 71&ny@ countries dimm through recorded history, Parent compound., 2 acid, was not disoonrod =tii 1,gk.' -i?tX&Ilk aLff9at m the xind was Ob4MQ ZTSD 2 until, 1943, a L-c@@ prodiaoss a vide rww* of ph&rnumlosic phr 2 'j "I' 14 tAorIG in boU man and autima"., 2 crim of the ;Or% outs@@ng effects am, the nmtal c orlfasiun :"elp-'L'@ 2 Los=loas alid ctitriam, Any-i@tY I*Iicb Pro&lo" by, ainut4 do"s of LiLls >',, 2 SUbSt&neo Ba"d up= these reactic", its po tmtul uaq .pay,chological,varfare and' 2 In into &Um Is conaidtirable'and it ,jLy, Qf ttle A"L &I thourh zw t,.c a-Aple tali kncpwn to da2te, is believed to be dw m i.rirmaratt to -7 UclijLn With a pr2obably block or Lhe hazosemonoph.wphat4 i@ly-coge3n neL& 7 T D'd-at2-o theLrelis no knwn antidote Orekt'L InWrvzt lias b@on shown by, Soriat blc>c ocruntriu;h @ill 2 Uhis C'Jqy"=l LISLJU Li r'.1ica and M-P.'Orta are ava '.wl ch'i Le ro2isiduralaa trpxfic' alid'tt4a viv f)r@#LYL frm wtilah, it pmpared. Ona' zvport is 2 .suf I icie,-it mql--rial for,50,ow 000 dosen,vai p-.Lmh2sed by,, ta@a 2OvLaLs in 1951. Di* to low potency, of, the rrfo-t m Li.0 c Led in c muln r: -0 lial@is, X)thes and c-a-workers ha2ve urkiertaken the oulliva on, oX "Lacte(i &Lrairts of ergot and U@e artificial Lnfectif)n of I>oth ry-q @aiid 2 barley, L'to Lat@er succoodirg readi,711-' Kothes also started ftriorisy@tit.6 2 12, hosis oLf potent, ae;wrts found in ergot. with bios@.IL 2 Karnfacturv CC l@vez-jt aclLl:'i3 evntmlled by, SAliDOZ Ltd. of Switwrland to whom Uw patent w-&s@l 2 icd 'vi 'OnparV h&d & Virtaal a(I)OPaV on ),Aso f 2 grmm in tus p "T the ,X, 2 countrr. It is reported, houove,-, that,Lhe is :lar-T-rti7 n " "- 2 obt.,iint-ig If)--12 t,4@ne of ergot each sonli from scrownd rye in itIchigs--t 1.4 t@a U.S. considerable interest has been az%maed Ln 2 psyr-hoolierical, part I c LL1&r4 in ly-se rg ic acid.@'At pre"nt ex"naive rveetamh w@t@@in rw,.d 5 Undi@ i, Uils contract.iLn@qLtn kdA@@J@i 7Z 13 L2: f-'s CD Lr 7@7 rr rs 7t 16 .......... LPFIM= A' T 2 Burra r, AiSrod, hadia inal las. I pp. 350 1751. Tacobs, W- I- & L* Co Craig, Journal of Siol. mmff., -Val. 104 PP-. 547- (1934) -3 S WU W. urol. m. PiryubJAt., A., Schwa". Aznh. f. go pp. (1947 2 4. Barsim Ltd., Poport rrcim the Pharrscology Iebomtort*a 1952,,,; 5.1 C,,rArau, (3., OMJ-nical Experionoes with tqwrgic Acid-Diet@lylAmide i-n 2 tior-tual iu,,d i:entally Sia Peracca.l..@ Act& Psychiat. at I;eural., Vol. 24, pp. 91-32. 1949. 6. rorzor, G.R. 14 Gol2,&wr, R.D. 11trWrimrit PIV31olov-ical Studies wit.@ ii 'Lliethylamiin (LSD)-25)9. -c.iia Lr 2 Arrh. oX Nomm1pu@azvl Pej _r,:, pp,. 65, 5'1,a;&8. 1951 7 Tape %wrded IntarrWaticQ 2 @c@ 4 Di e Ical StuL@-' choi@;g Wtrian Jr)uc-ii4L,,ol. i'aychialry, vuL. 1'.Ju, Pi'@ ""9.',Ii. liuyor-Oross, ReAdma W. WAlkar J.W,. 