22 Ilicunt 1934 bcl:orummf. TO: "f" C<72itact Divieloa ATM=Off t SUBJ=T s Case 1. We la@m tale2i steps to dbtaln of tam dried seeds and 2several carefullar dried 62.&C of the t pl=t of botbl types requested in Xmiz'@-_zemam-ia= of 22 July CD case, Thi 5 to H!LIZ &Uined tbrougb a: contilat of a=s in is paterinl *.LI3@ 2 ea I '- @d=iYog- -the veek of 16 August and %,a exoe 'b the risi to the early part of that weekby auto. XV undaT.Stanit.I '*= di&wjss!Lug tbir. natter vith mw ace@=t spe@ef--,nc of tbp-- antim Tl=t vill be very t-1thOut-U v!a viU be alble to gert t2Lis material -hona carried to tne O=ice Vitbout ilay :tr difficulty.p ;we -w=ld elprv--ciate some uu&aest.L2x l@rm -fcm as to the ber ,t nean of gettiug It from tO-beafAnnarters 2 Ve Izi@ been i@n@le to kik@. reser-r elk vark is in @M@9 aLt, PMSerlfl& OU tfb'- nare0tic effects of either of these -Pllantr.. 'We vem able -to V@t as to he possibility of wvtl gas too Pegs== Nax:ic.-== pla-nt ea -a polio cx=e. We bav's c>btalab& copies o,@ this -xe and e-re 6ncloeinE: tham as an attacbment to -@his c=.L spmdp. In tbls connection vM -=_Xleaae adv4-se us V-rzether or not abould be contacted and.If so 2questimm we sholad put to hi= lzg this m3bjeat. 3- We vill 'be recuired to acm speviii ex.L-enditures to -eimburne ourconte--t In lcr'uh bls tl-ne and ti@ival ccl=ected with obtaizh.ug tbir. us. At pr2esent ve do )mow bow =ucb -tbis vin to. As so= -za ve bave an exact figx=e,, ve v:Ln request -,-c!l>--r Enclosure Ccpies of letterr. fr= FOR 70