!rrAMOARO "RFA ma. 64 1--fl& / -?f 0 Ce M6MOral't-,IUM UNITE-'D STATE'@;'GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Security Research Staff DATE: 10 AuLust 1954 PPIOMA Chief) Technical Branch If: Reports; -iequest for from TSS 2 1. As you are well aware3 our Office sponsored and financed a y collection trip by NRUMINNNWY OSI, to Mexico and certain Latin Amrican areas--for th'e purpose of obtaining rare botanical materials having properties of interest to ARTICHOKE. conpleted this trip about the2 end of February 1953 and obtain'ed a number of such botazdcals. Subsequently, during l,larch-an @ril 1953, this Office picked up the raw botanicals fro-. and trans,,TLitted them tc I-PA APP--WM'FL--V-- Four type-s were transiiiitted'in considerable bu-Uc--ce'rt.&-:,-nl2y suf icient for various analyses. These types were as follo@is: i@-@ a. Piule (Rivea) ib. (Rynchosia) Abrus z,c Erythr3-n 2. In addition, a considerable bulk of the barl@ Pisci-oula 14 which VW had obtained2 was transmitted at about this period. 3. It was at-reed, if you will recall., at this time, that TSS working throurfh its various ramifications would have these botanicals c@ i@ studied and examined to deternline whether or not they were of future 2 value to ARTICHOKE. 4. Since that time (April 1953), this Office has not received any type of written report nor have we received any-thing but a few vague oral statements as to what has been done or what results have been obtained from the study of tfiese materials. 5. It . ht be well to mention for the record that in adat-on 2 -taine to the above,,,. -%NW ob d at least fifteen (15) more in- terestiiig bot which were also offered in early 1953 to TSS for examination. In this, however, TSS requested us not to deliver these materials since they were already swamped by the above deliveries. Again we have never been asked to bring in these 0 addi'u4onal materia3-s for study. 6. In vie@; of t'ihe-aforemntioned, it is respectfully requested that an official inquiry be made through SO channels to TSS for fu-U, detailed and complete reports on the work done and results in the exaxd.nation and study of the botanicals referred to above in Paragraph 1. A" 7. Since you are well aware of our present2 corlm'tments to it is certainl- unnecessary to urge the highest possible priority in the handling of this matter.