1;17'jll, Lotiden, Val. 16a* 11 2 ot Ly3e.,-ri- Acill 1,9 icil 11 M 1.0 2 1,, ii. I:cthes, K@, !4 Silber H. OCUtivation of Ixgot@ll Die Pt,arrazl2, VII, pp.31 -4,,t 313, 1252, 2 12. Itifontation frum Biology Ca"ultant, to s isic-ation 579,484.,' lppl- Date (U-&-), Lpri-1 20 1944. Granted 13 Pa at pec2 A,,iguirt 6, 1946. 14# ;),c3A by De n. Crooks, Departnint of A4gricultum,, D.irisi,in cX Tc)?3,wcop 2 Special CrWe 15.' 13aeler, A. M. OT@A ?v.-fchopaUuxl4gT of ti-a lq"cgic Lcid MAtlirIAMJAIS &fl'gat.11 Wlan. 2. Nervmt*. TaL II, PP. L-54. 1949. I:D. 740993. 16. Pli*,%I, It-, Do6bm, H.J. R. W. & Salmm H.C. -Experixontai ScKiseptim-2da-Like Symptom.",, Amrican Jo;;,i t Pvy,!,LLry ri. i P t i P. 572-578, 1952. 17.;,, DeSbQti,, H.J. Pi 1.* It., &L Solcom R.c4 @ant4Ll Cheog" Fzperimzitally- ilroduced by Lyvargic L" Diethylmnldo.v Pir 2 Ichiatric quarto r4. Tol@ 20 Pi,. 3343, 1952. Cattal.1, J.P., Pomes, B.Ita "EXfocto of Fe all h, p.,U., *C no ar)d I.Y"rg-ic Acid"'.- A, oric-an JourtwLl@ckf Psyr3daLr-y,.Vol. 108, 6 7@" tit Chief, Chemical Division, TSS 18 May 1953 Deputy Director of Security'. Newspaper Article of 14 May 19 5 3. Reference is made to our conversation concerning the attached newspaper article which appeal-ed in the 14 'Ivlay issue of the Washington Star. Please 2nbte the report f@om Gallup, New 1,4exico rei.)orted by. 'dents of that,- 1 t -y have been botliexed.b)- awave of, doctors, that re i, nausea;.and Iii7htheadediiess, Although the-possibility is i-emote," it may@@"-. be that I'seranirn" could be involved and it is su 5ggested thataroutine inquiryo through Pubilc Health, be made as to the fact.,; of the case. Attachment: Newspaper Article (as indicated above). Ir t p FaioRrry ruili-IDENTLA-L TO WASHIWTON FATAklfoooW- TO #IJWO*Cfi SCI B lome2w-@5FCUIU'TY INFOltiATION-CITE Lnt;@IC ACID AMIDES ARE Pit)DUCED BY THE SA'FXZ GMFANY IN BASEL, S'W-ITZERUtID. Tii!S CtiPA14Y IMS A US ii@'T US SUBSIDIARY YiDiO@ FICM '4HlCH YOU CAN OBTAN A SAK?w'E FOR I'RA:tiAroLA)(',I(;AL A',Il) CLINICAL TEST'@Wi. THE Dli?.I@C'I'OR OF ilie US Id-'r US CCleANY I.- RPT 2 TIU@SE CU-'LPUUNDS AliL BErijU INV&,3,ri,,A Milo BY . -- 'U'Amidgmm!!kN ITA.LY lLkS .@.D EHD(.IALLI(E Coli2?oU-NDS I?@L)F-PEIIDEIrrLY AND AS I;VIDEIIGED BY iil' @'IrBI,LCATIC?i liE RAS IPI&,PAt.@-L) AliD STUDIED IHA@MCOIA)GICALLY Alli) CLINICAI,LY SUCH 2GLM; F(Ill OBST@.r)UCA 'rS A. EFFE(, 9 'YCELL AS FOR S'jMPATliOLYrIC F-FPEL7@, !@@T AS FA17 Ktlcw, WT FOR THETR FFF-RCTS CN TH2E CENTRAL NEINOUS SYSTIM. IIIS L@, i'M3LISHED IN H124DICOUrl ISTI@GU SUPEIUC[TE DI SANITA, Vf-)LAJ't@ IY, PART. 1, '@' 2 hFT iEt,'DICUtJTI initi-rro SUP@,IUO'ZE; DI SAIII-FA, VOLLNE XV, ?AIC X, 19"2 -- A SFi,CiAL NUMBER ON SYNTIa'rlC @,IDCT. All ARTI(;L,@, IN MODEIII HOSPITAL, MAY igs) i ArF 98 RFT MAY 1953, FAC,6 96, TITE EFCCR ALKALCIDS -- Ti{E l@ELATIUt4 OF STRUC,7-'KE TO OXYr(-)CIC i'iWPEFZTIES BT @DWAI',D F. DCtlIN(@, MD RPT FTWACD F. DOt4i?40, MD, C,-)I.'rAl'S k LIST C9:F IZEZ- FIENCES ON THIS SUBJECT. SAI[DOZ A14D*POPKItE