of 2 TO: Ar_@,@,L chie@o -venoer 1951 re itse of SU-DJBCT: your of I @To Artichoke or. I.- ycrt= r3q-aes@to to cond-act a--i Articho'ce 2Lrte--.-oz.!auion of agent v@@ iskopro-.ed. 2. yo-ar peo7DIe in th-e-field3 reir-,force their disposal 21ans be-,7ond t'-,iose -mentio-,ied i-n 0'-r' @'Our nBmO- ec-41 '$.be theu2 B!%iuld A3iic'@-,6ze be rp-ndi=. -1-ie aus#, rz,-l s,.Icessful and shoil-d @@r-somebo-@; advise IC, s s,-.Perio--:-s of our i eld, ev2l-.ie:.Lion of ou-- tence73.n@Lilit2@; f a-,.Da,rent -inco-."3e -m cklDabilitieS -aould later'be an inde---esti,-ip-@ on and .qo 1-d tbr-s ze- ac-61 to o,= atl-,.,anta.-C- _fZL---ItillllllW(or rne jrfc.r2.-atior, Tiz:"r be Bc-nied -@-he 6-otain a-u;-ira t're Artich6z@e sessionci n-as- L. t7 @-ent is far at 'leaeu a year or t""O. The rac,&, tbal -ds a._ -)au im orr r-ustod5y n-a,-es It, - L-easible fo3@ P- solid and effective d4@s- -Nasal -plan to 'be arran,7ed, and SUCH a-.1 2rrarge-riee- s-novld 'De 2 -prir--a7 goal of t'ke -UW perso-mel no-w hardling AF?Ro'%Ir--D Foit R-tL@-AS ate