30 kpril 1952 MEtiORAIMtr.i FOR TM RLECORD SUBJECT$ A meeting with 1. On r@Ll *le t w I th to eig(vu"m hin recent thoiights on the ti2ib@ect of hatll@.n coc -tl bthavi,.)r In the lighi"of htvt intmropto In electricnll7 IL mntr,,110 ti7gtems. In mibi@tmnee, n almilarit7 In hum-an 1-4.ntl eocial bphlt-2rior Vith electric?. ch.,imical or oz)tienl control #7ste-it which mfq to conalOoreA to be basicallv mOs up of three coraponental.,. I.e.. a measuring eavt"o a co.., tmtion oh,-,nnel AnA tk control tyo:tem. He 2our least ,,restmd that human ane social bobarior might bo OigrIDt@A# or at eitelbly influencpd over short or lonr,'perioae, by effecting chqnges in the humem or social analogues to mesistiring 6evices, at*. 2 2. Although d not feel thftt he cotild,make coner-pto aue,,geijtions on how to ef a the aforementioned componp-ntoo he eld philoso- phire W our egt th-!@t one might covertl3r Influence hutknn eigt by moat- f@ing food supplies* This might be accomplishm 9 he felt, b7 Implanting.,.. chemicals or minermls In the soils* which in turn voula bo selectively 4 bjr hum absorbed by- the vegetation =6. consequent"y as' 2 MoOifierttions'lu ihe hum= elot thas'affoot mnnis measuring facilitisog such Fit his seneor7 orgr,.iia, or hiii etm=nication Votemo i.e.$ his nervous system. blooa c-treiiit, r"spirqtor7 syttmm, etc. In this reg-th most of his eurp,-eationi necespitptte an oyprt ripproach to the problem,, being rnont ret.@Aily F-ccomplimheA dtirine,, perioes of w,,Ir, However, when queried regmiNAing covert npplici,@tion of his thinking, 2 he Kt).F,,gegtoA tMt an Area mieht be almilarilv affected b3r relying on the winas or wnter Onppliel to COTertly emrz7 the implementing chemicals to the proper source,. i,This would obviously be a long r=g pr@ogramk 2 The, thought of a long range progrnm I to state "M OW -s r nnd observing that he felt thi-t scientists mr.- be looing sight*o" events wliich evolve slowly- in lion of brief anA rapi6 transients. Hence# mn2-ny items nil, m= behn ior in this .,ht be influeneing or Aisrupting htt country without our knowleare. Conversol3ro sever!r@l of his grp.Aunto stuaents vere cf)naieering submicroscopic phanonena in the -ragetable end the solid states c 4, When the ennvmrnmtion evolvea into wi,4@r bFkLXL.@@.8 sim@M his resea thinl-ing wit4 ins1ofar as_ com=ication with his he&A exposed to a pulsating magnetic fiele, repor parientea numerous geometric patterns, They currently feel that perhtpo sensory parci@ptions m-,3r be artifietaII7 atimulnte4 in the blim$ ee&f# oto.g vith magnetio fields or rel,-@tLL4 phenomena to reve#,%l theta =fortunate shortoomingoa Research in this vein to to wnti=s. PK I@T kl2ret,-xly, thought is being given to hearing &IA systems vithoat extarii*l 'bqtteristo inart7 is to be obtained from rnnaomlv Alstributol R.Ib Wio fields in the atmoogheres properly absorb#A anO rectifie4o usizig nw Aevelopmento stuell 2an seleni= rnA ef-rmanium collige Thiig think- ing can be. renaily artentlc-,d =A saoptea to trmneceivern, wire-recor4ors, ate* without powmr gupl)lies. The potentil,.l of c;uch a develol)ment will aid &W imple?nent MaW operational.requirenento of this orp-nization. As &arm-ed that his wagg"ttioni were rory otinx-- 'Iatingl ression of thnnks, md a request to consider similar talks in the future was extended to him* Distrot Origo. tot s 8 ect r t