THE INLY SYNTHESIZEit-, OF 'niE MLDES THAT A)URCE -P Bran Chief BL ell .1954 Chialj Tediidcal Brmichs,80 6- t- 1. Returned herewith is your report on Lyt3orgic Acid micl' 2 related corpoun -ou, f orwardod'to this Office for study. dii wucliy rts opirdons this is an excellent work and 2. In the write -proper personnel as ooon af3 pos- o2ne wliicli f@iould be disseminated to Jnitely sible since the knowledge contained,herein is ixrportajit and def 3. The 'writer feels that while it is irise to avoid expressing AConcy in-teraiit in uso of t2he cliernicals rentionedy it in very foolish not to mko certain of oixr. peoplo cognizant et LSD said related psyr-ho-, genic cl 4. It would be 17catly appreciatc!d if when this papor is ublished that the Security O'Lfice be given at loast four copies. 2 p @The psycUatriLit 4,,o worked with s retirement 30 June the AIIT I 0 oup hi 1954) studied tlio IT gr parrphlet and he comvnted iii writinf,, concorii2ing the paper as follo-,;,91', "A corprehensive deecri tion and superior analysis of the r-hem:lcal wid -its effects.". The courtesy i'n a-Uawing tilin' Dtanch to examine thio @er is gre ciateda, pal oltly appre 1 4,@ AL, ?tJ AI lield of ric 2 /@/ l@@atirl Amcric:l.ri scirt'Lirts lllv,@ v,, iriollg i@ems of il2'LCI'P-st, to i-itelli,,nnce. Farticiilarl@ ilLp-resLilli, t,il f@Ic LI I t Ml e t - I a otie2 of LI-ie sciptilific officers in d t Clit, f3t 7t,ed t,li,-i t @i ,ilio ic, not,.l in lashincton,, 1 c- tlip s'uilerlent tliit, 2 U@L) li@l(I 1,,ccn ill 4.iitrri-oc4-a- ticti I!Ici iiacl proveci renirk-at@ly successfiil. W-i- @illeccd to 2 lii@re sL',-i@,ed tli@it 100 r-, t imisivell@-_ ,ariri@i of 1,31) ii,3.s a cffi.ccr '@;ITC) had 2 b,? c ii i-n,@,'Uructecl not to 1-,,, si-,,ij.(:icaiit milit,-ii-.v sccr,-,t,. A.rter 'k.Ilic 1-;--,D @iar, -,iveii to t)ic -mmqpmw -@ffic-,cr, till@ler lie [;rive all the ciet.--i.L,,3 (-,,f tllc --eci-et ijliicli rcrorclcrj @-.nd ifl.rr f,lic effects 2 of the L-51) li,-,d @iorri off, tlip-AT$Ml.Wk@.(-,fficpr no 1'evicalinf:ffl/// L,Iie infoi-riation (CCrTi)lete arlICSi,-L)2. I%Iot CIIJ.@' tll--It Llljt tlle -VAN=& H officer d-id not, 1.@clieve lie liad reliei,lqd t,2lic inforria@,ic.)n wid advilnded it haci been rcvetled in sur-ii COITTPJCte, accurate detail. fi.iid c,u@, i-ilictlio-r- or -iicl the2 ;iriler or 2. vec -ali( coiild ,I.tly represeiitati ii@ercsled ill intci,i-or, . -)li fi2n-rl I.iitli in irr.'Uif-,cricn@ ilon@-, Llicse li.iies cclild le mide. As far az, i stil.1 i2ii -tiid LI? -7i I-) r- lirre fol- tiic text so%,cral day3. Ilio t..- i- i e, i- i z 1< c d I to 2 obtain all dclails r,,cssil,le t,lii,ol-i@ii Iiis 0,,,ii @-t,-Lff @iil.l ir-,iin riept in cciifci,e.iice aiicl fiilr-i c,iit-. liow lol-,i7 Till i)e@iii tci.Tii inct wilctli,@r or, liot 1321WAGW@iculd be i-iil 1.)< along lines of interest. 