1 Uiader-@iaiety ABRIDGi,314T 2 Over-Anxiety 3@ Eiiiotional Instability Elation 2 Other StLriulation Itates Appended is a tabulation of these 14 1.iental 6 Su@7i,7estibility (in successive coluinns across tho large sheet) 7 Ez i(@i-al-ly 'levealing which an Operator may pro,-iiice in order to t',l Coiafuzi-on influence a Subject to reveal concealed material. 9 Sensitizing to #12 'I 0 Uiicon7,cio,,isness 11 Abserice 12 --2,,--@ileptic Co.,jwilo',Ion 13 Various "'Labi-nations 14 kunspecified) Sixty-o--Il itemized 1.,eans, used to produce such States, are listed thereafter in the left-hand colum, where they'are grouped as 2 (Chemical) Biochemical .'@ Dietar7, Natural lloisons, Drl@-s '@c Chemicals, 'U'ases,, (rh5,sical) Sol-inds, Lights., Electric4-t@r3 Other Physical., PI-iysiological, Psycliolo@ical, Surgical. Intersections of vertical r horizontal div4,-sions match leans used vritli Ste.te produced. -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Follcwing this card are carded descriotions of use in general of five groups of Iieans: Chemical, Physical, Physiological, Psychological., a Sur-ical. ascribina eacti'@@ea'ns specifically. 0 -@v am !S. Now CFE' ICAL I-!CANS ("Especi@,lly Revealing, 7(i.e., truth-telling A chemical means car. be selected that will 'roduce (and little else p som-e-71ag-ree of .,alaiost any !,.ental State listed; except &- (ItAbsencell i.e., a #11 (petit mal t.@,pe of (epileptic seizure 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (emotional outbursts 3 (and consequent loss A chemical is the most practical rrep-ns to (of self-control proTuc2@a@primarily emotional disTu-r-E-ance., viz. 4 (elation and conse- (quent incautiousness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pliysical'means pro (annoyine 3 (outbursts duce smaller-emo- me4ans produce only mild tional effects, viz. (fatiguing 4 (elation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l@7pnosis' emotional effects can be made equal to, or stron7e- than those prdduced by chemical means; however, hypnosis is more unsure, slaborat@-and @:L-no-consuming. PHYSICAL MEANS A physical means can be selected that will produce) exc. ("Especially Revealing," i.e.,, sor,.e dagree of almost any llental State listed,- //7. (truth-telling and little else ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the surest and quickest way to produce r2,.'12 (epileptic convulsion) A physical means is: &- possibly the only way to produce ;ffll (petit rial type of seizure) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical means produce smaller emotional effects than do chemical (see CIIE@7CAL lsm4S ---------------------------------------------------------7---------------------------------- Pi-aSIOLOGICAL @EANS arbitrarily, several that are actually secondary to'other m Here are listed, rather eans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - - - - - - - - - - - Disturbances of 1-iiddle or Internal Ear func- (may produce a 1-,,ental State #13; coijibin- tions, which may be caused by various means: (ing 3, emotionality, with #8, confusion- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carotid Sinus Pressure: may pro2duce fainting (1710, unconsciousness) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (however caused, 4 (euphoria, a mild elation) Fatigue in general: (may produce or (degrees of 8 (confusion) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7------ Mgt, POYCHOLOGICAL 1,&IIIS confusion 61 suggestibility Isolation of various types may produce 1,,Iental States: a 2 (#143 especially apatYT purposelessness ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (various combinations @lore elaborate P@rain-Tdashing techniques.add to the above, #13 (of e2motional disturb- (ances ## 2, 3, & 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- (Mental State # 6, atig-estibility Fypnotism is used maidy to produce (secondarily to this, memory losses (emotional changes or exaggeration2s, as aL# 1)2)3j4 PI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Extra-Sensory Perception3 strictly speaking, is not a means to be applied to any Subj. Rather it is-a mental Ta-culty allegedly-po8sessed by c'g@ain pe7rsons in vanfing degrees. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iz -c ------------------------------------------------- li-nc,-,,iures, prc,L)- StLiul,-ti,.-n of the 1..I:il -iElc'.d '-@,@cleus ,1,7 Li,.T-3,,rDcti-cal ------------------------------------------------- "ut included fcr on other 1--re-@S o.L' or co@ii-,letenes3l sake TALKA,riv&,@ms What makes a man tallc. 1) Euplioria--induced by chemicals 2) Fear -- induced by -- cherlicals -- threat 3) No inhibitions induced by chemicals 4) Loss of control induced by chetricals (LSD Insanity Llec4v7-oshock Isolation 1 T E Alonp, or co,ab-i.ned witli alcoholic drinks (alt.iliolagli it is not tastelcs--), this drug de-'initel@, h@E possilDilit',.@s for this project. The literature on what might be expected of it, poscibl.,,, in cc,.,@il,-'-nat-Lon @iith drue;s 0 otlier than alcohol, has not bernsearclied by this rer6orter. It ought to be. L c PW ,:J