11 October 3956 ony -YAEMDPJUEM "R- iiy -The t'll$ a 'th and some related rd" -wbice 'jou may--vflab"'t'o' 'p-a's iug- "IV' '@ilev'@o not 2; The J'e;A Is' sp6naored 'by TSS,- scribed brleay by project 'below.,- se lcw 46 rel other; ar Ions -in this field and to spons 2 as or projects defii=i@de;&, -is @onducted directly -PRO= NO.. I This pi-6je@t by -Dr. It lnvolves'bar .ic@-researt@h'an@-t@he filinitio-n,of the-br2kln;- .hopes to produce T:Lndin i(mis'ns-vbetber -ca@ not go an such quest there 'Is an,irreve 'in:briIA--f"ctions-aue to long:-z. rr-lble change p@rlod@;.part!Lculs.-3,y eaky -in life; -;bf i;tiLtic7 envi=nmnt. -PEW= No. -2 4-YAik Tii@ ct'7@i- je u.-condu6ted-bv Dr -la-an 2 @:is@-3iov -being -'cciip3.etL-d.!@t'Zzs'ential3-y. it assei;ment- of -t:bi intenei:iual,.,- .publications should be ro 8 first.publ!LceLtion vin be a tech2nical paper for use b.*- the -cTA mdical'offic-er vhick--presumb2y =I&t illp -in tb@ e-irm' inations The: setond'pubucatlon@ concerns ,f -7/4= the psycbologicai' @t '!:Stf ing of @@ 'The2 third publication vould L 'be a hanctbook for lwr-ase officers. an the intellectuals. 'It. pointed out In deserlbiiig -this project -tbilt i primary . use 'W" to7vblch the vork night 'be put vould be in'the.field of 'evaluat Ing 5 intellectual s. For exe-7ple., the use of 'healtb"historles APPROVED F.Ok RELFAS.E. Da!o mill I AO 73 7- a, de'a P--oiectp -void of tbe rensitivitv Of' offensive in tbli fieldi wulch all !LnteresteCi@E-enc@ can Wilppoit,and,t ie 2 a I>eneflted 'by. IL IV ,r&sear@X pioject lzi-3&ich, ti e Capet tn6ie46@ -societies@ &ad those-cozie- teimed ivith vbole' e raed wit'h'.tbe li@div-lduitl tilrget can -bab:be -Drought to b-ear, bi !VIP 2 andm Onsldp-letwe@@ the Interest ,LO- eacli -6th@rl's work cn],Y to the exte=t necessary. BDth- -ies n 'blems In . such an-glrzamger *',Pro eat2 'benefits. W% Ik" tck consumte this arrangemert -oy 1300 UA ceml@er or GEZMRM FOFMGN IMEARM -quisticna 'concerned iiii -bUit7 2 -avalla 40@e likfo;=@t an of -torat@pi research Infor=atlcn In the -in Ibis tias a ereat *rzw-ii6,ilit-, -, ni Lr-czlos-to ym an unofficial-cover argwdzatica t:o-be-16icmm 4LZ wbich vou:Ld -have Prl=sa7 Overt@lt@m,-'Lllm tIL.- collecting formsttcm an foreign @r'egii.-arch. -Zn vuvor -th I' -Z brlefed Mr. U Intex*st or the on 27 fidence . -Prc-POsal, asklng bla icart. 409 2 p and restm@naed that the nation is crit:lca in b_U Debd for foreign rerea2-ch ifor- - are&, And le'v=14 arrange 1=3_.diat& SUPPO@rt if such an Organization were form&&., 2 O,? M.Srom PLW J)r. elcm ucted cm a tti= of bU d=sdn -at varas treat@m--nt 2'00= 3MEM Dr. vbm :r =derstOOd vould spend one half hour Vith tans usi staye2d with me an thrcru& the afte=cxmp ineludingeock- at the @@ Club. - lk'e discussed A Variety 40f =seazvh -I'x'Oble-12 U mm Infarml sense, @ 71 i-Aa vba-r.Lver zmggeStl4CMS J.'eftla to him cm the tOPics dlrcussed;.,.for exac,)Ie,- suggested he w vi4 to 100k at tbt question Of the experiences of iin,%ecessarj,brotallf,7 17 Jimr-ic2ins against -2risonerj;, ,&Icb zmi&t 'provia& & co t t 2 n r:tbu 113g factor to 2re(Uctlons In event Of capture Of A3mericans. This Idea seened to lntr4M ILU,, and be plamedv In cO=ect:tcm vitb his duties.. -to look Into thin guestio2n. (Zzsubr suggested 'equentx also 'be use of cor;bat fatigue fnes zdght pe reactions to capture.) Mcm ITESEUM r m@@ana -T vi3i I neet of rainesentatlve--cd@t@e @@r,@'oncerni@g Interests- a ILn.researeb In this field at Y-TLVN F-RIEF@C; Dr. alled r2e t ODP-Y and said be %ma extremely pleazed vi bi ebl-- td' azd boped tbp-t,.x vould -a 2@eOult of -his'report to 0 IV.,. al and -ext' f M'*Ta I'l ::r@k to TSS t by his '@Dr. covert zt-ftdical 2o,*Ti TSS AIM @=)ICAL STAFR -ia@io-r --- cer and r--dicea I*-TSS aii-d-Se"rity v-ith vhcng I lave V.Orled oi. - adyised -iii'tbat one or v* matters t TSS and'he are dle cu$sitg r,=* reseai@-.b- an tben., -he V,-anvhili,, 2 ,z red to ec@p Ir Led r@m- and an offe t& XW'briefing mitu ally b -Ckffices;,7.:, r7 5 A 7 16@ IW,- ir Li f@