'llie 1;ri.t,er iii.formc #Ail t lic iii tljrii t;oiilcl litit tlic@ l@rc)blcill i-ip t(- ,-ni sce il' iitfllioriz,.ttiori coiild @,.,e 2 for Lli(., TTritei-, PC7@,,-.,. 1-c t-.,ilk to pai-ticLilaxl@, along lines of "clt,@'ferir@ive techniques. It. -i@iis it-2Lfcrr,-Iticn is it is tl)e fii-st, ar-tiial rcpor-tcd oC L-51) iii siicccsl--C,jl tllcl,p, is 32,)I-le ilifol-rili@ioti 1-iiies co!llj-llrr-ol-l@ of flic facts, hov;cver, 3iict details are at the pi-eseriL.;ii-itiiit; very6 CO Jul-y 195)1 Chief Iledicine 1),i, I'@i Acting Chief, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, I,I/Si Ex-oeriment3 ;ritli i@:-D-25 1. Accordiii-7 to perijr.,ents 2 have 1.@e-n -arrie@-i il,9 the with iSD-2' , (-, 1! !@! lipjlllpm d.--)ses required, at least 12 h Su ii@ctt@bs c2fL-.!i!iL-ls2 were Ilic-r -.;,- - I @rc @):ily -Li @i@-7 being tested and promised that notliliig serious or danCErr)us '.4oitid to them. T'i3,T were giveri dose3 of from 50 to 15c) a , 2 I so,-,,m oti alt,ernatc a@,id otliers on ev(@r.,r fourt,i 1)uriti- @lic @',--,itoxication they reilized that sometliing was happeriinr-1, I)ut ne,,.rer tol-i emctly wliat. Al-1 of the tes2ting dci,,e ulider the supervision of a trained psychiatrist. 2. A dose of 150 was finally selected to be used on a test EUI-jeCt 4r tlle interest of The sub!-ct is believed -L -j-nteLli.@,ence. to have b2een an 'O., - ---- lie @ias told ttie nat@irc of the test a4id then @@iveii the IZD-25 in water b@, a psycbiatrist who was the only person to witiiess the test. Altliougli rio "@ii:-oct question@', were asked, the psyc-.hiatrist led ttie generl-1 co2nversations irito appropriate charliels and t-he subject, disclosed certain in.Corr.,.ation wliich lie had been preiri-ously @iariied @iF ,ainst re,,rca-Iiiig. At the conclusion of the exTeri.rient,2,the subject st@ited that to the t)e--t of his @mowle@ice he had d-isclosed nothing. .,-,lien confronted by the stateraents he had made, lie was amazed. 3. The dosage varies greatly from person to per-.on, but it seer@,is t-liat tlle higher the mentality, the higher the do2se, and cativersely. 4. The source of 1,SL@-25 was Sa-ndo-., 1,,td. of '-witzerlan(l. Furth(,,r, Sandoz has supplied sever,--l laucratorie !e LZI)-25 am@nl 2 to conduct research, including the TiK teriai-- III ad(liticii, aiiyone i-n the woi,ld who wants -,arples of this ma may obtain them proiridiiig, of course, they are engage2d in research pertaining to the subjt-ct. This presu,7,at)ly al)plies to East Germany atid any other 13!oc countries, is well as to the USSR. 5. Lliit the (IBRII co,,ild liro(ltice this rratcris.1 4 - :,t an-,, tirie, rbt ah,cidy done so, and i-f i-t is riot obtairiinf,, adequate sar--,ples directly from 'Oandoz. It arpea-rs a.s tlicugli i,li- ac"ivi ty of I,-,.'-25 deci-ep-red rather r@-.axV@!dly a-rounct the fourth da,,,- iCi.-r it is ut into solution. One e)rprl2-nation for this fact, advance@i by at the 2 fe,,r bacteria in @iatp-r ire ei-ther metabolj-zinp,, the IfD[)-25 or th,--j.r by-products are destrcying it or inactivating it. The magnitude of the decrrase in activity in fou-r days is roughly forty per cent or thereabouts. 7. This is the only experir,.cnt of its k2irid knoim b@, to halie been conducted in the interest of j-ntellif,,cnce in TT .u lie had no laicwled[:e of any futu-te terts witli LSLI-2l,"). It r. at kept 2in mind that, other th2-n pl@Lra-iing the expe-riniental ciesil,-n and reviewing the results, lie took no active part in tl)e experi-mfnt. Finilly, inasmucli as LSL-25 is a relatively new drulf, the do3;@ges of Vi'liich are -@is ur)cietermined for elicitiiig6 specific respcnse-S, feel,-, that Plany more ext)erip,ents slioul.d be conducted b definitive ansers can possibly- be elicited. '21 Jul 54 COPY: 13 Aug 1. claims the tllatol@@has completed -synthesis of Lysergic Acid. a) iihat evidence is available? hearsay, verbal, writtens recorded? b) llhat scope of acc=plishment? gamma, mg. gm. quantitation c) is ar7 of this avnthesized LS:available - how much? a 2 2. claims LSD is/relative4 rapidly destrozed subst,@nce a) lihat incidence is available? hearsay, verbal, written, recorded? b) Under what conditions is stabilitl secured? c) Under what conditions is stability uncertain or fa-iling? d) What metabolic evidence is available of breakdown? Where does,@@ obtain his suppIZ of 4LDS? laims harmine is less effective than LSD. 4 a) li'hat evidence is available, hearsay, verbal, written, recorded? b) Where did he obtain harmine? 5. Where does obtain his supply of,aerotonia? 6. Can omulate his conception of the mechanism of action' of LZD? STANOARO FO-M NI). Office Mei;ioraizdzzi;i UNITED STATES GO/VERNMENT TO Chief . Teclu-dcal Branch, Security 0 f f ice DATE: 17 December 1954 FROM Chief3 Contact Division, 00 SUBJECT: RL,'FERE,NCE: 1. -,,Te recently interviewe of the 2Department of Psychiatry was 'the author c we 4@e-nt@lb --you under 2 e us the enclosed document conceriiing his 'gav te-npora^r*ylllully'Xlpnpqjpappan, Okinawa, and Korea. Vfhile the document itsel@, is2 of no great interest, it gives an indication that --imself might be of interest to TBISO. Our repre- sent -during the course of a casual conversation with approachnow7eT]7g- was interested by statement that the used in psychiatric intervie-ws is more apt to p2rodlice results than is the approach currently being used by field interrogators; however, he did not criticize efforts currently being made by inteilrogators nor did '@e-indicate that psychiatrists would make better field in" t,erro- gators. C- 3- Our representative a2ske or a lead to documents 601, de.0- "I @N dealing with this subject. -,,at he, and ent ;@W th this book, there-is a set of phonograph of actual initial interviews. 6 4. @ie have requested a na-ne check clearance lie is a naturalized U.S. citizen and a cleared consultant c e Office. Enclosure 'its, w@o.*V" I.U' tim'Ch l@.)55 @M&L'VMU4 FM ItrVORD SLMJUT: Distribution 041 Bet@ort on "Tlie (,,ta-atedla !;Igtiificawe of ti@e 1,@syclAoi" _Mic Dr,lg. ly3L%rGiic Acid Diettiyl Amide, 1;!D-25 ar@,l Related cctnl;aixiua' Diz&traLiati et reinrct was discursed on 2 ,,I&aubic 11 K-tr 55 with ,.,rector of Se@curity. 2. It vas reco@pilzed that a great pirt of ttie report was ,,e@exed with unclaaaifieli litamt4xe au itz basis. MNever, r4 -rA2mwagil@.@ pollited "'O'kAt tllat the t%gexicyl a stltly of &ad intcreat 'iii@':@@bj-cct is not a im,ttl-r of general krmledge and mtlat be very closely held. 3- It vz= his recon-@-,exmiationo2 agi-ceil to by ti-@e t@tideraikpi,--d., F that diotributiozi of the subject report be ideiatical -witli that given agali -liE.;ence liezormi(lwi an the ,2%a iiiiiii&intel subj2L--t) ttuguat 1954., wiiich vw ao -Mod follovu: 1 COPY DCI (per:oomi fl]A) 1 fo DWI 2 2 9 Dir. L;e=ity AD/4I 0 ohm Copies to: AD/SI Dir. of Security SI/os-mig ile LLT Chr6no 10 November 1955 form,,iti.on derivp-d f ot neurosurgeon at the Al ---MMWv's that he ha-d lunch wit ur the r c t of the Ainerican Col2l:ege of Surgeons in Chicago. tol hat he hijrtself had recently visited the Brain Institute in Moscow at the 'fo'n of Soviet scienti.sts. t further stated that he had folind out that the Moscow Brain Institute 4p.s w) intensive worl. in conditioned refl.exes In 2humans. In fa-c@,l he also stated that the Soviet Governmeht requires that a].]. pbyriological prodiiee work in cotiditioti@,d reflex responses. It is of interest to us tha RUbserved two ca3es in which reflexes had been conditioiied. In one o iese cases--that of a young bay--a 2sali.vary fistula had bepii produce,.I. The boy was conditioned so that wh#--n he ttioiight of or said the number I?@ti, he salivated. 'ghen they demonstrated him for le asked y him to divide 8 by 2, and before he could actually verbali -M-TK4aTZ2@'er '411 he salivated. Another case was thit of a..',man with a duodenal ulcer who had been conditioned to the face of a dial so that when the dial I.ndicated a certain nlup-l,,Cr bis stomich contracted. There was a similar case in which a man had bel-ri conditioti(-d so that his bladder contracted as he watched a dial indicate a certain iiumber--and tlius he urinated in response to the 2dial. apparently ask-pd. r whetlier he thought that these condi ione re ex P-xperim@-nts in humans rtaken in slave labor castips or liave some other omin-ousl: significance, e>-plain the backgroiLn(I of his question.) gave c 2 'th some evidence of distaste. F'Fflvnega'ive, wL It is of further interest that.t @@s@sians have translated i book on the cerebral cortex oi- ,@piieps and functional anatomy - y n-t- p7@'-t.he-b@@' bis is of ini-,erest bp-@,apti@,qe these boo sis for'liis work on memory--and this is the part of the books with which the Russians are most concerned.